Choosing the boiler - a very important moment. On this depends the comfort of home in the coming years and decades, the cost of energy costs. In discussing this issue in the network, users often can not come to a consensus as to the best type of equipment. But this is a natural phenomenon, because the choice depends on many individual factors.
The most important - access to energy. Your home can not be connected to the central gas pipeline? modern solid fuel boilers economical in their power enough to heat large buildings. Gas equipment is recommended to install if possible to connect to the backbone.

The choice of boiler capacity
This is a key parameter. Standard Formula 1 kW for 10 m² - only the basis of calculation. Rate increases, depending on many factors:
- climate features. The lower the average air temperature in winter, the higher the capacity of the equipment;
- the level of heat loss. It depends on the material from which built the house, the total area of the facade. Modern plastic windows, the presence of insulation walls, basement and lower roof factor in determining the power;
- ceiling height. Standard formula calculated by 2.7 m. If the ceiling height of 3 m, using the coefficient of 1.2.
Errors in the choice of power lead to premature wear of the equipment. Calculations must be performed by specialist after examining all the features of the house. Professional help will allow buy gas boiler or a solid model that is ideal for your home.

Advantages of modern equipment
Each buyer is looking for the best prices. In a situation with a choice of the equipment should be carefully evaluated its options. Case in point - solid fuel boilers Pyrolysis type. It is a modern development. These models are more expensive. But then you will be able to save on fuel. The efficiency of such boilers in comparison with older models several times higher. The fuel burns for a long time (6-12 hours). Simple calculations show that the difference in cost is covered for 1-2 years.
An important advantage of modern equipment - automatic control. This increases the ease of operation. You can set the burning intensity adjustment based on temperature or time of day and not worry about the adjustment.
Modern boilers safer. They are equipped with safety locks complex, preventing the leakage of gas, automatic shut-off when breakage. Choosing a new generation of equipment, you are investing in safety and comfort, reducing the running costs of the operation of the heating system.