Among the many types of heaters meet aggregates called inverter. Consider what it is, and any heating device can give a definition.
What is an inverter
The inverter - a device that converts direct current into alternating voltage or a step-up value, the AC frequency. The need for such a transformation occurs when you create, reacting to the slightest change in environmental parameters of the devices and machines with sensitive system settings. Inverters are used in many areas: electric welding (in fact, the welder - this is the kind of inverter), motor control and electric drives, Production of air conditioners and heaters, and so on. d.

As part of the unit, inverters look different and individual housing can not be.

Using Inverters for heating
In the production of heaters inverters are used as devices to fine presetting or adjustment even during operation of the unit.
Tech electrical heating devices having no design heaters, lamps, and filament heating coils, necessarily include inverters as improve device functionality and efficiency of the heating unit. Such heating means are vortex induction heaters (VIN) and inverter air conditioners. Both of these devices have evolved from their less sophisticated predecessors: VIN - induction of SAV type boilers, inverter split system - from conventional air conditioning systems.
WIN-heating boilers
Win-boiler - a unit for equipment home heating system and, depending on the model, the hot water supply. The device runs on electricity and to heat water using known for over 100 years the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, discovered by Faraday.
Simplistically water heating boiler is mounted vertically metallic cylindrical body, equipped with two fittings for entry and exit of water. Inside the housing is a primary winding (coil) - insulated conductor coils at the ends of which is energized. The bobbin without contact with it is placed the secondary winding (core), which is the portion of the tube itself with the coolant heating system.
When voltage is applied to the primary winding ends of the coil around the induced electromagnetic field which causes formation in the upper core vortical Foucault currents, warming the surface with subsequent transfer of this heat coolant.
From VIN-boiler SAV-device characterized in that the ends of the primary winding is fed current, whose frequency is several times increased inductor within the aggregate structure. High frequency electrical current gives rise to an electromagnetic field around the primary winding larger intensity value which, accordingly, causes the appearance of the vortex in the secondary winding flows greater power.
Primary and secondary windings VIN-unit are made of various ferroalloy with different values of the magnitude of the intrinsic magnetic field. These magnetic field, interacting with the induced electric field, contribute to heating of the core.
Thus, a plurality of the above factors increases the intensity of the heating of the upper layers of the secondary winding, but It reduces its depth, accelerating the heat transfer process and reducing the coolant outlet of the heating system by a predetermined time power.
Improved Design VIN-boiler causes a higher than other inductive devices price.
Inverter air conditioner-heater
Simplified household names such devices "air conditioning" is misleading regarding the function of these units. Indeed, one of the functions of this device is to reduce the room temperature to a predetermined value in summer. However, the unit can perform the inverse function - to heat the room during the cold season.
Design and Function
To understand the principle of operation of the inverter heater, consider the air conditioner without Inverter design, yet modern performance, not using air from outside. Inverter heater has the same sequence of actions, only improved.
The principle of operation of these two devices based on the allocation of heat gas compression and cooling liquid in contact with it during evaporation surfaces. Gas, air-conditioning is performed in such a role, called a refrigerant.
refrigerant properties
As the refrigerant for split systems use a fluorine-containing compound - Freon, which is more than 40 species. 3 list the most common type of refrigerant:
- R-22 - not effective at temperatures below -5 and 40 degrees above the refrigerant (t boiling point -41 deg.), Due to an increased effect on the ozone layer banned for use in Russia;
- R-410A - substance (t boiling point -51 deg.) Of a smaller negative effect on the ozone layer, effective to Application in the temperature range of -15 to +45 degrees, is used in most systems conditioning;
- R-32 - secure new refrigerant (. T boil -52 degrees), having application efficiency is 5% more than the R-410A.
Important! When buying any type of air conditioner, especially second-hand, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of buying the device at refrigerant R-22, because of the prohibition of the use of which has become a deficit that can not be replaced by another, if necessary, the device is charging kind of freon.
Function components conditioner units
Modern air conditioner called split-system consists of two units. This separation into two components helped to make the room more noisy and, in addition, bulky unit, leaving inside the compact and, as a rule, aesthetically executed node. Moving freon produced pump disposed in the outdoor unit.

The principle of the interaction of a split system blocks
The indoor unit of a split system comprises a heat exchanger (condenser). The air conditioner in heating operation is made in a heat exchanger compressing refrigerant, wherein there is an increase in its temperature. The temperature of the compressed refrigerant reaches 80 degrees, and heat by the room air circulation through the heat exchanger is passed into the room. After recoil heat compressed freon liquefies (condenses), and moves to the outdoor unit - to the evaporator, wherein the pressure is ten times lower. The sharp decline in pressure causes the refrigerant to boil while it absorbs heat from the environment. Low boiling liquefied freon (depending on species) with a large pressure-drop several tens degrees below zero, i.e. even outside air temperature -15 degrees anyway warmer. Therefore, a boiling Freon heat absorption occurs even out of cold air and the lower tabular refrigerant boiling temperature, the colder air from it is able to pick up heat.

By the end of the boiling air has absorbed heat from the refrigerant returns to the indoor unit, and is compressed again, condenses, heating and heating heat exchanger.
Constructive process nuances
Compression of the refrigerant with heat generation and evaporation from its absorption does not occur in some chambers, and two coils disposed in the outer and inner blocks. After the pump in the compression coil indoor unit freon through a tube of very small diameter (capillary) enters the outdoor unit, but the narrowness the outlet of the capillary tube prevents filling of the outdoor coil (the evaporator) and causes the evaporation of refrigerant heat absorption environment.

Briefly heating process can be described by a chain of four successive processes: a refrigerant compression - heat - boiling (vaporization) of refrigerant - heat absorption.
If the process is put in the reverse direction, the condenser to the evaporator switch roles, and the indoor air cooling will occur.

The algorithm of the split-system without inverter
Conventional air conditioner can only be in two states - on or off. Before switching on it exhibited the desired indoor temperature, and then is launched, and the compressor begins to drive the refrigerant through the system. Temperature sensor split system controls the room temperature and compares it with a predetermined value. Once these values have leveled, the compressor will automatically shut down, and split system is idle as long as the difference between the actual values and the temperature in the room reaches 2-3 degrees. Thereafter, the compressor starts again at full power by the thermostat signal.
The imperfection of the algorithm is obvious - the inclusion of the system at full capacity without reference to the forthcoming volume of work, which creates a short-term, but an excessive load on the grid. In addition, at the moment of launch node equipment wear and power consumption are maximized, so how to start the normal rotation of the rotor, the inverter compressor is not required starting currents large values.
Inverter Split System
Actions heater-air conditioner inverter identical to the behavior of a conventional split systems up to the moment when the first switching device value the room temperature has reached the set, and this value must be maintained - to warm air or cool it, depending on the operating mode unit.
Since then, his work algorithm is different from the unit without the inverter. Compressor inverter split system does not turn off, and continues to work, but not at full capacity, and within 5% of the capacity. Consequently, the inverter runs constantly heater without using a cycle of on-off smoothly adjusting the intensity of the (compressor speed) to maintain a predetermined optimal temperature regime conditions. When using the inverter split systems fluctuations in indoor temperature are within one degrees, unlike hopping ensure temperature in increments of 2-4 degrees conventional air conditioning.
Characteristics and classification
The main characteristic of inverter air conditioners, heaters - power, with two kinds - consumed and useful. Considering the possibility to adjust these aggregates compressor revs, these characteristics are specified in the form of bands. For example, the effective power of 0.5 - 5.1 kW indicates its minimum and maximum value.
Important! Note that the upper limit of said power band exceeds its nominal value, since modern inverter heaters, air conditioners can, if necessary (rapid heating or space cooling) for a short period to work with excess of the nominal value.
Also power inverter units divided according to the refrigerant used, the important characteristic is the temperature of boiling - possible criterion of use in heating apparatus (t lower boiling, the lower the outside temperature of the system can be operated as a heater).
On execution of inverter air conditioners are divided into:
- wall;
- underceiling;
- floor.

Classification by design features and functionality:
- cassette;
- channel.

Important characteristics of inverter air conditioners are also noise, size, and power options etc. As a rule, all these data are specified by the manufacturer in the data sheet or instructions for operation.
For clarity, we present a comparative table of the technical characteristics of the four models of inverter split systems McQuay M5MSY-BR, since a detailed description of all parameters of such devices in high life seldom It claimed.

Areas of use
Inverter air conditioners, heaters are used where the level of comfort is important. If the room is not used often during the day do not continuously, in such rooms can be to limit the installation of a conventional split system, modern models that also have high technical characteristics.
If it is a children's room, bedroom or office, comfortable long stay which must be provided by definition, the best choice is an inverter device, a higher price is justified by the greater functionality and integrated economy.
This type of air-conditioning and heating systems perspective and is constantly being improved. The newer model is, the higher its technical characteristics, so we list and comment on the inherent dignity of all inverter air conditioners, heaters and claimed by marketers:
- Economy - Inverter units more economical than the classical 30%, but given the high cost of these devices, the payback period of the difference in price is about three years old, and at this time, short-term use increases.
- Low noise level - confirmed, but this option is not achieved using the inverter and depends on the models of compressors, drives and fans.
- Durability - is present only when the compressor quality, proper installation of a split system and careful care of it (at default These same requirements are easily damaged both classic device and inverter comprising several additional electronic boards);
- Accuracy and precision of temperature maintenance - confirmed only in the absence of external factors, such as the opening of windows, doors or the inclusion of appliances whose operation accompanied by heating (computer, and oven etc.).
Disadvantages inverter heaters
- Relatively high price of conventional units, which increases with excellence models.
- The high cost of components, if necessary, repair.
- Sensitivity to the parameters of consumed electricity.
And yet, at the correct installation and operation of inverter air conditioners provide a high level of comfort in the room than it is able to make classic units. Categorical statements contain enthusiastic marketers and share reliable information.