Kitchen scales with volume measurement: types, characteristics

Use of the kitchen scales - it is an opportunity to follow the recipe and count in calories. Today people, and especially female, are obsessed with the figure, diets and dietary restrictions, and scales to help them achieve the desired results.

They are useful for those who follow a diet and to those people who, because of health do not allow themselves too much during meals. Choice for the kitchen appliance is formed on indicators that require future user. To avoid mistakes, it is worth more to understand as in stores today presented models.


  • Types of kitchen scales with the volume measurement
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Features kitchen scales with the volume measurement
  • Measuring volume
  • malfunctions
  • Price category

Types of kitchen scales with the volume measurement

Today, the balance being upgraded and new features are added to their device.

old-fashioned equipment often found only in an interior.

But, in spite of the development of electronics and digital technology, mechanical models are still present in the sale and in demand. In everyday life, used mechanical and electronic model.
  • Mechanical - The device, which is based on a spring. The force of pressure laid on objects makes the cup spring is compressed, and the arrow - indicate the scale weight.
  • Electronic. Specifications of electronic instrumentation is much more complex than their predecessors. Here, sensitivity integrated sensors, determining the weight of the product up to a gram. But for home use does not matter what's inside, but what is important is what functions are performed by the device.

Advantages and disadvantages

Each of these models has a number of advantages and disadvantages in comparison with others. First, let's consider the positive aspects of each of the contenders for the purchase.

Mechanical models differ:

  • Regardless of the battery, and this implies the use of indoor and outdoor use. Therefore, one can often find food stalls in the markets with such devices.
  • The large mass weighing compared to electronic models. After all, most often for cooking does not need measurement kilograms products, manufacturers do not rely on large volumes. On mechanical devices can weigh both small and large. What does it do in the kitchen? For example, to find out the exact weight of a large volume of purchased products, because often customers are cheated.
  • Mechanical vesystoit cheaper.


  • weighing accuracy. Some models have an error of up to hundredths of a gram units.
  • Additional functions allow to find out a lot of foods and calorie count, to know the content of nutrients in the product mass.
  • The values ​​are displayed on a digital display. Unlike mechanical devices, where the arrow should be sought among the scale and look closely to the defined indicators are displayed only the necessary information.
  • The memory device - the ability to subtract tare weight, or display of each product series.
  • Ability to self-shutdown - saving power consumption and battery charge.

But where there are merits, there are also disadvantages. Remained imperfect and kitchen measuring scales.

Mechanical scales - a high rate of errors. Over time, the spring loses its elasticity and the error in the measurements is increased. There are no extra features that characterize this model as less attractive.

Electronic, regardless of whether that charge and use the battery, anyway depend on the power supply. And it's the only negative of these devices.

Features kitchen scales with the volume measurement

The range of the balance of mechanical low. Design Standard - a bowl and the dial. No additional components are not and can not. Therefore, more should consider electronic model, which many varieties.

What characteristics should be guided in choosing a kitchen unit in the store?

Such indicators in the amount of a lot, even for a small object. Each of the features require a separate and detailed consideration.
  • Limit value weighing weight. For household weights manufacturers restrict the rate value from 2 up to 5 kg. Measurement of large mass necessary for those who prepares blank - pickles, jams, compotes and the like, because here, as in the pharmacy, we need accuracy and adherence to prescription. Suitable for everyday use and the unit with an average of up to 3 kg.
  • Measurement accuracy. Precision measuring scales are not even in chemical laboratories. Here, the error is measured in thousandths of and for the household is considered to be a normal run in 1g. Should I get involved so accurate mass products for home consumption - is everyone's business, but it is necessary to know and the fact that manufacturers were inflating prices for this equipment. Device with an error of 2 g is an order of magnitude less, and the user does not feel the difference.
  • Measurement of the liquid volume. Specified in the recipe ingredients in milliliters or liters are measured is not always accurate. And when using the measure will translate own weight in volume indicators (using a special mathematical formulas). This will increase the mental capacity, but will block all desire to eat. Therefore, in some Vessey automatically transferred weight to the extent that is practical and saves owner from the knowledge of mathematical formulas.
  • Attaching weights to the wall frees up space on the desk and safeguard the equipment from an accidental fall.
  • equipment material directly affect the service life.

The kitchen in the house, even the most accurate of the owners - a place of increased risk. Here things are wet or hot, fall and bottled, so the strength for such a device is required. Today the stores are models with a glass enclosure. Yes, it's stylish and attractive, but not practical. Plastic housing reduces the weight of the meter and the cost. Falling strength values: from the high temperatures they are deformed, cracked plastic, equipment perishable. Metal body - the optimum solution for kitchen equipment, because the deformation of these devices are not exposed. stainless steel materials, so no external factors do not affect the service life used for the manufacture.

On the choice of material it has been to focus attention. Another characteristic in the case - a bowl or platform for weighing. Flat bed involves installation of any utensils on its surface, or the laying open of products on a flat surface. Scales with bowl suitable for preparation of the dough.

But, for such models need removable bowl. Then her washing and processing will not prevent the mechanism.

Buttons, their location and composition. Glass buildings characteristic touch button that is convenient and at the same time - no. Why? Spilled buttons Products knock indicators on the dial, and a bowl on the platform is blocking access to the panel. Long life different buttons made of rubber.

And if the entire button panel is protected with a rubber coating, the surface is tight and spilled products do not reach the mechanism.

Mechanisms of kitchen scales should be fully closed housing, platform or device cup. Public details can be damaged and reduce the service life.

Measuring volume

The automatic conversion weight of the fluid in its volume - not the most common, and many housewives may seem unnecessary, but it's just prejudice.

Mechanical scales often restricted in their volume measurement or limited volume of water.

But there are liquid, whose density is much higher than that of water, such as tomato juice or yogurt. And how, then, careful and prudent owner to find out the exact amount of the necessary ingredients?

Do not be afraid to buy a product with this function. It may seem that they are more expensive than counterparts without a volumetric meter, but the difference would be small, and the benefits will be noticeable.

Choose a model with the measurement volume with a flat platform or bowl - depends on the hostess requirements. Before buying it should be understood that the machine with the cup is limited only by its capacity, no more than that.

Balance with a flat platform only limited restriction on the measurement. Mass any utensils will be considered as a container, and the liquid volume calculated with maximum accuracy.

The use of this function will be evaluated and young moms who need to regulate not only their diet, but and accurate calculation of the ingredients of the first feeding her baby, or to account for the preparation of medicaments suspensions.


  • Failures in determining the mass associated with improper installation on a soft surface or rubber coating, as well as if the horizontal plane on which setting is made is not It was flat. Transfer it to another location, you can get rid of this problem. Location near home appliances, creates magnetic fields can disturb the accuracy of determining the mass of products.
  • The uneven distribution of product on the bowl or on the platform makes it impossible to determine the mass. The liquid, which will vary not allow to make the calculation of its volume. To accurately determine the weight or volume of packing products or plant containers must be placed in the middle of the platform.
  • Improperly installed removable parts (bowl or platform) to increase accuracy in calculations or mass measurement is performed. Proper installation will get rid of the problem.
  • In the event that the equipment does not produce tare, it is worth to try to restart it. Cause of Failure - error in the memory.

On measuring equipment performance may be affected by external factors and physical parameters, such as gravity or air currents, and even evaporation from the product. But at the household level, these figures are not as critical.

They are measured in mg, so their value is not displayed.

Price category

Should I focus on the price at the time of purchase of the balance? Yes, it will not hurt. Mechanical models will be cheaper, but also among the electron also has a low-cost model. And here it is necessary to address to the purpose of their purchase.

If you plan to infrequent use and does not require additional features, you can easily purchase cheap samples, ignoring the manufacturer.

Design solutions in the design of an impact on price. Devices with a straightforward check much cheaper cost than with colorful interface.

The main thing in making a purchase - accounting characteristics of a particular model. It is not necessary to rush anywhere, and if time is limited today, it is better to postpone the purchase of the next day.