Carpet on the floor for interior decoration living room and other rooms, what covering is better to buy?

Carpets have long been a symbol of wealth, and today are part of the interior of the room and complement it. But they also create a cozy and unforgettable atmosphere. Many hard to imagine a house without a carpet.

Designers often use carpet in the preparation of a living room interior design.

The choice of carpet on the floor is so great, it is very easy to spoil the view of the entire room and make the room look gaudy. Living room - the person at home. To come all the guests, and they need to feel comfortable and cozy.


  • 1 Materials.
  • 2 How to check the quality of the carpet?
  • 3 How to choose a modern carpet on the floor in the hall?
  • 4 How to arrange a carpet in the living room?
  • 5 conclusion
  • 6 VIDEO: How to choose a carpet and where to put it.
  • 7 50 photos of the original carpets in a variety of interiors:


The quality of the material plays an important role in choosing the carpet. It should be not only beautiful, but also practical. Design - is very important, but the quality is equally important. Previously, the choice of materials was not so great. Carpets woven from wool and silk, but today the situation has changed completely. Now there is a fairly wide range of materials that can not fail to please all customers.

Carpet must fit into the interior design and in any case does not stand out against its background.

Most often, the carpets are made of the following materials:

  1. wool;
  2. wool mixture;
  3. viscose;
  4. cotton;
  5. synthetics;
  6. Silks;
  7. knitwear;
  8. jute;
  9. polyamide;
  10. polypropylene;
  11. Polyester.

They are very different from each other, as well as carpets, woven from them. They are not like the quality, strength, structure and composition.

Perhaps the hair - the most common and popular material of all. Very often, in the manufacture of woolen carpets, flexible pile in order to prolong their life and make them more robust and reliable. There are cases when a Palace served their owners up to 50 years. This is an impressive figure. If wool carpet with the addition of fluff has been manufactured with high quality and in good faith, it surely will be in the living room up to 10 years at least. But all this is provided that carefully and regularly looked after him. It needs: cleaning, anti-fungal and termite compositions and regular airing.

High-quality natural wool decorate any room in the classical style.

If you choose between wool and wool mixture, then the choice will definitely fall on wool mixture. It is made with the addition of synthetic materials, which makes it less capricious and cheaper.

In terms of longevity ahead of the semi-wool coat.

Viscose fiber is considered to be artificial, but it is made exclusively with natural means. Carpets made of this material is not inferior in strength and can lie for a long time in a room with high traffic.

Carpets made of viscose are very pleasing to the eye and come in different colors and shades.

Cotton rugs are very popular in recent years due to the fact that they are very pleasing to the legs and fit in any living room. Spoil them is a big problem, and the fact that they are safe and natural, forces to pay attention to them and seriously consider buying.

Carpets of cotton is not picky and do not require special attention.

We carpets made of synthetics, there are two very important advantages: price and variety. For many of these factors are critical. Everyone loves when you can choose a variety of colors and patterns, and these carpets provide such an opportunity. And the prices at the same time do not bite, which is a rarity.

Durable synthetic carpets can not be called. They can lie for a few years, after which they will have to get rid of.

Carpets made of silk are distinguished by their high cost, but they are clearly worth it. Silk carpets in the living room look amazing and definitely attracts attention. As a rule, they are made by hand, which affects the price category. They often make a variety of embroidery, which is very fashionable and stylish. The thin silk thread lets you play a picture in the smallest details. And no equal in strength to this material. In addition, these carpets always look stylish and aesthetically pleasing. But it is necessary to be careful with them. They are in any case should not be in direct sunlight, and they should be washed with care.

Silk is considered to be a truly royal privilege. Despite its softness and lightness it is quite durable.

We have knitted carpets from both disadvantages and advantages. The advantages include low cost and strength. And to the downside - the complete absence of moisture resistance.

Knitted carpets are soft and easy.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION! They are in any case can not be washed, but only cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.

Jute rugs are very well looked in the living room. They are environmentally friendly and very sturdy.

With the carpet should be careful, because when wet it loses its shape.

In the polyamide has several advantages or features. They are resistant to fire and feature bright colors. They can lie long enough and does not deteriorate, and the pattern on them will be as bright and interesting.

Carpet made of polyamide is very easy to care for, but they are easily electrified.

If a buyer views and beauty are in the first place, the Palace of polypropylene - an ideal option. The depth of the color, variety of colors leave no one indifferent. Besides them practically do not need any special care. Their structure is such that no dirt and dust settles there.

But it is worth noting that such carpets prolezhat very long.

IMPORTANT! Polypropylene carpets flammable. So it should be very careful.

Polyester is very similar to wool. Carpets made of this material are always soft and very pleasant. They never crumple.

To clean them, you do not need any special tools or time consuming.

How to check the quality of the carpet?

About the material has already been said, but we can not forget about quality. If the seller is convinced that the Palace is made, for example, made of 100% wool, it does not mean that you should blindly believe him. No one is immune from counterfeiting. But few people know how to check the quality of the carpet. In the carpet of good quality, you will not see the base fabric when bent, t. To. The qualitative and conscientious production of knots tied very tightly and do not nap in different directions.

Good, quality carpet should be bent on all sides.

How to choose a modern carpet on the floor in the hall?

Carpets can perform a variety of functions. Besides the fact that they create a homely atmosphere and comfort, is a stylish and fashionable solution to many problems. For example, a carpet or a carpet elongated shape can help to visually stretch the space. But the square carpets are suitable for those who want to make a living miniature. Moreover, they can be used to indicate the dining area and t. D. To indicate the zone in the interior carpets often use round.

The carpet is well suited for creating images of different styles.

NOTE! Today, there are edge-trimmed carpets. But they are not recommended in the small living room.

As for size, there are the classic dimensions of large, medium and small carpets:

  • small carpets - it 0,6h1,1, 0,8h1,5, 1x2, 1,5h2 m;
  • Middle - 1,5h2, 2x3 m;
  • big - 2h3,5, 2h4,2,5h4,3h4, 3x5 m.

It is desirable that carpet is not much stands out from the rest of the room, but do not want it to get lost.

Depending on what function the carpet should perform, you should choose the shape and size of the carpet. But with all the coloring is somewhat more complicated. There are several tips from designers about how to properly should choose the colors and pattern of the carpet.

It is impossible not to consider what the color of the floor. If it is light, it is possible to lay the carpet as a light or bright or dark tones. But if the floor is dark in color, it is better to abandon the gloomy colors and refresh the space with something bright or calmer.

Many national styles have existed for many years, so in their present design described accessory.

As a general rule, at the stage of planning the living room, there is clear what the Palace will suit best. But if the question did not pay enough attention, we can not forget about the style of the room. If the room is decorated in a classic style, it is desirable that the carpet was neutral shades. But in the Art Nouveau and Art Deco very popular bright colors.

Beautiful bright carpet will look very good in the room in a modern style.

Everyone loves when the living room is large and spacious. In these huge rooms can unleash the imagination and equip the room as your heart desires, you can not say about the small rooms. Too bright rug can make the room even smaller. Therefore it is better to pay attention to muted tones. And if the soul wishes carpet with a pattern, it will in any case should not be catchy.

The product should not be just practical, but also impressive. In addition, it should be able to fit harmoniously into the finished interior.

Do not forget about the light. Everyone wants a bright, cozy living room. And the carpet, oddly enough, can help. If the windows face north or west side, warm carpet, cozy colors can solve the problem of lack of light. If the windows face south and east side, on the contrary it is necessary to compensate for a surplus of sunlight cool shades.

Slide the mat closest to the chairs and sofas - legs, sitting on them, should be on the warm carpet.

Number of furniture also plays an important role in the room. If the room is lavishly decorated with different furniture, the bright carpet can make the interior too crowded and choked.

Little carpets zonirovat good living, releasing thereby accent portions.

As already mentioned, it is necessary to take into account the style of the room before you choose a carpet. You need to know what colors and shades fit every style.

  • In the living room is better to buy the Empire style rugs with geometric or floral patterns. As for colors, it is necessary to dwell on the dark blue, dark red, black and white.
  • Art Nouveau, Art Deco and Art Nouveau - are very close to each other. In these cases, there are no clear limits.
  • Baroque loves floral designs. In any case they will look very good and appropriate. Here golden beige and combine well with other pastel colors. And the furniture color "black gold" will look good with carpets discreet tones.
  • Eclectic and Victorian style only welcomed the interesting, colorful, exotic, oriental rugs.
  • Grunge prefers plain carpets of bright colors.
  • But minimalism does not tolerate nor bright, neither eastern nor Indian carpets. Everything is simple and tasteful.
  • But in the living room-style pop art, on the contrary, it is possible to choose carpets of bright and unusual colors.
  • If the room is fully furnished with antique furniture, the carpet must comply with and look somewhat worn.
  • In the living room hi-tech style is perfect for the cold shades of carpet with an interesting pattern of smooth clean lines.

When used correctly, the item becomes part of the decor, and helps to create a complete image.

How to arrange a carpet in the living room?

It is desirable that the carpet was less than the area of ​​the room, so it does not fill the entire space. Most people prefer to lay the carpet so that he was under the sofa, and the legs of man sitting on it was warm.

Fur rug will be a real boon for lovers of warm and soft floors.

If the carpet is to help divide the room into several zones, it is worth putting in that part of the room that you want to separate. Under the table and chairs or a sofa, or as a normal angle, and so on. D.

This option is perfect for a living room with a fireplace or hot bedrooms.


Select the carpet - a rather difficult task even for experienced designer. Therefore, the optional service professionals, all you can do yourself. And for this purpose it is only necessary to know exactly what you want.

The variety of today allows everyone to find a beautiful carpet for the room to your liking.

VIDEO: How to choose a carpet and where to put it.

50 photos of the original carpets in a variety of interiors: