People who are not faced with the task of serious repairs or redevelopment premises, believe that having all the right tools and materials, make it easy, fast, and the result is always on top. But having filled the freshly housing, acquiring secondary, they understand enough flip through design magazines, buy building materials, decorate their interior. Something that looked good in the picture does not fit to the ceiling height, size of windows, the width of the corridor of the new apartment. Serious errors in interior design can be avoided by taking some simple rules, adhering to a few simple principles.
- The color scheme - how to avoid errors
- Clutter or surplus parts
- Zoning - the optimal number of receptions
- Sockets, switches - on the design planning stage
- Methods of finishing - props, materials impractical
- Window design - the right choice of textiles
- Without them uncomfortable - decorative pillows, carpet selection
- Errors associated with lighting
- Choice, placement of furniture
- stylistic errors
- The lack of decor or inlay is to be
- Functionality, interior practicality
- Complex, multi-tiered ceiling
- Provide storage space
- conclusion
The color scheme - how to avoid errors
You should not use a lot of different colors within the same premises. Considered optimal combination of three: a main color space takes 60-70%, 20-30% - auxiliary, up to 10% - minor additional emphasis. Too bright color combinations tire the eyes, dark color of narrow room light - expand.
Some seek to introduce into the interior as much as possible a variety of colors - it looks not very good, but the multi-colored elements are allowed. Carpet, curtains iridescent colors are suitable, when the rest of the background mainly monochrome. No wallpaper flowered, numerous colorful paintings at the same time use is highly undesirable. Overly severe color combinations "only with the whole" also disadvantageous, but even in a monochrome interior can be several complementary elements.

Wall color is chosen optimally combined with coloring furniture, major elements of the decor, but strictly monochromatic room looks dull, it requires separate accents - accessories, prints, bright paints.
Clutter or surplus parts
Is too much furniture, "very unique" decor, hearty finish creates chaos. All family pictures, arranged in several shelves, numerous souvenirs from Egypt, Africa, China, dozens own embroidered panels on the wall look like a showcase in a shop or museum. Buy at fairs, sales vases, shelves, boxes, clay bells, and other trinkets - a bad habit of many people. If this stuff from time to time not to give away to friends, do not give to the poor, he will sooner or later take the whole house. Some dragged into the apartment, a country house everything going to throw out or give the gift of friends on the Internet: maybe useful. From this "disease" should also get rid of.

Overly minimalist interior would be too boring. An ideal design option - not be placed in the same room for more than three homogeneous elements. Let it be two or three decorative pillows on the bed, one large mosaic of tiles in the bathroom, the only carved panels in the design of the entrance hall, two pictures in beautiful frames on the wall of the living room.
Zoning - the optimal number of receptions
Improper planning creates a complex maze of walls, furniture and floor lamps. Between objects need to leave sufficient space for free movement - when apartment live one or two people, it is sufficient to 70-80 cm., if the tenants more need 100-120 cm.
To make the division of space should be using:
- pieces of furniture;
- drywall partitions;
- screens;
- arches;
- curtains;
- carpet;
- lighting;
- bar.

Zoning is often done with the help of different colors floor, contrasting decorating the walls. This is not the best option - such a contrast is quickly bored, he starts to irritate.
Podiums are appropriate in larger rooms - living room, which is combined with a kitchen, a studio apartment. In places where they often go to do - every time to jump on the step is extremely inconvenient. Zoning by a different height of the ceiling is acceptable, but a large number of levels in a small room depressing.
Too many logical zones in the same room do not desirable, except in cases where many people live in the same apartment. Then everyone will have to allocate a separate workspace. More than two-three methods to combine and not worth it: a sleeping area separated from the working wardrobe, from the wardrobe - a screen. Bath and toilet will share a dressing table, an arch separates the kitchen from the living room, the place where they cook the food from the dining area - the bar. In the children's play area rug designate, bed separated by a curtain, the workplace of every child - table. The hall emit light cabinet, the area around the mirror.
See also:The stylish interiors of apartments and houses
Sockets, switches - on the design planning stage
Gone are the days when the switches are mounted almost at the height of an average adult height, socket - a meter above the floor, with each element present in one or two copies in room. The result was a bunch of wires from a household appliance, a child or an adult dwarf had to stand on a stool to turn on the light in the bathroom, the bedroom.
Modern time requires a plurality of separate switches for each appliance interior lighting. Rosettes also required a lot:
- in combination bathroom, bathroom - washing machine connection, dryer, hand dryers;
- on kitchen - activated mixer, toaster, refrigerator, dishwashing equipment;
- in the bedroom - phone charging, tablet, laptop, connect the lamp;
- Connect the computer in the office, office supplies, desk lamp;
- in the living room - TV, sound system, all kinds of electronic gadgets;
- in the nursery - a computer, table, wall lamp, decorative night light in the summer - fumigator from mosquitoes;
- in a hallway - charging gadgets before going out, illumination mirror;
- in the dressing room - the connection of iron, sometimes - a hair dryer, hair curlers.

To start thinking about the placement of various devices to be on the stage of the design - even under the most conservative estimate, each a person has to charge the one-two-tablet-laptop phone, wash clothes in the machine, turn on the light not only of sleeping place. And switches and sockets are mounted at a convenient height - no more than a meter above the floor.
Methods of finishing - props, materials impractical
The abundance of non-functional decorations such as columns, artificial fountains, plaster moldings, trim fireplaces in every room, paintings in heavy frames look good in the exhibition halls, theaters, but not in home. Textured finish perfectly collects dust, requiring daily care. A large number of drywall constructions having no practical function, it looks ridiculous.
Artificial plants in a residential interior is not necessary to place - even the most realistic, they do not provide comfort, not clean the air as fresh flowers. But for a temporary decoration for any holiday, office space, perfectly acceptable.

Pasting paper kitchen wallpaper, bathroom, toilet - bad option. High humidity will make all the rooms literally glue a year. Finishing lining, to create ethnic style, makes an apartment in a holiday cabin, textured plaster It gives the impression of the factory lobby, plenty of photo wallpapers with widescreen images quickly bored.
Decorative stone is appropriate only in certain styles of interior design, but for flooring bedroom it too cold, stone wall textured nursery - traumatic.
Window design - the right choice of textiles
The smaller the screen, the thinner, more transparent curtains are selected. But very brief look poor, excessively long thwarted folds lying on the floor. Very "rich" finish layered curtains with lots of pleats, swags, flounces, lace details is only acceptable for certain styles of interior, spacious rooms. Tiny window with decor looks ridiculous. Windows completely without any draperies are allowed, in the design minimalist interior, loft, industrial. Blinds are suitable for the design of high-tech, blinds will also be a wonderful acquisition.

Curtains should be well integrated into the overall design - they pick a color of the carpet, upholstery, cushions. Most often, the curtains contrast with the color of the walls, but it may merge with it, if it is conceived.
Vertical stripes on the curtains visually "raise" the ceiling, light textiles expands space.
Without them uncomfortable - decorative pillows, carpet selection
Carpet for the bedroom, nursery, living room should not be too small - it is a gross error. When a tiny piece of textile sadly lies in the middle of the room, it suggests a lack of taste of the owners or inability to afford a larger carpet takes up to 90% of the floor surface, which successfully combine all the elements furniture. "Track" will adorn the long corridor, staircase "rich" maisonette. Close to wall carpets do not put - before it left at least ten centimeters, otherwise the room seem cramped. Overly colorful is not in vogue, preferably monochromatic, but combined with other textiles.
See also:Chic interior - how to create and execute

Pillows should not be too much - a maximum of three or five, can be of different sizes. Colorful, richly embroidered, are permissible only on a solid sofa bed. They can be combined with the coloring of the carpet, but not duplicate its figure completely. With the help of multi-colored covers for cushions with zippers, an interior change in mood - suitable for winter fluffy, faux fur, in the summer they are replaced with linen, cotton. For a square couch cushions fit rectangular, rounded to the bed - rounded, for the children - in the form of fairy-tale characters, animals.
Errors associated with lighting
Only one in the room ceiling lamp for a long time is not relevant - the lighting is done for each of their areas, important decorative elements often have individual lighting.
The abundance of large lamps in the decoration of any small room, whether it's a bathroom, kitchen or living room, disturb the harmony of the room, cluttering it. The spacious room illumination may be many, but different - ceiling fixture, LED ribbon on furnishings, table lamp.

With the help of light is easy to change the shape of the room - too elongated space needs illumination "long" walls, too high ceiling mounted lamps on a long cord, literally every angle covered in the crowded room.
The abundance of light in the bedroom area interferes with falling asleep, it is better to make adjustable lighting. Special panel to change the brightness and the backlight turns off in the distance is also useful.
For residential premises is desirable to choose a warm light, simulating sunlight. In light of the corridor, a bathroom, a loggia let cool light output.
Choice, placement of furniture
Many furniture companies offer ready-made furnishings for any room - it is sold immediately set. This is not the best solution - a neighbor can buy the exact same furniture, because he has a similar layout. Originality there will be zero.
The dimensions of the furniture selected appropriate room sofa, wardrobe, kitchen, round bed, occupying almost the entire room, not suitable, if not good, and a tiny table for a huge living room, bedrooms.

The furniture should match the growth: for the children selected "grows with the child" should not be is excessively high to hang kitchen cabinets, shelves in the living room - for undersized people to reach them problematic.
Along the walls of furnishing a very rare - it is now popular zoning. Rack in the combined kitchen-living room, a studio separate sleeping area, a bar - kitchen, shower in combination bathroom is separated from the toilet dressing table.
Before you buy furniture in the store, it is advisable to sit on it, pootkryvali boxes, check the usability of folding elements. Sofa is quite able to be uncomfortable, the lift construction-bed closet disproportionately severe.
stylistic errors
Inappropriate interior - the main problem of wanting to recreate the design of a glossy magazine. In a typical one-room "Khrushchev" to make a complete palace is impossible - it would look ridiculous, carved furniture, body moldings just will not leave room for life. Also will not look loft design in the apartment 25-30 square meters. m. with small windows to the north, a low ceiling. Blank brick walls, an abundance of light, high ceiling with exposed beams - its main features elaborate metal inlay in such narrowness travmoopasen. The style of a country house, the size of a hangar, also not an option - comfort here to create a problem. Such issues - choose the style of simpler, more appropriate, but carefully use some elements of which are pleasant.
Excessive mix different styles is not desirable - it is a big mistake. Lack of unity of style, the disunity of its elements leads to chaos. If you'd like to combine different styles in the same apartment, it is done in different rooms, but designers are still recommended to keep the apartment in the same style.

Stylistic design, first of all, have to like the tenants, so you can always find a compromise.
The lack of decor or inlay is to be
The presence of a certain amount of decoration makes the apartment warm, giving it unique. But the decor is important to place correctly. Wallpaper with vertical stripes make the room above the horizontal - wider. Too large picture on them is permissible only in the spacious rooms. It is not recommended to duplicate the same pattern in many different subjects. Unduly "strict" interior, completely without decoration, neuyuta, similar to office space.
See also:pantry in the apartment Design: to a small area of 50 photos
hang pictures too high, Photos - not an option, as it is necessary to lift up his head, which is very inconvenient. It does not apply to cases of fixing plot group of pictures that take up most of the wall height. One big bright picture on a virtually empty wall - premises emphasis on it.

Functionality, interior practicality
Good interior - comfortable interior, ergonomic, safe. Do not make the house a museum, where you can not touch anything, risking broken or dirty. The huge chandelier in the living room, which is always about beating the highest family member falling off armrest the sofa in the kitchen cabinet door, which opens into an uncomfortable way, creaky floor - signs impractical interior.
If the child's individual desk or corner for games is not every child - the problem should be corrected. You should also address issues related to the presence of the required number of storage locations. Lighting apartment is sufficient for normal work, recreation, food cooking, needlework, applying makeup.

If abnormally large, small growth - above 200 cm or less, 150 cm furniture, the height of fixing hanging cabinets, decorative elements chosen individually. Little man will need a stepladder, a special step to get to the top shelves necessary things, the high could hit the door frame, his head hurt low-hanging chandelier.
The total surplus is necessary to get rid of - floor vases, figurines in inconvenient places, indoor plants, periodically eats cat, pushed through a chair, a table with sharp corners, to which it is impossible not hit. Home Safety must come first.
Complex, multi-tiered ceiling
Plasterboard construction with several levels, made in three or four contrasting colors, are fairly common, but do not fit into any room. If the ceiling is low, the complex ceiling structure will be oppressive when little room is small, the effect will create a cluttered space.

The abundance of light at different levels, the original decorative elements give the room a unique, but will reduce the height. Multilevel ceiling allowed only as the only accent the room, as it will detract from the smaller decorative elements.
Provide storage space
The interior, in which all rolls anywhere, looks messy, cluttered. Because experts recommend to keep in an apartment house as many different places as possible to Storage - the good, the majority of models of modern furniture suggest the presence of built-in drawers, shelves, sections.
In Soviet times, was carried out in the storage room, the size of just a couple of "squares", referred to as the "Store". There on the shelves, desks, lockers to store all - carpenter tools and spare parts from a bicycle, a vacuum cleaner and skiing, nails and clothes "to testify." The room was closet-wall, where there were books, documents and utensils. In the kitchen with storage somehow cope cupboard, "Khrushchev fridge" in the bedroom was a large-sized "grandma's" cabinet of small capacity.
In today's time there is such a thing as a dressing room - usually a separate room, a corner of the bedroom. There is stored clothes, shoes, accessories, on bars, racks, shelves, in baskets.

If space allows, there is a part of rarely used household appliances, sports equipment. Outerwear, casual shoes located at the corner built-in cupboard in the hallway, there are sometimes stored tools. Bed in the bedroom is equipped with drawers for storing clothes, toilet, desk, where to put all the right stuff. The bathroom provides a variety of shelves, including a built-in bath. Kitchen set accommodates the dishes, kitchen appliances, table linen. Living room clutter is generally not advisable - one rack, or two or three shelves below the TV is enough. There often are books, but now there is not in every home. In the children put the chest of drawers, shelving with plastic containers for toys.
Knowing the basic rules of quality, high-grade design of modern interiors, it is possible to issue the apartment house so that it looked harmoniously, had pronounced defects. If self-improvement is not possible to correct defects does not work, it should be to turn to professional designers - they know how to arrange the available space, not making mistakes. Exactly repeat the image from the Internet is not always succeed, but to recreate the basic concept is possible even in the most difficult situations.