Mirror - the mysterious object. It seems that it reads the thoughts, estimates actions. He is credited with mystical properties. Do not look at the bad mood during his illness.
Mirror - is an important element of the interior, which exists in every home that is used as the intended purpose, and as an object of decoration.
Many of beliefs about the astral spirit, sitting in a mirror that sucks out the human positive energy. But in this article we will tell you is not about superstition, and how attach the mirror.
Before you hang a mirror on the wall, you need to think carefully about its location, placement height.
- 1 What is the mirror
- 2 mount
- 3 On the basis of the brick
- 4 On the tile covering
- 5 on plasterboard
- 6 erection work
- 7 VIDEO: hang a mirror in the bathroom.
- 8 The mirrors in the interior of the house - 50 photo-ideas:
What is the mirror
In the manufacture of sheet glass is used, obtained from a mixture of sand, soda ash, limestone and other materials. They should contain a minimum amount of salts of iron, glass imparting unwanted shades.
Modern glass mirror all well familiar and is a sheet of float glass on one side of which is deposited by sputtering a thin layer of metal, called amalgam.
The initial mass is boiled, baked, molded sheet, polish, cut with diamond rollers. A metal coating applied to the surface reflected light, protecting varnish.
Aluminum is applied in the manufacture of low-mirrors, and silver - expensive.
When choosing the finished product take into account the thickness of the glass, the quality of the reverse side coating - uniformity, no stains, other defects. Take into account the distortion of the display - is that the mirror is a "full" or "slim" - choose according to your taste.
In common parlance it satisfies the human physiological need to see themselves, it is an interior element that allows to change the perception of space.
Must be reliable, possibly imperceptible, simple, minimally violate the finish of the walls. Attachment of mirrors to the wall in the following ways:
- FROMkobami having fasteners through supporting bottom, on the sides;
- Podveskoy by means of two screws, the thread of the substrate by gluing (in panel type);
- Hakleykoy on the substrate;
- Posredstvom adhesive liquid nails;
- ATkleivaniem with tiles;
- BErez openings in the product, by other means.
Ways securing several mirrors, you must choose the best based on the design, weight of the product, as well as the type of wall.
On the basis of the brick
To install using prepared adhesive surface - if necessary remove the wallpaper carefully aligned primer, followed by grinding. Be sure to clean, wipe with an alcohol solution.
Special glue designed for glasses with amalgam coating is applied according to instructions. Applied to the surface is not continuous array and parallel strips at regular intervals or "fatty" drops in a checkerboard pattern.
The product is then pressed tightly, hold for about a day to complete the setting.
If you are deciding how to attach the mirror, this method is selected, it must be remembered that remove or outweigh will not succeed. This is the last place of "residence" - then you can just smash away.
When using double-sided tape large thickness, the surface is prepared. It is glued on the back side of the glass around the perimeter of the surface and vertical or horizontal stripes with a pitch of 5-7 cm. Then it is removed from the protective film, are pressed to produce a spot.
All this can be easily done by hand.
The composition of the liquid nails can reliably hang a mirror, It does not spoil the decorative surface of the installation location. On the strength of this construction adhesive vastly superior PVA glue, and some modifications are equal to those of dowels.
Option is very convenient, since it eliminates the need for tools and hardware needed only a suitable adhesive.
Important! Using adhesive tape product area is set only to 1 m² larger subsequently may simply fall off.
Important! Despite the guaranteed strength adhesives, while working better to use a combination of the two methods.
The surface of the wall, liberated under the mirror must be flat, otherwise the mount would be unreliable.
By means of fastening hardware typically produce mirrors having a finished hole. To do this requires drilling into a wall recess in diameter dowels used by 5 mm over the length of the screw, which is planned to be used. They are cleaned after drilling dust, set anchors, puts a product wrapped in turn screws. Be sure to cover the decorative heads.
Hanging a mirror, it is necessary to pay attention to the shape of the interior element.
On the tile covering
A practical embodiment of the mirror assembly is on top of tiles using adhesive tape or glue. You can also dismantle the tiles in the expected product placement zone and paste it.
If the tiles are already on the wall, you should not try to glue the mirror.
Worry about the fact that the tiles crack is not necessary, if the basis for the manufacture of high-quality material was used.
Not a bad option - hang a mirrorUsing hardware by running multiple bores in the partition. To do this, you need to prepare drills, special drills for tiles, brackets, plastic plugs with screws.
It is necessary to drill a hole in a tile and the base.
Then you can act in two ways:
- ATExecute the holes in the wall and the product, secure it with screws, after setting the anchors, special rubber gaskets;
- Priobresti, set the original mirror mount in the form of staples, which are fixed on the wall and supports the product.
The number of fasteners defined size and weight of the subject. The greater the size, the greater the need braces.
on plasterboard
Drywall - not the most durable finishing material, cracks, crumbles. Technology of fastening the mirror on the wall, its weight is determined. If less than 10 kg - apply liquid nails or double-sided tape.
After installation is required to withstand the required curing period, sometimes up to 24 hours.
For mounting of various accessories on such basis using special plugs - "butterfly" to withstand up to 10 kg. Mounted in pre-prepared holes (their number in the product).
"Butterfly" is fixed for the plate plasterboard, securely holds the screw.
For products that do not have bores, the store offers a special attachment to the mirror mounting to the wall, including the bracket, profiles, fasteners.
The system is suspended from the drywall, it is embedded product.
erection work
You can use the services of the studio, which has proper equipment. With self-manufacturing of used drill, diamond drill.
Mounting mirrors on the wall in the bathroom - it's not very complicated.
It is only important to adhere to a certain algorithm of actions.
Initially, the surface is degreased with alcohol. Hole operate at a distance of not less than 30 mm from the edge. The tool is oriented perpendicular to the plane. Drilling produced starting from low and then at a medium speed.
High speed tool pressure work without cooling - unacceptable!
It is practical to arrange the rim of the plasticine around the drilling area and pour water. Ready holes trimmed sandpaper.
How to fix a mirror on the wall - the task is quite solvable, many ways of fixing.
Each has its own characteristics, the selection is performed taking into account:
- Pomescheniya (bathroom, living room, entrance - different levels of humidity and air velocity);
- TODesign (the presence of the frame, the substrate, shelves, hangers);
- RThe dimensions and weight;
- HAlice apertures;
- MContainer material walls of the room;
- DPermissible drilling in violation of finishing;
- FROMfalsity eliminate defects after removal of the product.
Easy flat mirror on the wall can be stuck liquid nails, treating the joints with sealant.
How to hang a mirror on the wall and not to put it - the most important question for the bathroom, where each hole can ruin an expensive finish, but little significance for concrete, brick or drywall, which is easy to drill traces, invisible eliminated.
It should be remembered that the adhesive quickly solidifies, so the mirror is necessary to level as quickly as possible.
If the product has holes, it is attached to the drywall device type "butterfly", when attaching a brick wall using a conventional plug. In the absence of bores equally applicable landing on the adhesive tape or special mounting and reliable type staples.
installation conditions and installation options are many - for every situation there is a option.