It is believed that to make quality wooden door with your hands without professional equipment impossible. It's time to dispel this myth and prove that this - at first glance, unreal mission is feasible. There are technologies that allow us to solve a similar problem, even a layman. The main thing is to choose the right materials and stock up on a set of necessary instruments. And, of course, follow the instructions.
- Particularly of manufacturing their own hands
What types of wood to choose
- Hardwood
- Softwood
Types of doors for construction
- massive doors
- Filonchatye doors
- Flush doors
- Materials and tools for the manufacture of doors
Turn-based technology for manufacturing doors
- Making solid doors
- Making paneled doors
- Manufacturing shield door
- Manufacturing of doors lining
- How to make and assemble the door frame with his hands
- Manufacturing casings and transoms
- Self-Box and installation accessories
- Installation of door frames and doors
- How to seal the gap
- Ideas and treatment options and decorating
- conclusion
Particularly of manufacturing their own hands
Why do we need to contrive such a complex campaign? In fact, the arguments in favor of creating their own doors abound. Here are some of them:
- the presence of non-standard opening - custom atypical doors in the workshop will cost considerably more expensive. If the dimensions of the product are outside the scope of standards, the price of it takes off from the jet speed;
- the inability to buy the right model that will fit into the design, and will be combined with the other elements of the interior;
- the desire to save - if you have the opportunity to make their own budgetary door made of wood, instead of buying ready-made for the big money, why not take advantage of it;
- availability of farm buildings in the yard of a private house - a barn, sauna, crib - it expensive door to anything;
- the desire to create a unique, inimitable product and know that it is this you have done a wonderful door himself.

What types of wood to choose
One of the most critical steps - the choice of starting material. Each of the types of wood is endowed with specific mechanical and physical properties. You must know the characteristics of different types to determine - which one is perfect for the task. All wood can be divided into two categories - deciduous and coniferous species.

In this series are the most valuable species, endowed with outstanding strength, high density, texture expressive and attractive natural hues.
Timber has the highest value:
- beech;
- walnut;
- mahogany.
If there is no reason to spend money on expensive raw materials can be more affordable to manage. Pay attention to the advantages of:
- cherries;
- oak;
- ash.
These rocks also have high strength, but does not require such a significant investment, as representatives of the first category.
Oak wood is very durable and resistant to decay. Due to the content of tannins, which during etching react with the coloring matter, it allows to achieve intense color effects. Material processing is not too difficult - it is perfectly amenable to simple tools. Make him a part unusual curved shape - not a problem.
Ash is as hard and durable as oak. However, this material needs to be regularly treated with antiseptic compositions. Otherwise, upon the occurrence of the first wet season, it will start to rot.

Softwood never lose its popularity. This is due to its affordability and extensive palette of positive qualities. The most demanded materials made of pine, in second place - spruce.
Strength characteristics pine somewhat lower than hardwoods. This disadvantage is more than offset by a high resistance to biodegradation, resistance to mold and mildew, excellent thermal conductivity and exceptional pliability during processing. High capacity for air and moisture permeability ensures good quality of processing protective structures.
Spruce more rot compared with pine, but has a lower hygroscopicity and thermal conductivity. Products made of this material are much longer retain its original shape.
If the choice between these two breeds - should give preference to a pine tree.
Hardwood trees are optimally suited for the manufacture of interior doors. And for the best choice of input structures will pine.

Types of doors for construction
The doors are classified according to various criteria - the door leaf structure, a method of opening.
The following types of door panels:
- massive;
- paneled;
- shield;
Groups door designs on the way of opening
- swing - with one or two wings;
- Sliding - the so-called coupe equipped with the guide system;
- folding - doors resemble an accordion or a book;
- Radial.
See also:Bright interior doors in the interior 75 photo
For the manufacture of wooden doors use boards, beams, panels for furniture. To determine the choice of material, you need to understand the ins and outs of each of them. Consider the characteristics of the various embodiments.

massive doors
For the manufacture of doors array suitable planed or grooved board of large thickness. Recent convenient because they are easy to incorporate in a single fabric without forming gaps. This is possible because the hinge system, which consists of a longitudinal projection and a corresponding slot on the edges of the board. Web composed of boards held together by transverse or diagonal webs.
In the manufacture of the front door should give preference to the more expensive species. Suitable oak, larch and cedar. Household building is quite amiss budget options - pine, spruce or lime.

Filonchatye doors
This is a separate category of the door, with its own design features. Their paintings consist of a frame and rectangular inserts - panels.
The main element of the bearing structure - a frame, which is otherwise referred to as strapping. To it are attached the other elements - wood inserts. Piping is typically made of an array. Fit and glulam. Four parts interconnected to form a frame. The lower member is more than the width of the upper and side panels. This design provides additional strength. You can further enhance the lower part of the door, if sheathe its sheet metal. Suitable galvanized steel or aluminum. This is especially important to strengthen the webs entrances.
No less important elements - cross-bars - different - seredniki. They are bars that are mounted horizontally in the middle of the future of the web.
Finally, details of who gave the name of the assembly - panels. These fragments were inserted into the frame, thereby forming an integral web. For their installation grooves are provided. Panels fastened by a system of tongue and groove or decorative glazing beads, which allow you to quickly, and without prejudice to the door to replace the damaged item. The panels can be made of chipboard, MDF, plywood and even glass. They are installed in the door frame, and in addition to the main destinations are also decorative. They give an interesting shape, decorated with carved or painted.

Flush doors
The design of the shield door is much easier to the previous version. It consists of a box and the main part - directly shield. For the manufacture of boxes suitable fiberboard, veneer or laminate. Pre of boards made frame. As an expedient to use a shield sheet particleboard, MDF or chipboard.
Panelboard webs may be:
- solid - are made of interconnected bars;
- hollow - a frame made of boards joined sheathed lamellae;
- melkopustotnymi - have a variety of content, for example, honeycomb.

Materials and tools for the manufacture of doors
Before you get started, make sure that all the tools are available. If something is missing, it is better in advance to acquire the necessary tools than to discover their absence during the manufacturing process.
Thus, the need for:
- workbench or sturdy table of large size;
- Hand milling cutter for wood - it can be used to easily form the grooves, holes, and perform polishing surface article trimming angles;
- Planer - it will be a great help in smoothing and polishing the ends;
- ordinary hacksaw;
- chisels of various sizes;
- rubber mallet;
- conventional hammer;
- sandpaper, and even better - sander;
- building level, tape measure, pencil;
- screwdriver or Phillips screwdriver;
- screws of various caliber;
- joiner's glue.
Materials are purchased depending on the type of door and the technology of its production. It can be:
- planed or grooved plank;
- chipboard;
- plywood;
- glass;
- laminated veneer lumber.

Turn-based technology for manufacturing doors
The first thing you need to thoroughly dry the wood purchased. This step can significantly delay the manufacturing step, but is essential. Drying takes an average of 1 to 2 months. Boards must not come into contact with each other. They are interspersed with special pads. This technology provides an unobstructed exit moisture from the material. Using unseasoned wood doors may cause deformation and formation of fungus.
When drying of softwood in a special chamber, is unacceptable to set the temperature above 50 ° C. The resin is drained, thereby reducing the strength characteristics of the material.

Making solid doors
In order to make the door of the array, you need to perform the following steps:
- generate marking and sawing boards into fragments desired value;
- check the location of the received segments - they need to expand so that the annual rings are "watched" in one direction;
- in the presence of spike fastening system - groove to connect the fragments into a coherent web. Pre-need to lubricate the joints joiner's glue. This design provides additional strength;
- spike, remaining at the end of the web, should be cut and process the resulting plane;
- the resulting structure must be secured using clamps and leave to dry the adhesive;
- next step - the surface treatment by means of milling and subsequent grinding;
- final stage - bound web with crossbars. For this it is necessary to prepare bars to length, preferably of trapezoidal shape, to ensure a tight connection. Further it is necessary to form the grooves - usually their depth equal to half or one third of the thickness of the web. Thereafter, to drive cross member remains in the grooves coated with adhesive using a rubber mallet or hammer.
See also:How to install sliding interior doors

Making paneled doors
Production paneled door - a complex process that requires a variety of tools and expertise.
The first step is to prepare the timber for the manufacture of the frame. It is processed using a cutter, then the stiles at the elements cut grooves and spikes carried on transverse. Further, the panels are manufactured. For this fit the array, plywood, chipboard, glass.
All the elements combine into a single structure, with all the spikes are coated joiner's glue. To work require a large space.
Step by step assembly instructions:
- Coat with glue spikes crossbars and set in the grooves of the vertical elements.
- Mount seredniki.
- We install the panels.
- Glue in a vertical bar.
- We fix panels decorative glazing beads.
For tight connection parts use a rubber mallet. Align the corners, focusing on the building area. Hold the product clamps and leave to dry.

Manufacturing shield door
For the manufacture of thyroid fabric required:
- assemble the frame of bars joined at the corners by "vpoldereva" technology;
- make the frame facing one side of plywood or fiberboard. The material is fixed by an adhesive;
- the void is filled with cellular material from MDF or bars. They are glued from the inside to the existing cladding layer.
- The design closes the second sheet of chipboard and sent to the press.
If desired, make an additional cladding layer of the sheathing laminate web or wooden slats.

Manufacturing of doors lining
The basis of such a door stands furring. It can be made on the same principle as that of the frame to shield blades. Ready frame is sheathed clapboard, and the door is ready to install.
In fact, not so simple. Keep in mind that each board must be lubricated with glue for a secure fit. The first day is recommended to install only two slats - on both sides of the web. Glue Strips, fix it with screws. After that we press to clamp performance adhesive around the perimeter of the rack and wait for the complete drying. On the other hand We perform the same actions. Every day we add just two boards, and so gradually covers the entire plane. The connecting openings in the slats better drill advance as when screwing the screw bar may break.

How to make and assemble the door frame with his hands
Before describing the manufacturing process of the door frame, you need to become familiar with its device. It is a frame structure which is mounted on the edges of the door opening. The box is needed for installation of the door, which is attached to the base by a hinge. Suitable for the manufacture of these materials - wood, MDF.
The structure includes the following elements:
- cheesy bar - rack, on which you install the lock striker plate;
- hinge lumber - loop attached to it;
- pripotolochny timber - the upper bracket;
- threshold - the lower beam, relevant for entrance doors.
manufacturing phase
- We make the necessary calculations. Known to us the dimensions of the door leaf are adding extra distance to form small gaps - top and sides of 3 mm and a few millimeters from the bottom.
- We saw off the parts you need at an angle of 45 °. Do not make a mistake in the formation of the corner helps miter box.
- We join the bars in a U-shaped or rectangular track via screws.

Manufacturing casings and transoms
For these elements the following materials are suitable: MDF, wood, particle board.
To make transoms, measure the width of the wall that you want to close the bar. We select the appropriate size wooden lamella. One of the long-sawed slices. Chamfer is formed, which can easily go beyond the detail box. Grind the surface of the slats to the ideal state, then dyed it stained and coated with two layers of varnish.
See also:Making a doorway without a door
In the case of MDF or particle board, everything is much easier. You will only need oblitsevat edge slats papered with them a flange PVC with a hot iron.
Attach homemade transoms best with self-tapping screws. Must start with an upper horizontal bar to leave the possibility to adjust the length of the side rails.
Casings for homemade is best to use solid or laminated bars. Whole articles suggest the need for staining. Glued are often coated with a veneer or a laminate.
With self-manufacturing a decorative element, you can choose their form to your liking. Your frames can be:
- smooth - flat shape are the most easy to manufacture;
- profiled - have various recesses or protrusions on the surface. To make them, you need at least manual router;
- curly - the most difficult type of casings. They are made by means of special machines for programmable specify the drawings. Curly trim can make your own or order from a woodcarver. Products decorated with hand-carved - the most expensive option of curly brackets.
What will be your trims, it depends only on your taste and budget.
Installation finished decorative elements made either using special nails without caps, or assembly glue. When you commit a massive strips is better to choose the first option. Trims will be secured, and the traces of thin nails are practically invisible.
Before installation the ends are cut casings via miter box at 45 °. Mounting brackets in the following order:
- strip near the door hinge;
- a second side member;
- top panel.
To hide the maximum attachment points can overwrite these places mastic, cosmetic pencil.

Self-Box and installation accessories
Box lock - a rather complicated stage, which can not be wrong.
The first step is to lay the door flat. After that, in the region of 100-120 cm above the bottom of the drill hole. Insert the latch and draw out accessories element along the contour of the marker. Thereafter, the recess under the faceplate. For this to work, you can use a chisel or a cutter. Placing the body in the recess so that its edge was at the door end. Mark up the pen attachment points and a hole is drilled. The latch is set and fixed in place with screws. Next comes the turn knobs and decorative plates. For their installation special hexagons provided.

Installation of door frames and doors
The next step is the installation of the box and hanging doors
- Set formed by the box in the opening and fix one side with long screws in places that are closed loops.
- Fasten hinges on the canvas and the box and hung door.
- Blanking of the door and planned space for the striker plate. Drill recess sized latch.
- Anchoring the second side of the box. Before that, you must close the door and adjust the gap by making it the same over the entire height of the web.
- Between the box and the door opening on the latch set level and fix wooden wedge its self-tapping through hole provided underneath the shut-off fittings.
- Mount the locking bolt and fix a box of wooden wedges.

How to seal the gap
In order to provide additional structural stability, and to insulate the house or room to fill in all the gaps with foam.
Before you begin, close the faceplate masking tape. Slit moistened with water and fill with foam. After hardening the sealant bubbles protruding undercut construction knife and an adhesive tape is torn off together with adhering thereto spray.

Ideas and treatment options and decorating
Before you decorate a wooden door, you need to make a thorough polishing of the surface. The next very important stage - processing products antiseptic solution. After drying means you can start decorating.
To start the door cover soil or filler in two layers. After that, the door can be painted or coated on the surface a couple of layers of lacquer. If you have the necessary tools at hand to minimal artistic ability and decorating skills, you can decorate the canvas thread, polyurethane moldings, stencils, mosaics.
Interior doors can "revive" with wallpaper, fabric, vinyl stickers.

If you want to make a door with your hands, we offer now to start this project. We wish to enjoy both the process and the result of your activities.