Dining area - is one of those places in the apartment, which often going the whole family together. And the obvious is the fact that its design should be treated in a special way. It is important to consider all factors, ranging from the number of funds in the family budget and ending with styling the entire premises in general.

Kitchen - a place where going to dinner family or friends, where we spend most of his life.
Beginners may experience the following questions: "Where to place the zone" "How do accents with the help of light, color, furniture," "What style is appropriate to arrange the kitchen?" Not worry, in this article we will give a detailed answer to all these questions, provide you with examples of design projects and will do everything to push you to new achievements in the field of repair!

This area is responsible for the apartment cozy and comfortable.
Making a dining area in the kitchen area. A selection of photos
- Making a dining area in the kitchen area. A selection of photos
- Dining area in the kitchen accents using decor and furnishings
- How to decorate a wall near the dining area
- Secrets plan dining area
- Separate dining areas, with the help of illumination
- Interesting styles for dining area
- VIDEO: Making the dining area in the kitchen.
- 50 designs a dining area in the kitchen:
But before embarking on a detailed analysis of each set of questions in the beginning of this article, we We suggest that you look at the most successful examples of a photo-processing the dining area in the kitchen area. Analyze your favorite photos, find out what you like it, and be sure to save it to your gallery.

Comfortable dining area in a modern style.

Dining area with comfortable sofas and chairs unusual.

Dining area in the Scandinavian style.

The dining area at the window with brightly colored chairs.

Elegant dining room in a luxurious interior.

Dining area in the combined kitchen-living room.
Important! Pay attention to the fact that we should not get hung up on one or two photographs. Do not be lazy, get a bit of free time and make a whole collection of photos, which will be sealed with the most successful design of the dining area in the kitchen area.
Dining area in the kitchen accents using decor and furnishings
We think that you will not be surprising that to the design of the dining area is necessary to approach with special attention, because this is the place at which the whole family will gather every day. Will not be a secret for you and the fact that the kitchen, and particularly that part of it, for which you eat, It can affect the whole general atmosphere of the house, to create a festive, fun and elegant for him mood.

Anyone can come up with very vivid detail in the kitchen.
Select the zone, you can use many of the interior. For example, this may include the following things.
- Posters, pictures and photos.
This is probably one of the most simple, affordable and, most importantly efficient and inexpensive way to decorate the space, in particular the wall, above the dining table. This design decision refers to the classic version of the decor, and it can be found in apartments much more often than other options.

The dining table is near a wall, decorated with paintings.
However, posters and various patterns significantly different from each other, so everyone can find one version of the poster that will fit precisely to the interior style in which decorated the room in his kitchen house. In addition, if you get tired of drawing or pall, it can be easily replaced with a new one at the same time without spending a large amount of money from the family budget.

Paintings on the walls add tenderness and airy room.
If we talk about what the motives are suitable for kitchen design, there are advised to give preference to the The painting, which depicts the food, because they are better than ever underlined the true purpose of this space. But if you do not have to gastronomic theme you like, you can safely use other themes.

The main thing is to comply with one single rule - the picture should decorate the dining room and release it from the rest of the space.
If we talk about the pictures, everything is very simple. Decorate the wall above the table with their family photos. For example, the total travel to the sea, hike in the woods, birthday. Or create a collage. Tackle selection of photos of the whole family, and you will spend a good time for sure!
- Mirrors.
The ancient Slavs there was a superstition that if you take the food right in front of the mirror, your counterpart may zazerkalny through food to take away from you your beauty, youth and health. Of course, this is just a sign, which most people do not believe in the modern world. But if you just did the representatives of superstitious mankind, then this option will suit you exactly e. Although popular among urban residents directions "Feng Shui" did not have anything against the mirrors positioned on the wall above the desk.

kitchen wall decorated in this way, looks spectacular and unusual.
As for the mirrors, then there is the same situation as with the pictures. The market offers a large number of different mirrors. They can be both in the wall and at the same time reflect a full dining table, or be quite small, being only decor element.

The wall on the side or behind the kitchen table, plays a special role in the perception of the kitchen as a room.
Tip! If too little space, or it is too dark in your dining room, the mirror make it visually more and much light, but if the mirror sheet reflected light or chandelier, the effect will be strengthened further in several time.
- Decorative shelves with colors and different little things.
This design solution is suitable for most rooms in the style of Provence. The main rule when you make your walls with decorative shelves - not to overdo it and will spam it is not completely necessary things. After all, it is immediately visually spoils the whole picture, creates a feeling of clutter and mess, and still plenty of small things on the shelves can be a real dust collector.

Such interior is better to place on the wall, next to the kitchen appliances - cutting boards, rolling pins, plates.
- Plates, hung on the wall.
This design option is suitable for those people who breathe unevenly to the American retro style. Decorating the walls with decorative plates, can perfectly accentuate the purpose of the place in which they are suspended. If you choose bright colors of plates, it is possible to dilute the gray and boring room, but if your kitchen and dining room, and without that is full of bright colors, you should choose neutral shades of white, beige, pastel pink or blue.

Unusual decor dining area with the help of interesting dishes.
Remember also that should be taken into account a number of factors, because every detail is important when thinking about the design project. Pay close attention to the color, shape, texture and material of which will be manufactured decorative little things. Furniture is also well can help a dining space, do not forget about it!

Contrasting wallpaper look good on one of the walls and visually zoned dining area.
How to decorate a wall near the dining area
How to issue the very wall near the dining area? Everything is very simple. You can pokleit bright wallpaper on it with print or recreate imitation brickwork. Maybe you love the tile with imitation wood or stone? Or you're painting the walls? Each person will find the option that is right for him.

Set wallpaper depends on light level in the room.
Secrets plan dining area
There are a few main places in the kitchen area, which made installing a kitchen area.
- A rare location for dining table - kitchen at the center.
- The most popular location for the table in Russia - along the wall.
- In one corner of the kitchen space.

If the tree can be used to separate the kitchen area to focus on any one element of the interior.
Separate dining areas, with the help of illumination
It is also a great way to place accents over the table, which was made to eat, is the lighting. Lighting will play in this case, several important functions. First, it will give off fine dining space and separate it from the rest of the room. Secondly, wall or ceiling lights will be an excellent addition to the general interior kitchen and dining room.

Light solves any problem and can transform even the most modest premises.
The expressive power of large size light will perfectly fit into the design of the room, alone, and in addition with several additional lamps, mounted directly to the ceiling or wall.

No lighting in the dining room and kitchen as a whole can not do.
Interesting styles for dining area
For beginners can become a big problem then, at what particular style to choose when you make a dining room and kitchen as a whole. And there is no shame or shameful, because in modern design world there are so many stylistic directions in which newcomers can be difficult to navigate.

Among the variety of ideas, simple and extravagant everybody will find suitable for your kitchen or living room - the dining room.
Now we will talk about the basic style, analyze their features and differences of each other.
- Minimalism. Dining room, which is decorated in a minimalist does not necessarily will look gray and dull. It may be, as if it may sound strange, the most vivid and expressive place in the apartment. Set the table with black gummy solid wood, organize around a brick wall painted in white or beige tint. So do not exclude and bright expressive details.

Organically and appropriate will look unusual lamps.
- Retro style. In fact, this room will look very unusual and bright, given the fact that not every person to decide on such a bold interior design. But in the wooden furniture, an abundance of colored glass, large bright windows and decor elements lies the beauty of this stylistic direction.

Above the dining area should be additional light sources.
- Interior of the cafe. Enjoy breakfast and lunch in the cafe? So why not recreate this cozy, dynamic atmosphere of your own home? You do not need much. Watch the in any style, any color decorated your favorite restaurant, buy a similar furniture and the trick is done!

While training kitchen design project, show all their imagination.