How to remove stickers from clothes: remove thermo stickers from T-shirts

Manufacturers of labels have tried to fame, having developed elements that are distinguished by the durability of use, but this quality has a negative side. Fashion and tastes change, so one day there is a desire to remove the sticker from clothes, and it's not easy to do it. In some cases, the ornament will not be removed, but this happens rarely.

Usually stickers are applied to T-shirts made of natural fabric or synthetics, from which, if desired, you can reduce the pattern without traces and negative effects on the fabric. It is only necessary to choose the best option, which will act on the application material, rather than fiber matter.

The universal methods of influencing unnecessary applications

For a start it is worth trying one of the sparing methods, but they are suitable only for sticking on the surface of a dense homogeneous fabric:

  1. On the problem site for a few minutes, we spray hot air from the hair dryer. After the texture of the raw material begins to change, we try to remove it with a blunt knife or an old plastic card.
  2. The problem area must be soaked with medical alcohol and wait a few minutes, but the sticker must not be allowed to dry completely. Then we place the garment under a stream of water and with the help of a dishwashing detergent we try to remove the remains of the ornament.
  3. Light fabric should first be tried in the most gentle mode. For this, any neutral liquid detergent of increased efficiency is suitable. The surface of the T-shirt must be soaked through with this compound and left for a few hours. Then you need to do the traditional washing.
  4. Application of Scotch tape is an affordable and effective method that is not suitable only for delicate, stretchy fabric. Just press it to the surface of the sticker, it is well fixed and tear off. Repeat until you remove all traces of the image.

If these methods do not help or if the risk of damage to clothing is too high, you will have to use specialized methods of cleaning the tissue.

Specific options for processing different types of labels

If you know exactly what the ornament is made of in a particular case, this greatly simplifies the process of removing the sticker:

  • To remove the thermo-sticker from the fabric, it is necessary to re-heat it with a very high temperature. Under the material lay out a sheet of parchment, the second put on the picture itself. We begin to work on the zone with a very iron bitter. We do this until we can completely transfer the thermo-sticker from clothes to paper. After achieving the desired result, the product should be soaked in warm water with a slight addition of baking soda.

Tip: It is possible to significantly improve the effectiveness of this approach. To do this, take an iron with a steam effect or pre-moisten the material.

  • Ornament from vinyl. In this case, the previously described method with paper and iron is used, but after the element has been completely removed, the fabric needs to be treated with a cotton disc dipped in a varnish remover or a weak vinegar solution.
  • Picture printed with thermal printing. In this case, ethyl alcohol will help. The product is spread on a dense horizontal surface, we take a sponge soaked in alcohol. We begin to remove the picture, performing movements in only one direction. If the fabric is strongly deformed and from this effect, then simply treat the problem area with alcohol and wash the product manually with powder.
  • Sticker from special paint or marker. The approach depends on the type of dye. Most often use acetone, a solvent or alcohol. To determine the appropriate means, you need to use each on a small area of ​​the sticker. From the first approach, you can not delete the drawing. I'll have to rub the drawing, wash the product and repeat it several times. If in the end there are stains or stains on the surface of the tissue, you can try to remove them with a dishwashing detergent. It is applied to problem areas, left for several hours and the thing is erased in the usual way. In some cases, a good result is given by compositions for washing windows, shampoos for furniture and cars.
  • Sequins and pastes, planted on glue. These elements easily come off the surface of the fabric, but after that, glue remains on the fabric. To eliminate them, you need to use Dimexide, alcohol or thinner. After the treatment, we wipe the product and dry it.

Do not immediately put a new label on the fabric after cleaning. The thing will have to be washed several times, dried and only then you can proceed with the design. If, even after such preparation, the new ornament does not fall as it should, this indicates the presence of adhesive residues or cleaning agents.