Production of kitchen furniture - a complicated and laborious process. Few people dare to do such a difficult job without experience and relevant skills. The idea of creating such a furniture with his own hands, at first glance, seems to be completely unfeasible. In fact, the presence of certain knowledge, skills and possession of treatment with this tool bold plan is realistic to implement.
- The advantages of self-assembly kitchen
The choice of material for the headset
- Materials for load-bearing structures
- The choice of worktops
- Material for facades
- findings
Stages of creating a project
- We determine the design
- We make measurements
- Do not forget about home appliances
- Features of designing and sizes of kitchen units
- Features a corner kitchen components
- And detailed sketch drawing
- Map cutting chipboard
- Tools required for assembly
- Installation and assembly Headset
The advantages of self-assembly kitchen
It would seem - why is it so difficult? It is much easier to buy ready-made furniture kit or order its manufacturing from professionals. But for many independent production of food - it is not just the desire to save. This is an opportunity for self-expression and realization of their own vision of the project. Create your own hands headset allows you to custom design that:
- perfectly fit into the layout of your apartment;
- will meet all the requirements of the future owners;
- filled original shape and functional components;

will bring pleasure and joy from the process of its development, implementation and maintenance.
Whether it is necessary to collect kitchen with his hands, everyone decides for himself. But if the future owner already has experience in the production of furniture, it is worth it to apply. The one who decided on this complex matter, do not have to:
- pay for the services of experts;
- worry about the quality of work.
Creating a new headset is often not a matter of spontaneous. Usually it is preceded by a long development phase of the project, which takes into account many different nuances. It is determined by the number of modules, their purpose and location. Selected materials, fittings, internal filling. Kitchen should get not only beautiful, but also comfortable, ergonomic, functional. You need to consider the location of the "work triangle", filling blind zones, ways of opening doors and many different things.
The choice of material for the headset
The design of kitchen unit includes a housing, facades and countertop. For each of these components, you can choose a variety of materials.

Materials for load-bearing structures
Housing - is the foundation of the kitchen furniture. To date, for the fabrication of frameworks used the following materials - solid wood, MDF - fine fiber boards and particle boards - chipboard.
- Array - the most expensive material for the manufacture of shells. It is environmentally friendly and durable, provided the use of high-quality wood. Otherwise there is a risk that the wood will lead.
- MDF - a durable, water-resistant material. It is made of wood and resin, so safe for households.
- CPD - the most commonly used because of the democratic values. Laminating protects it from moisture. But if the edge is not processed film - sooner or later, the material begins to swell and disintegrate. In addition, through the open end into the room fall harmful gum.

The choice of worktops
The most common countertops made of laminated chipboard. They are practical, characterized by low cost without fear bumps and contact with hot dishes. Spilled oil, hot water, chemicals and does not compromise such a surface. The weak point of chipboard is a lack of moisture. So you need to choose a material with high protection labeled B. The composition of such plates include wax which prevents the penetration of moisture. Layer laminate provides excellent protection for the surface, but poorly processed edges are very vulnerable. Therefore, their quality needs to be given increased attention. Better use of PVC tape, as it protects the edges of the chips.
Table top made of wood looks very attractive and expensive. But it is quite capricious - can not tolerate high temperatures, moisture, and requires extra care. Every six months it is necessary to process the oil. Wooden worktop should be protected from ingress of water. Otherwise, the appearance of cracks is not long to wait. You can cover it with varnish or paint. Lacquer helps protect the array from disintegration. But he cracked and exfoliate over time.
Practical replacement array can become top in laminated wood. For its production using the same, perfectly polished slats of specially selected and treated wood. This surface does not swell or deform her no cracks.
Table top made of natural stone - very expensive. It will last for years to come, because not afraid of high temperatures, exposure to acids, liquids, fungus and bacteria, resistant to abrasion, scratches and chips. Stone antistatic - does not attract dust.
An alternative is an artificial stone. This composite material is composed of natural stone chippings or minerals, resin and pigment additives. From it is possible to form a seamless molded work surface, absolutely any shape, with walls, baseboards and even an apron, which eliminates the need to lay on the tiled wall. Modern industry offers the following types of material:
- acrylic - provides great opportunities for design, but not resistant to various types of stress. It is very quickly formed scratches are traces from hot dishes;
- Quartz agglomerate - much stronger, as 96% is made up of quartz chips. Absolutely not subject to abrasion and scratching. It tolerates brief contact with hot objects.
See also:Corner suite for a small kitchen

Material for facades
Choosing material for facades, it is necessary to pay attention not only on aesthetic qualities and cost. Far more important than the performance of the future "face" of the headset. The higher the resistance of the material to the aggressive action of moisture, temperature, mechanical stress, household chemicals, the longer the set will retain its original appearance.
The most common options for kitchen fronts:
- fronts of chipboard or MDF - plate covered with melamine. Characterized by the low price and low resistance to scratching;
- fronts of MDF enamel - pre-primed surfaces coated with several layers of paint, and then applying a finishing paint;
- plates coated with PVC film - affordable technology, in which the color and any patterns are applied to the film, and she is glued to the prepared products;
- facades, decorated with plastic - enable you to create complex shapes door. Not afraid of direct sunlight and moisture. On glossy surfaces are very noticeable fingerprints, but with hard mat removes dirt;
- framework - a frame made of MDF insert elements of different material - glass, plastic, rattan mat which impart kitchens originality and eccentricity. Of the minuses can be noted the complexity of routine care. Frames operate as aluminum or wood;
- veneered - plates pasted veneer of valuable species and resemble a real array, while remaining very attractive price;
- made of wood - eco-friendly and durable facades that are always relevant.
cabinet doors can be made of wooden panels - or bonded teak, oak, larch, birch, aspen, pine, beech, spruce or pine. Original look of the facades of OSB.

Auxiliary elements help to improve the quality of furniture, extend its life and make it more comfortable.
Accessories for your comfort
- Furniture handles - are made from a variety of materials designed to withstand repeated pressing and impact the environment. There are transforming the push handles.
- Dampers - are used to soften the blows and pops. Are mounted on the doors hinges, runners for drawers. Thanks to them, the movement stops for a second, and then continue until the closing of the box.
- Hinges - modern design make it possible to significantly increase the angle of the doors opening. In the case of roll-out of systems it is necessary to open the door to 175 degrees. Loops vary in purpose - chipboard, MDF, wood, metal and on the number of joints. There are 4 and 7 the hinge device. The latter allows to shift the door to the side after it is fully open.

- Guides - are attached to the inner side surfaces of the cabinet and act as a kind of rail for rolling out the boxes and other structures. There are ball and roller designs. Ball withstand loads of up to 80 kg, so indispensable to the deep and wide drawers.
- Hoisting mechanism - used for opening and locking the upper doors. There are mechanical and pneumatic lifts. The latter allows to determine the desired angle of the door lift and lock it in a slightly open position.
- Metalloboksy - boxes, consisting of two guides, front and rear walls. May have completely different dimensions.
- System "Carousel", "Magic Corner" - let you use hard-to-space in the corner systems.
- Metal basket - internal filling elements. Comfortable design makes it easy to view the contents of the box.
- Separators - installed inside the box. They serve to organize cooking utensils, spices, cutlery.

Stages of creating a project
The process begins with the construction of the general plan of the premises to fit all sizes. Then, based on it being built drawing based appliances.
We determine the design
The first thing you need to decide, starting to create a kitchen design - the location and size of a refrigerator, sink and stove. You should start is with them for the reason that they are dependent. Location of washing depends on the location of water communications, gas cooker - from the pipe and vent, refrigerator from heating devices - you can not put it next to battery. From the placement of these elements will depend on the location of the extraction, drying dishes, drawers for the spoons and forks. There are many programs that you can use to quickly sketch design headset. If necessary, seek help from a company that makes furniture under the order.
Then select the type of future kitchen layout. For small rooms suitable linear arrangement along one or two walls, or angular. The spacious kitchens of private homes or studios are possible peninsular layout, and even the island.
See also:Khrushchev in the kitchen: design and interior

We make measurements
One of the most important events in the course of creating the kitchen - the removal of measurement. Accuracy in this case is a must - it will affect the speed and complexity of future work.
The first step is measured perimeter of the premises - on a plinth, at the upper end of floor modules - 85-90 cm and at the level of the average human height. Ceiling height is also measured at several locations to detect errors. Next selected starting point - the angle of which determines the distance from windows, doors, gas pipes, plumbing outlet, heating devices, sockets, vent. These parameters are necessary for proper placement of kitchen modules. In the scheme of measurements need to specify the size of the windows, doorways, along with trims, size, structure, height and width of the window sill of his lip.
When designing the kitchen need to consider placement of household appliances, therefore, need to know its size in advance.

Do not forget about home appliances
Before you go shopping for appliances, you need to decide with the style and the color gamut of the future kitchen. Spontaneously bought units can then absolutely not be combined with furniture. Agree - chrome surfaces strange look in the style of Provence, or country.
The dimensions of the future cabinet depend on the size of household appliances. Therefore, the best to buy "kitchen helpers", and only then be determined by the size of the boxes. If after installing the kitchen is found that the oven or dishwasher does not fit in the closet, this is nothing to be done about it. But the kitchen size, the design phase, you can always adjust to the size of equipment.
Save the work surface area, opting for a mini-stove with two burners.
Washing machine and dishwasher should be placed in the vicinity of the outlet and drain the water. When you transfer these devices will have to use a special pump. Built-in oven can be placed in a cabinet under the hob or move it to a separate pencil case.
Stove, located in a corner, would double your worries. After all, you will need to wash the fat just two walls, which have to reach them through the slab, and the most difficult to clear a corner. Do not place the stove next to the sink - a drop of water can get into the hot oil, which will spray on hands hostess. Do not place it near a window, and - the wind can blow out a fire or accidentally set fire to the curtains fluttering.
The microwave oven is not necessary to incorporate too high - risk of getting burned hot food from the plate. It is also inconvenient when it is too low - you have to bend down.
Refrigerator must not be installed near a stove, an oven, a heating radiator, and just on the well-illuminated place. He will work with enhanced capacity, which will reduce the life of the device.

Features of designing and sizes of kitchen units
There are certain rules of arrangement of kitchen elements:
- cleaning should be placed close to communications;
- you need to plan a sufficient number of available sockets for connection of small household appliances. Unacceptable their installation on a gas hob or a sink;
- ventilation should be in close proximity to the ventilation hatch, it was not necessary then to mask an unsightly corrugated;
- the distance between the hood and plates - 75 cm. At greater distances the device will cease to fulfill their duties;
- sink better positioned in line with the work surface and oven. Cooking with this arrangement is much more convenient.

There are classic size kitchen units. They are designed for a person of average height. From these parameters depend on the size of manufactured appliances.
The standard height of the working surface - 85 cm. In this position, a person does not have to raise your elbows too high, or vice versa, to bend. Worktop depth - 60 cm. On such a surface and equipment fit and at the same time do not have to reach far to wash tiles. The depth of the upper tier - 30 cm. It is enough to place the dishes and did not get hurt, leaning over the table top. The height of the cabinets 70 to 90 cm. Too high shelves remain unused. Reach them only by means of a stepladder or stool. The width of doors varies from 30 to 45 cm. This width is sufficient for the convenient use of cabinets.
With self-production of food the average parameters can be changed and fit the height of the countertop and the upper tier for the growth.

Features a corner kitchen components
This option plan is optimal for small spaces. The modules are arranged by the letter G. There are two versions of the angular unit performance:
- trapezoidal module;
- connection of two cabinets at right angles.
See also:design kitchen with bay window - photo layout examples
The first option takes a lot of space. Therefore, most customers prefer a more accurate angle. But to tap hard-to-dark zone, there should be a variety of withdrawable and retractable device, as well as a special double door.

And detailed sketch drawing
Taking into account the above nuances, you can create the exact final drawings and sketches.
First of all draw the top view. Then, create a sketch of the wall, which will be set. Indicate occupancy communications, electrical outlets, a gas boiler, counter and pipes, ventilation. Then create a sketch of the other three walls with the doors, windows, outlets. Better image printed in multiple copies - you can experiment and try out different options for placement of kitchen components.
With special care should be taken to develop an electrical wiring circuit. In addition to the main switch, you will need to install devices for controlling the backlight, as well as hidden outlet for each of the stationary electric appliances and more - to connect minor technical devices.

The next stage - the placement of furniture in compliance with the actual size. You can stay in standard dimensions, but if necessary - to change the settings according to your needs. Begin with the drawing, which shows a top view. After that, proceed to the design of a wall with a sketch set. First drawn worktop. Then depicted lower cabinets furniture with built-in appliances and washing with precise parameters, performing drawing in a selected scale. Thereafter drawn wall cabinets contrasting color. Similarly traceable rest of the walls with furniture. Leveraging the thumbnails of all the four walls you can create the layout. The last stage - the choice of color, texture, style headset.
Sketch and 3D- visualization can be created by means of special programs - Pro100, 3CAD Evolution, Sweet Home 3D.

Map cutting chipboard
The next step is to make cutting the card material to produce detailing and finally cut chipboard.
cutting card is a paper drawing future parts headset proper layout. It allows you to determine the required amount of material, to minimize its costs by reducing scrap, speed up the process of cutting. The map shows the best way to layout components, so during the operation does not need to spend time thinking about.
can be used to map a special program, for example, Cutting. Another option - to order its compilation in the same company, which purchased materials.
In drawing up the document the following nuances should be considered:
- width of curtain modules must be a multiple of 50 mm and 200 mm from the start - 250, 300, etc .;
- texture direction, if available, on the material surface;
- rear wall size should be less than the modulus of dimensions 4 mm;
- for the production of hinged boxes required chipboard 16 mm in thickness, and for outdoor cabinets - 18 mm.
When the card is ready, you can begin to reveal the details.

If you do not want to make the cut, it is better to order it at the same store where purchased particleboard. So you do not have to spend twice the transportation of the material.
Tools required for assembly
Before starting the assembly, be sure to have on hand all the necessary tools. It is better to take care of this in advance than to interrupt the process because of the lack of indispensable accessories.
Tools that should be prepared:
- drawing or carpenter's square;
- level - standard or laser;
- roulette;
- a circular saw;
- jigsaws;
- hammer;
- drill with a hammer;
- screwdriver;
- Drill - 4.5 mm, 7 and 8 mm;
- awl;
- stationery knife;
- pliers;
- hexagon;
- screws;
- conductor - will greatly facilitate the assembly, protect furniture from accidental damage.

Installation and assembly Headset
Assembly is done in stages
- Fixing guide for drawers.
- Drill holes for mounting shelves.
- Bore holes for connecting the individual modules.
- The side walls are fixed to the bottom of the box.
- Attach the top board.
- Set legs.
Installation begins with the connection of the lower cabinets. Fixation is carried out with the help of evrostyazhek. After that fasten single back wall. Further, on the table top mark out areas for washing and hob, and cut out holes in accordance with their size. Spila places treated with sealant. After that, the table top is attached to a pedestal with self-tapping screws. Next, determine the height of the web for fixing the placement of the upper cabinet. To this end, the distance between the worktop and hanging designs add their height plus 10 mm. After installation, set the upper tier of the door in the open position. First loop is attached onto the door, and then to the wall of the housing. Following the turn built-in equipment, accessories, metal baskets and withdrawable systems.
Creating dishes with his own hands - an interesting and exciting process, and the result will please you for many years.