The mirror in the hall of Feng Shui: the establishment of a harmonious design

People often do not pay attention, as the decorated hallway in our home, but guests and the energy of qi notice any little detail. If you do not create the right conditions for the energy of qi, it can go in a different direction or even become harmful sha.


The basic rule when choosing a mirror - it should not be small.

mirror in the interior hallway

Mirrors can be used with decorative purposes if the room is very large and it has a lot of free space on the walls.

Mirror in the hallway

If you select a mirror for the hallway, you should immediately decide how and where to place it.

How can attract the positive in your house?


  • 1 How to place a mirror in the hall of Feng Shui?
  • 2 What the mirror to choose?
  • 3 Corridor
  • 4 VIDEO: Mirror in the hallway. accommodation ideas.
  • 5 The mirror in the hallway - 50 photo-ideas:

How to place a mirror in the hall of Feng Shui?

The presence of an object with a reflective surface of feng shui in the room - the procedure is significant. It is believed that such a surface tends to transform all that it reflects, is therefore necessary that in the "field of view" mirror across the positive things.

Mirror in the hallway

In the hallway mirror is an essential part of interior decoration premises.

a large mirror in the hallway

The choice of frames, size, shape of the mirror depends on what the main function it will perform in the hallway.

an entrance with mirror

A miniature mirror in the hallway playing the role of one of the wall of stylish accessories, as it will not be able to fully display the appearance of the person.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui through the doorway into the house includes energy. Therefore, to place reflecting objects near the "portal" should be cautious. Hang "reflector" on the wall opposite the front door - a mistake. If qi is reflected even on the threshold, it will not be able to integrate into your home, leading to scandals, innuendo, disease.

the mirror opposite the door

Today there are many unusual design options and forms a mirror.

the mirror opposite the door

You can make the personal order and realize their desires in terms of design mirrors.

mirror feng shui

Wooden frame mirror accentuate natural material and create an atmosphere of restraint and conciseness.

Better to hang like a piece of furniture on the wall, which is at right angles to the door. A great option - located opposite the reflecting surface of a beautiful picture, a photo of a smiling married couple, currency notes or flowers. This will attract the apartment wealth, success and harmony in the family.

beautiful mirror in the hallway

Mirrors can reflect and attract the energy flows, they have the ability to adjust their direction.

symmetrical mirror

On the location of the mirror will determine whether there will be a positive energy in the house and where it is negative will be sent.

What the mirror to choose?

Purchase necessary "mirror" of a size that looking into it saw the reflection in the full view. Therefore, first of all it is necessary to focus on a family member with the highest growth. The man on the reflection of which is the free space will be able to quickly climb the corporate ladder or earn money.

mirror front door

It is advisable to place a mirror in the hallway on the same side as the front door, next to her.

a mirror in the wall

Its size should be large, to any of the households could see their reflection in a full-length.

an entrance with mirror

A good place can be considered a side wall of the door, but not too close, so as not to catch and do not break the mirror.

According to the ideology of the mirror has to visually expand the surrounding area, which will help to spread the flow of positive energy in the house. Remember that one mirror should not be reflected in the other, or "look" of the window ", otherwise all the good things out of the apartment will go.

an entrance with mirror

Floor mirror is an ideal option if there is no direct contact with the front door.

Mirror in the hallway photo

Experts also recommend that the mirror was framed, it will serve as an additional protection against energy load.

interior hallway

Any mirror must be kept perfectly clean, they need to be cleaned more often.


The housing may leak malicious energy sha. She has the ability to spread only in a straight line, so the length of the corridor, the more it has room for "acceleration" and the more dire consequences it will bring.

Mirror in the hallway

Well, when the area allows you to hang a mirror of any size, and easy to pick the right place.

hallway in the house

Located in a convenient spot mirror is not desirable that it reflects the trash or dirty shoes.

Mirror in the hallway

Beautiful frame will help to accumulate energy and spend it throughout the living space.

Therefore, in the way of negative sha worth is a small symbolic obstacles:

  • Visually, "crush" the long corridor floor mats;
  • Hang pictures on the walls, flowers, positive images;
  • Locate several doorways sequentially.
Mirror in the hallway

It is best to put flowers in front of a mirror.

design a narrow hallway

Any positive it will accumulate, saturate the room with positive energy.

You have the opportunity not only to neutralize harmful energy, but also to transform it into a positive. For this purpose we apply several crystal chandeliers or small lamps. If possible, it is better to decorate the environment with natural materials.

lighting in the hallway

Light sources must be placed across the length of the corridor.

bright hallway

A mirror capable of reflecting light and color that will make the room lighter and add the desired shade in the interior.

Mirror in the hallway

Visually expand a narrow hallway, you can not only through the light walls, but also mirrors.

small coins can be put under the threshold of the front door. Crossing the threshold, the owners of the house and invited guests will activate the energy flow of abundance and prosperity will reign in the house and harmony.

VIDEO: Mirror in the hallway. accommodation ideas.

The mirror in the hallway - 50 photo-ideas:

the mirror in the hall design
choose a mirror
choose a mirror in the hallway
choose a mirror in the hall design
choose a mirror in the hallway photo
choose a mirror in the hallway photo ideas
choose a mirror in the hallway
Mirror in the hallway
mirror in the hall design
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Mirror in the hallway
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Mirror in the hallway near the wall
Mirror in the hallway in the wall
Mirror in the hallway in the frame
Mirror in the hallway
large mirror in the hallway
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Mirror in the hallway photo
Mirror in the hallway interior
Mirror in the hallway round
Mirror in the hallway of the round form
Mirror in the hallway on the wall
Mirror in the hallway unusual
Mirror in the hallway near the wall
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Mirror in the hallway with a picture