How to arrange a romantic evening at home for two 100 photo ideas

Romantic evening for two - what could be better! But that it was unforgettable, it is necessary to prepare in advance. To hold such a meeting can be almost anywhere - not always needed for this large financial expenditure. Beautiful furnishings, original, albeit purely symbolic attributes, create the effect of novelty, surprise and delight both partners. There are many interesting ideas of this holiday.


  • Features
  • General tips for organizing a romantic dinner
    • Invitation
    • Situation
    • Select a date
  • Where to organize, how to decorate the venue
    • In the home environment
    • On the roof
    • Outings
    • Walk through the city with a picnic
    • The restaurant
  • How to create a menu and what to cook
  • Entertainment during dinner
  • conclusion


The main feature of a romantic evening - a reason it should be exclusively together with a loved one. To establish relations with the new, still unfamiliar girl, guy, a little holiday optimally suited. It is important that nothing distracts from communicating with each other. The meeting allowed small budget gifts, but to make an offer "hands and hearts", while giving an expensive ring, and it is not forbidden. Meeting place - his own apartment, a removable house, cafe, roof of a house or the nearby forest.

Valentine dinner
Dinner at the restaurantromantic dinnerCandles and wineGlasses of wineMaking apartments

General tips for organizing a romantic dinner

To evening was memorable, used all the "romantic" attributes, such as scented candles, rose petals, huge bouquets. These things make the greatest impact on women, while men are more appreciate good wine and walk away from their homes.

dinner organization

Which is about to be done in the framework of preparations for the dinner at home:

  • an original way to invite a partner;
  • consider the menu, buy the necessary food;
  • pertain beautiful clothes;
  • create design - music, candles, miscellaneous decor;
  • consider options for entertainment.
preparation apartments
Romance by the fireplaceA pair of loversGlasses and champagneGlasses and candlesPreparing for the evening

If it's a date in a cafe, restaurant, bar, decorate the room, prepare intricate meals do not have to - it will staff. We just need to choose the right two of the institution, to invite a partner.


Invite a partner, even if at a home meeting in a room, you need a special way. It may just be an in makeshift envelope decorated with traces of the kiss, and smelling of perfume, this letter sent by post - if two people live separately. If time is limited, you can invite via any instant messenger, social network, text message.

Invitation for a romantic dinner
Dinner invitationInvitation in an envelopegentle envelopeoption invitationDinner invitation

The invitation can be sent with a courier. He will deliver a bouquet to the right address, and in it - a little note with the date date.


A very important moment of the meeting - you need to look great. This applies to both women and men. Even if the meeting takes place at home, where there are two, they have to put himself in order - it is inadmissible to meet a partner with dirty hair, "sweat pants" with extended knees or an old dressing gown. Neat haircut, a clean, well-groomed nails, beautiful clothes (if the evening is planned to continue in the bed), a pleasant but unobtrusive perfume, create the desired image.

romantic atmosphere
cozy eveningsetoutBath and champagneromantic dinnerLots of candles

Draw up a room, where it is planned to spend the evening, as is necessary in advance. Table covered with a cloth, put on the chairs covers, arranges beautiful dishes, candles in the candelabra. It is possible to prepare aromatic sticks - lime, sandalwood, opium, green tea, aromatic lamps with different oils.

See also:Garden design with their own hands - and the idea of ​​photo examples

Select a date

Many people pay more attention to the date of date, especially if it is - the first. In different numerological systems, different interpretations of numbers and their influence. In one of the eastern systems provides a rationale:

  • 1 - symbolizes the beginning, start, confidence, activity;
  • 2 - associated with art, romance, sophistication;
  • 3 - the game, creative, small risk, sense of humor;
  • 4 - stability, reliability, to be closer to nature;
  • 5 - easy, way of thinking, freedom, open-mindedness;
  • 6 - the desire for comfort, security and related attachments;
  • 7 - sincerity, serenity, sincerity, curiosity;
  • 8 - energy, a tendency to shocking, continuous motion;
  • 9 - mutual understanding, willingness to help, daydreaming.
Invitation to the evening

If the two-digit date, the first digit is added to the second, to obtain a unique number (1 + 5 = 6 - the sixth number; 2 + 9 = 11, 1 + 1 = 2 - a second number). In other embodiments, the numbers add up all of the birth of each partner, choose one of the two.

But it's best not to choose the number and the day of the week. It is desirable that it was a weekend, or at least the second half of the day and date of the next first be free of both. Then you can relax as much as possible, not thinking about work, some important matters.

Where to organize, how to decorate the venue

Choosing a place where to spend a romantic evening, depending on the preferences of both partners or one of them - the organizer. meeting the budget is as important - if the house will have to buy only a little food, wine, candles, in specially designed for this field will have to pay cooking services incorporated in the cost of meals or even quest with renting a hall and actors-animators.

Rendezvous on the roof
Option of eveningwine glassesPreparing for the eveningSunset on the SeaRestaurant on the beach

In the home environment

It is easier and cheaper just to arrange a meeting at home - in the living room, the kitchen or even a spacious bathroom. Real romance will satisfy even the evening, hosted on the spacious balconies, balcony, especially if the windows are panoramic and go on nature. To organize such a holiday is necessary, even when almost light, to light the candles later, and closer to the night - to launch Chinese lanterns. On the balcony then take out two armchairs, a coffee table. If it's a private home, you can organize a barbecue on a small frying collapsible grill.

cozy eveningRomance in the bedroomRomance in the bathroomhome eveningprivate courtyard

Arrange a romantic evening in the bathroom, if there is enough space in it. If possible, remove all the excess out - cleaners, washing facilities and so on. It is acceptable to leave a bubble bath, "bubbling" foam balls. rose petals, candles, wine glasses perfectly complement the atmosphere. Dress code - naked, although some are allowed erotic accessories. Such a party is able to entertain, which for many years were married, even husband and wife. You can organize music, but one that will enjoy both, will not interfere with communication.

Romance for two
Option of eveningroom DecorationRose petalsdecorated living roomLovers in the bathroom

In the presence of the house or the fake fireplace, a meeting conducted near it.

On the roof

The most daring, original invite his "soul mate" on the roof of high-rise buildings. It is important to follow safety rules, especially if the "feast" is planned with the use of alcohol. For convenience, you can bring a folding table and chairs, utensils, flashlight, blanket, anything from the most simple food, a bouquet of flowers and a small romantic gifts. If possible, it is permissible to invite live musicians - that's for sure surprise partner. Decorating the roof space as possible, especially if we are talking about a place that is accessible to others closed.

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Lovers in the restaurant
Dinner on the roofromantic dinnerLovers on the roofDinner on the roofromantic dinner

Certain companies offer pre-comfortable, and most importantly - private space belonging to them on the roof. This place has a safe guard, decorate artificial or fresh flowers, ribbons, LED backlight. From the roof necessarily beautiful views, and food and beverages are selected as well as a cafe. This place has the best way to a photo shoot - if finances allow, even ordered a video-shooting from the air.

Lovers on the roofRooftop restaurantevening loversorganization pmRomance on the roof


For outings need to prepare very thoroughly, especially if the street is not the summer. If we are talking about the trip with an overnight stay, need a tent, sleeping bags, charcoal campfire. When traveling to the place of visits by car, arrange a place to sleep right in it, and in the winter, or "wet" time to take a folding garden furniture (table and chairs), large beach umbrella or an awning. During the summer, mosquito repellent handy.

Evening on the nature
cozy eveningEvening on the natureRomantic dinner outdoorsCamping LanternsEvening on the nature

A simpler option - access to nature within the city. Suitable Parks, river bank, where you can sit together, look at the stars, drink a bottle of wine, ignite a small fire, if it gets cold. It is advisable to bring along a couple of warm blankets, wipes, a bit of food.

If the partners are well aware, it is better to go to the place that they both love, causing only the most positive emotions.

Walk through the city with a picnic

Night - the most romantic part of the day, especially if you do not need the morning to go to work. Then the walk continues until the morning. During the event - visit the various beautiful places. In the evening and night many of the buildings, the streets are brightly lit and looks very different than during the day. With a take a bit of food - sandwiches, salads in containers, cold meats, tea in a thermos, champagne or light wine. If you plan to walk from "Dusk Till Dawn", meet the latter is better on the banks of the river, on the hill with a wonderful view, preferably on the east side.

Lovers in the city
A pair of loversMan and girl in carLovers on a walkWalk through the citytwo lovers

Interesting idea - horse ride in the evening. It looks like this: one of the partners comes in the form of the Prince (Princess) over white (a red, black, "an apple" and others.) Horse brings with him another horse, on which sits a second partner. Both of them go to the pre-specified location, where already laid a table for nature, where everything is ready for a romantic rendezvous.

Couple in love at sunsetRomance in natureMan and woman Couple in loveWalk on horseback

city ​​movement could take a car, bike or even roller skates, but then have to give up alcohol.

The restaurant

An evening spent in the restaurant is good by the fact that the cover, lay the table on their own do not have - these will be engaged in workers places. Table typically reserved in advance assortment of dishes, the presence-absence of alcohol, it is also desirable to specify in advance. Hotel Restaurants have an extensive open-air terrace, offers additional activities such as the launch of lanterns, fireworks and others.

See also:Stained glass in the interior: the types and examples 75 photos

Two restaurant
Man and woman in a restaurantDinner at the restaurantA pair of lovers at restaurantLovers at the tableDinner for two

Room design, music, offers a menu selected based on the preferences of both partners. There are the "classic" restaurants with a large variety of dishes, live music, fine furniture and crystal chandeliers. The "Chinese" menu will be a corresponding institution, instead of chairs and a table - floor mat or mats, low table, on the walls - cherry blossoms in the corner - an aquarium with goldfish. In hunting restaurant serves a wide range of mainly meat dishes, wooden furniture, rude, the interior is filled with souvenir items related to hunting. The institution of vegetarian meat, fish, and sometimes egg and dairy products completely absent.

Restaurant for dinnerThe lighting in the restaurantThe restaurant's interiorThe design of the restaurantThe atmosphere in the restaurant

In some restaurants for a fee can be ordered as individual music tracks and a live concert.

How to create a menu and what to cook

The menu is based on the food preferences of both participants of the ceremony. Dishes that are used on a daily basis or at least often, it is prohibited to cook. Menu prefer light and tasty as possible - Low-cost in terms of money and physical effort.

Cake in the form of heartDessert in a GlassCupcakes and wine glassesDessert and rose petalsCupcakes with cream

Optimally suited:

  • fruits;
  • cakes;
  • sandwiches;
  • sushi;
  • pizza;
  • salads;
  • meat with vegetables;
  • seafood;
  • Tea coffee;
  • champagne, wine.
Dinner at the restaurant
shrimp feedCake and wineShrimp dinnerSalad on the plateDinner menu

Sophisticated dishes cooked according to their own recipes, and will fall "in the subject", but cooking should not be unduly tiring, as a tired man just wants to relax. During the dinner in an apartment or other place emphasis on the serving table. Decorations for cooked food made from fruits, herbs, special of dressing. It is important to choose a beautiful dish, put the napkins (permissible to make them beautiful figurines).

If you cook quite lazy, bought ready-made meals for home delivery.

Entertainment during dinner

During a romantic dinner is acceptable not only eat and drink. home entertainment is often limited to games of cards, guessing words, "cubes desires", dancing in the living room. For a relaxing family evening as entertainment fit both your favorite movies, flipping picture album.

Couple of young people
Entertainment for two Couple in loveQuest for twoRomantic eveningcozy atmosphere

But there are other options. For example, the organization of a mini-quest - it is usually invited to a specially trained person who will bring with them some scenery, playing attributes. The duration of the event - no more than one hour, it will be organized within one or several rooms. Standard themes - search for "keys to the kingdom", "pirate treasure", the password from the exit of the spacecraft. There are also erotic quests, the Soviet, eastern, post-apocalyptic themes and others.


Romantic evening - an easy way to learn unfamiliar person is better to add a little "spark" in routine family life, to brighten up the everyday work. Organize a walk, a date, dinner for two, with your hands is not difficult. It's enough to show imagination, use the tips and tricks of professional organizers of events.