Room - the main room of any premises designed for not only for joint leisure family members, but also meetings with the guests. Large dimensions allow the installation of different types of furniture, including wardrobe. Ergonomic and compact wardrobes have become an indispensable part of the interior in almost every apartment.

Modern wardrobe fits perfectly into the design of the room, regardless of its size and configuration
Features of the modern wardrobe in the hall
- Features of the modern wardrobe in the hall
- Types of wardrobes
- modular
- built-in
- hull
- Forms wardrobes
- Accommodation options wardrobes in the hall
- Facade design ideas
- conclusion
- Video: Guidelines for filling wardrobe choice
- Photos of design ideas modern wardrobes in the hall
Wardrobe in perfect harmony with the design of any room, regardless of its size and configuration. The individuality of this type of furniture not only provides extra storage space and objects, but also serves as the original decoration of the hall.

Closets are available in different sizes, shapes and designs

There are many closet filling variants, and rods from shelves built up television
The main features of the furniture:
- the presence of the sliding type doors that create a significant space savings;
- multifunctionality;
- capacity (can be placed along the wall, or occupy the entire space of the tension or normal ceiling to floor);
- uniqueness (arbitrary sizes and made to order allow the placement of appliances, for example, TV);
- decoration living room (often the cabinet has not only closed compartments, but also open items for storage of souvenirs and decorative items).

The main feature of the wardrobe is the sliding doors that save space in the apartment
Wardrobe serves an excellent replacement for a full-fledged bed. Design with folding bed is most acute for small apartments, such as Khrushchev.

Wardrobe with folding bed - great for small room
Types of wardrobes
Wardrobe represented in different designs, suitable for any modern style. On the device emit several types considered interior.

For small rooms is better to take cases with light-colored facades or mirror inserts
The furniture consists of a number of mobile units, which can be removed if necessary. In this case, the structure is not integrated, which makes a wardrobe versatility. The number of modules depends on the purpose of the furniture, they can be purchased separately.

The modular system, which consists of two wardrobe and a middle section with a place for your TV

Modular furniture set for corner placement
The most common wardrobe is assembled from three parts. The sides of the compartment doors are made and the average outdoor unit (contains drawers and shelves). In a separate corner sections may be a segment that is placed on the left or right side. Also as an additional module may be used mezzanine, pencil case, cabinet or locker.
Built-in model is not equipped with ceiling and walls. This function is assigned to the niche where the cabinet is installed. Due to the absence of the walls can be placed even in remote places.

Built-in closet can be done in size, ideal for a particular place in the living room

Built-in model is popular with owners of Khrushchev, and the owners of large apartments
built character furniture helps make rational use of space. Sometimes it acts as a baffle for the purpose of the zoning of the room. Among the advantages - the construction is inexpensive and releases the extra space.
Structural integrity of various design, disassembled into its component parts. The housing consists of a door with a sliding mechanism, four panels and the supporting frame. Basically this type of cabinet is arranged along the walls, sometimes in the middle of the room. Case furniture in the living room has a special system of guides and rollers, allowing easy opening and closing of the door wing.

Cabinet wardrobe - an independent piece of furniture

Tricuspid closet with a corner section
To-date version for small apartments with small hall - a two-way closet that allows to put things on both sides.

Two-way model is often used to divide the room into functional areas
Forms wardrobes
The housing is considered a basic supporting structure. Depending on the shape, distinguish the following:
- Straight. Presented in the form of a rectangular façade perfectly combines with any style. The design is simple, versatile, but not original. The traditional form of the cabinet fits well with the classic interior.
Compact wardrobe with sliding mirrored doors in the hall of the classical style
- Angular. The overall composition consists of several parts. It is set in the corner. The main advantage - suitable for rooms with a small area. However, in the manufacture of complex form it requires adjustment, which entails additional costs.
Corner wardrobe consisting of two modules connected at an angle of 90 degrees
- Radius. The idea of creating a semi-circular sliding door wardrobes appeared later. There are two types of construction: concave (inner radius) and a convex (outer radius). In terms of functionality this form combines all the advantages of other types of cabinets. However, due to the complex door opening systems furniture is expensive, as is done to order.
Compact model with concave radius-cabinet doors made of glass
- Five walls. The most solid option with the greatest functionality. The outer side of the well with additional modules and consoles. It has a convex shape protruding from the corner of the room. Therefore only suitable for areas with a lot of space.
Five walls wardrobe modular design
- Trapezoid. A characteristic feature - the presence of the side walls, forming a line of irregular trapezoid. Installing additional elements maximizes the rational organization of the interior space.
"Beveled" wardrobe is often complemented by rectangular modules of different content
When choosing the right design should pay attention to the quality of fittings, tools and internal content.

Term wardrobe service is largely determined by the quality of the sliding mechanism
Accommodation options wardrobes in the hall
Before choosing furniture you should decide on its location in the room. On the location will depend on the shape of the product, its size and design. The most popular sites:
- In the wall. Solid construction is set along the wall. Housed thus wardrobe the most practical and provides storage for a lot of things. Suitable for rooms overall, made of different widths.
- In the corner of the room. It is appropriate for small spaces, because alignment configuration saves usable space, as well as efficiently uses the corner of the room.
- In the living room the center. accommodation option for a studio apartment, which often serves as a furniture partitions.
- In the niche. If there is a recess in the hall, it can be used to set the built-in cabinet model. Such an embodiment significantly relieves the space.
It is original and becomes the interior decoration of the location of the cabinet around the door opening.

Dimensions closet selected based on the available space in the hall

Exclusive model with black glass doors and natural wood frame
Facade design ideas
Beautifully designed cabinet compartment facade of a modern hall not only beautifies the furniture, but also gives the original interior. Many types are equipped with additional elements: a footrest for household appliances, illumination or angular racks (design of the flanges, located on the side of the cabinet). Such shelves acceptance are different elements of the decor in the form of vases, figurines, books, or frames to your photos.

Sliding door of the cabinet can be mirrored, both fully and partially

The original model for storing utensils and decorations for the transparent doors illuminated
To create the design of the facade is necessary to take into account the style and color of the interior room decoration. Sliding design options of the cabinet set. Self-sufficient and completely original look mirror or glass facades. Designer uses printing technology lakomata, lakobelya and sandblast pattern. Such a cabinet gives the room airy and visually enhances the space.

Interestingly looks closet with a pattern, made in sand blasting technique

If desired, the closet door can decorate photoprint
Built-in and freestanding cabinets lends originality combination of matte and glossy surface. An interesting solution is to design the facade Faux leather, veneer, stained glass, laser engraving, frescoes, rattan or bamboo.
Closets presented different types, shapes and dimensions. Models are selected and executed on the basis of the interior, furnishings and color scheme of the room. you can do an independent furniture design if desired. Wardrobes with sliding doors mechanism must be different practicality, spaciousness and beautiful design.
Video: Guidelines for filling wardrobe choice
Photos of design ideas modern wardrobes in the hall
Gallery shows a wide choice of fronts with design solutions easily fit into the style of any room. Your attention closets, modern photos in the room: