Even before the birth of the baby mama thinks absolutely all the details relating to the newborn. Especially clothes, children's textiles. Besides raspashonok, bonnets, close attention should be paid to the blanket. It is a baby on the way home from the hospital, the first few months of his life. The choice will depend on weather conditions, time of year of birth toddler. Better to give preference to the natural product. It is not cold, not hot, the body breathe. It is not blown, dense, soft, about the size of 1.20 x 1.20. We look at how to wrap the baby in a blanket, diaper.
- 1 stroll
- 2 If it's hot
- 3 If it is cold
- 4 open head
- 5 closed face
- 6 open countenance
- 7 extract
- 8 thick blanket
- 9 thin blanket
- 10 Video: How to wrap the baby in a blanket
We need a diaper, blanket. The first replaces the clothes. Fabrics, cotton, soft, pleasant. The second child will be warm, restrict movement.
- Right corner of the diaper cover with a child. The left leg remains free.
Wrap right end through the shoulder - at the back
- Cover the bottom of the body. Refill.
Also wrap over the left shoulder and under the back
- The other end of winding baby. Refill at the back.
The lower edge of the diaper, smooth and plowed on the baby belly
Anchoring the free ends of the diaper in a fold
A blanket
- Put the child closer to the edge.
- Lower part sheltering toddler to chin. The remaining turned in an angle inside.
- Cover with a left child. Wrapped behind his back.
- Cover with the other, wrap, we straighten folds.
- Fix a convenient way: fastener, tape, without fixation.
It can not be swaddled tightly. The child must feel comfortable. Instead diapers permitted to use specialized cocoon Velcro, zippers.
If it's hot

Free swaddling with closed handles
Do not use loose jackets, shirts, body. It should be limited to one thin diaper - baby will feel comfortable. Better to use a partial diapering. Handles remain free, swaddling exposed legs. Not hardly. Now is better to wear a shirt.
- We folded the edge of the diaper.
- Baby laid in the middle. The fold line is near the shoulder blades.
- The right side is covered and folded the.
- Straighten folds. Left Cover, folded the.
- The remaining part is covered upwards. Crushes.

Free swaddling with open handles
Toddler frightened movements of their own pens - swaddled completely free.
Keep an eye on the toddler diapers. Timely change it, tempted child, wipe dry with a towel. Use powder, a special cream. Arrange air baths - a great prevention of diaper rash, prickly heat.
If it is cold

Swaddling a warm blanket for the cold season
Use flannel diaper - warm, soft, delicate material.
- The diaper is put obliquely. The angle of the head.
Blanket stretches diagonally wrap right angle, forming on its upper edge flap
- The lower part covers the legs, abdomen.
Along the top edge of the left corner and form a flap and wrap it along the right shoulder and pressed his hands to the body of the baby
- Right, left edge of the wrap. Tuck under back, fixed.
The lower edge of the blanket, expand and cover them crumbs to the chest
Wrap the right end of the free edge, the left end corner dressed with a fold
Option for swaddling blanket. Before swaddled need: wash ass, wipe dry, put on a clean diaper, a shirt, pants.
The baby blanket wrap completely. Blanking from the wind and snow. Covering nose - to closely monitor the state of the toddler. Avoid snug fit.

Swaddling a newborn with a head
open head

Driving swaddling envelope with an open head
Toddler grew. Actively turns his head, stick his nose into the side crease products - swaddled up to the neck. A walk worn baby hat. The best option - a helmet. Closes the top of the head, ears, neck and throat.
Blanket decompose, making flap angle. Diagonally.

Spread a blanket on the corner turn away the upper corner fold outwardly, the baby's head lies over the edge Blankets
- Toddler put. Lapel is near the neck.
- We are sheltering the left edge of the body. Tuck under back.
Left wrap angle around the baby's torso, level under the backrest
- Lower cover baby. Spread the folds.
Plow the bottom corner of the blanket, the free end of a fold are not made, and presses the part of the left handle a baby to support their neck
- The remainder of the blanket to cover baby. Tuck.
Wrap the resulting construct the right end of the blanket, having leveled it free under the backrest angle
- Lock requests.
Received an envelope from the top fix tape
It is important to take into account - the head will be below the level of the body. Need a pillow to align the body level.
closed face
The method is suitable swaddling newborns. One side of the quilt is sewn in the shape of the hood - excellent covers his face. Protects from wind, direct sunlight, views bothersome insects. Depending on the weather worn thin cap, cap. It is important to control body temperature toddler.
open countenance

Swaddling the baby with an open face in a rectangular blanket
- Blanket unfolds diagonally. Edge are folded inside. It creates a fold line.
- Put the baby closer to the top line.
- Head wrap the top of the blankets. Nestles along the ears.
- The edges are straightened. Right wrap the child.
- Sheltering the lower part.
- The left side of the wrap.
- We fix.
How to wrap the baby in a blanket in the statement? The question is relevant. To be discharged completely swaddled, shielding his face.
- The veil put up left corner.
Spread a blanket on the corner (to the left corner of the rectangular above), we put the baby in the middle
- Toddler put inside. This edge wraps his head.
- Under the neck to make a crease.
The left end of the blanket tightly wrap the body baby, flatten the free edge at the back, top to do the fold so that it covered the crook of his neck
- Wrap the right edge of the product. Tuck.
Tuck the lower end of the blanket over the baby's legs, putting it under the previously made fold
- Bottom edge sheltering stomach. Refill.
Plowed right corner Blankets, tightly wrapped him in the back, along the top edge, too, do the fold
- Wrap the remaining side of the blanket.
- We fix tape.
In addition, tying a ribbon on top of the resulting envelope
The Ribbon replaces, is completely eliminated. We select as a convenient way to wrap up the child.
thick blanket

Wrap the baby in a warm Blankets
A thick veil is difficult to swaddling. View swaddling - any of the following methods. Most importantly - reliable fixation. Use ribbons, bows, other handy holders.
thin blanket
Under a thin blanket meant wool, flannel, fleece product.
- Arrange the blanket diagonally.
- Toddler put closer to the top. Leave a corner of his head.
- Right-hand side cover with blankets toddler. About the person doing the lapel.
- Tuck. Dub crease.
- We perform a similar action on the left side.
- The lower part is straightened the blankets covering the toddler feet. The product is great, the lower part lacks the chin - tuck the excess.
- Right wrap the child.
- Another baby wrap. End hide.
the baby's head will be additionally insulated. Should wear lightweight children's hats. Do not throw the free corner on the face of the baby. Blanket thin, easy to close to the body - the child is having trouble breathing. Constantly look at the state of the toddler. Young children often vomit. It is important to be close. Mom next - toddler calm.