Window Dressing space - an important component in interior design. Some are made the old fashioned way, others are coming up with some incredible combination, but the French Marquis curtain - a proven option.
Complex-looking drapery, rather simple in execution, if you look in the tailoring features.
- 1 Blind French marquis description window design options
2 sewing curtains Instructions "Marquis"
- 2.1 Calculation of fabric for curtains sewing
- 2.2 Features tailoring technology
- 2.3 Fixing the lifting mechanism for French curtains
- 2.4 Drawings and diagrams for sewing curtains with his hands
- 3 Top choices ready curtains French Marquis in the interior with a description and photo
- 4 VIDEO: Luxury French curtains with his hands.
- 5 50 French curtains variants in modern interiors:
Blind French marquis description window design options
The correct choice of window Textile - half the battle, he often tailoring and design of the room makes the most expressive. Style with uniform drapes called "curtains in the style of Louis" or curtains French "Marquis".
Premises with a similar design of the windows always look elegant and respectable, in some cases, it's hard to imagine a decent alternative.
Proven options when the room immediately gets a new design rethinking:
- concert halls;
- classrooms;
- living under the Baroque;
- bedroom in the palace style;
- halls for negotiations under the classics;
- furniture stores that specialize in expensive Italian set in a historical style.
Translucent tulle with uniform drapes invented in France in the heyday of the pompous and refined hedonism.
Under Louis XIV were certain aesthetic ideals - crinolines lush female clothes, high hair, powdered face with flies and catchy luxury palace interiors.
Medieval France was tired of mourning and epidemics that decimated 2/3 of the population. In the XVIII century, it took root a new approach to life, creating a craving for luxury and sophistication. This, in fact, different "awning", although there is no exact description in dictionaries and history books, and challenged the primacy of the invention.
Once this gorgeous curtains were made of the finest silk, imported from Japan and China.
Today expensive translucent fabric for draping the windows available to everyone, the store has a lifting gear and accessories. It only remains to choose the modification:
- a lifting mechanism controlled remotely on the ledge with the electric drive;
- standard containing a solid version (if necessary decorative panel otshtorivaetsya hands).
One of the beauty secrets of French curtains - in their luxurious uniform draping soft tissue sagging rounded festoons.
Design with a lot of soft folds, the last the test of time, still being improved. The method claimed drapery rows 2 or 3 century periodically returning into vogue.
Sew a low-cost option "Marquise" can be their own hands.
Twice as costly to order a sophisticated way of tailoring the master, but it will provide the lifting accessories. This equipment will help you easily change the length of the curtains. Styles draped tulle variability, if they are provided with heavy night curtains and decorative details made of velvet, tapestries and other heavy fabrics.
When choosing fabrics, in addition to white, often prefer something in a single palette premises - warm or cool colors.
Such fabrics highlight the beauty of the interior, not burdening him. On the contrary, one of the properties of the elegant "Marquise" - to create the impression of high ceilings, purity, airiness and spaciousness.
sewing curtains Instructions "Marquis"
Looking through the catalog, which presents the French curtains ready, it is evident that possible single and multi-layer variant.
For the manufacture of "Marquis" practice monochromatic light fabric, good light transmitting.
For the "French women" apply a thin veil fabric type. They should be soft (for drapes) and practical - often wash the curtains, even if there is a difficult style.
More rigid and inexpensive textiles suitable for static curtains without lifting gear.
Then you can choose a wide step for the series of drapery - the marking of 50-70 cm.
For soft transparent veil, which is sewn to the bedroom in addition to a smooth night curtains, for a small step. Her mark out paths for 35-50sm.
Calculation of fabric for curtains sewing
The pleats are formed only in the finished product, when assembled in track kuliske with equal pitch and suspended to the cornice. They need to be pushed and pulled evenly. In the thick folds of the raised state is formed from the bottom.
Blind tension rises as the assembly mechanism.
Important information! When you dial into account relevant tissue roll width to the format of the French curtains. The width of the finished fabric without assembly is multiplied by a factor of 1.5 - 2. Plus seam allowances and hem under the tape for attachment to the ledge, it's still 7-8 cm.
The width of the rolls of tulle is also taken into account, it is necessary to take the cloth with a margin of 2-3, taking into account the adjustment of the width of the drape tracks.
Length cornice - an important factor in tissue calculations, but keep in mind that all look beautiful curtains on each window.
Sometimes thick curtains on the sides of the pick-up to perform a purely decorative role, completing the composition window.
Too large wall windows with 2-3 is not necessary to combine general French curtains, it is inconvenient in operation, especially when you need to ventilate the room.
French curtains - it's not lightweight design, so must keep on good quality cornices.
Features tailoring technology
Prior to the beginning of sewing the fabric shrinkage is recommended to shrink by heat treatment, eliminating the possibility of a difference after washing. Fabric in the manufacture takes a lot of space, so it is spread over a large bed or a clean floor.
French curtains to sew their own hands, every woman wants, able to work with a little cloth and having design tendencies.
Once made all the calculations, chalk markings made on the paintings to clarify once again before cutting. When you want to combine several panels of soft translucent veil, it is important to them to stitch the seams were not visible under a tie for curtains.
Too bad lung tissue sag, wrinkles and tightening the tape (it forms folds it) can puff up. To balance the bottom edge sew recommended weighting. They will be directed straight down the ranks of "Marquise".
In the selection of fabric, the main condition is its lightness.
Useful advice! Perfect French curtains, as in the photo, flashed rows and assembled a special tape that is scribbling strictly vertical tracks. All accessories can now be purchased at specialty stores and catalogs. This is the secret of uniform build "ideal awning."
After the cutting and sewing of a single blade gently processed side seams, which is also sewn drapes tape. The lower and upper edge are aligned - after the lines are possible drawbacks.
Allowance for the length of the lay of the upper and lower edge to hem. Top bends more to sew the tape to the eaves. Under it makes small wrinkles or soft folds at regular intervals, it will help to narrow down the curtain evenly.
French curtains - a combination of elegance and conservatism in the interior.
The lower edge necessarily double tuck and pull up on the machine, enough allowance in 2 - 3 cm, then rows of stitched ribbon. If there is no special hardware, using a narrow ribbon, which will help evenly pull the slack scalloped blade.
When using sewing needles special layout with a round ball. When all marked out, can be stitched drapes hardware (tape) from the wrong side. Braid sewn on the sides close to the edges, but sometimes leave without cutting, if the edges are hidden layer of curtains.
They are great not only for the bedroom and living room, but also for food.
Top make out the straps, which will help evenly collect "the Frenchwoman" for the cornice. After hanging curtain cords uniformly contracted or special fittings and fixed.
Scallop further straightened manually. For some tissues it is better to walk on the seams steam laundries and ready-to leave slack, perhaps even after that need weights along the bottom edge.
French curtains - aesthetically pleasing interior decoration.
Fixing the lifting mechanism for French curtains
Fixed "Marquis" is applicable on the windows that shut tight, and tulle quite well transmits light. It can be attached to Velcro tape, or "Velcro" under pelmet.
Independent French sewing curtains - the process is quite long and laborious, but it is doable.
Important! Excellent choice - ceiling cornices electrically. If the curtain is equipped with a special lift with rings at regular intervals, it is very convenient to raise with the remote with remote control.
This equipment is recommended for those that used the morning to open the transom at the bedroom window. For information on how to fix this lifting equipment to the ready-made curtains, shall be detailed in the instructions. It can be molded, depending on the version, so there is no need to describe in this article.
French curtains - this is a very bright interior detail.
lift control methods for "Marquis" - a chain of side (usually the right) or from the remote control if there is a special cornice on the drive.
Drawings and diagrams for sewing curtains with his hands
Having explanation scheme or a master class in the video, is not so difficult to perform sewing aristocratic and slightly pompous curtains. But do not get to work without basic sewing skills. The overall impression is largely dependent on the skill and accuracy.
Every hem, basting, hand and machine seam to be executed perfectly.
In the Soviet era, luxurious curtains were ambiguous, they sewed only for concert halls, diplomatic residences and recreation palaces of culture. Today, all hand sewing secrets - in the public domain. By rounding the bottom hem can be hand or leave in waves.
Ready-made curtains can be mounted under a false cornice and hide behind the broad decorative rack, tightly nailed to the walls and ceiling.
Cloth curtains French is best to take a light and translucent.
Top choices ready curtains French Marquis in the interior with a description and photo
Living spaces are functional and its unique atmosphere, which forms the basic design. The decoration of window openings "awning" is made differently, the length and width varies festoons.
- The most appropriate "French" sewing tulle romantic matrimonial bedroom with beautiful furniture, where you feel like a king or queen. Uniform rhythm of folds gives peace and tranquility, it gives confidence and helps to tune in to the intimate wave.
In this room can be combined with the heavy night curtains.
- The living room of a large house or a small room in an apartment unusually transform window decoration in French. Here, guests can appreciate the desire for aesthetics of the house owners. Multilayer variations here relevant - pelmets and decorative parts of different lengths. Blackout curtains on the sides are not necessary if it is not dictated by the design concept. Against the backdrop of thick puckered translucent curtains always wins antique furniture or baby grand piano.
- Modern dining room with a kitchen and a living room in an apartment-studio (another case) also needs to be beautifully decorated windows. In this case we recommend to sew curtains of soft synthetic fabrics that are easy to wash and do not need ironing. Where were all together at a large table, or accept offers, you can afford a little more luxury in the form of fine folds, flowing from ceiling to floor.
In the kitchen area does not need a long veil, only to the sill.
- The small one-bedroom rooms with balcony door and bay window in preference practical lift the curtain on the circular ledge. Transom door or will not cling to the complex hardware at the same time sophisticated tailoring cloth unusually decorate the living room only. We recommend a window to put desktop for a laptop or a group of upholstered furniture. Effectively looks the color of curtains in tone upholstery sofa.
- In the nursery French curtains are not so common, but it's the best decoration for the bedroom a little princess.
Do not make them long, it is better only to the sill, so that the child accidentally touched them during the game.
- In a classic study French curtains also quite appropriate, especially if it is furnished with leather furniture in the style of "Chesterfield". Such a tandem to emphasize the status of their owner and give the officialdom in the negotiation process.
- On warm glazed loggias spectacular French veil with a scalloped wave will give a sense of the lived space. Again, it is best to sew only inexpensive practical matter, since the "Marquis" from the balcony have prostiryvat at the end of the warm season due to settling dust.
In this environment, you can relax and chat with a friend or neighbor for a cup of coffee.
As you can see, for those who have long dreamed of a luxurious decoration of windows, fit the French Marquis - curtains adorn the room, even in the spirit of minimalism without decoration. The tendency to return to the curtains in the historic style. This tailoring is considered the most elegant, and only he is able to equalize all the proportions and divert attention from minor bugs in the interior design.