A tablecloth on the table: that bed with a beautiful kitchen tablecloth on every day?

Who would have thought that so hard to choose a tablecloth? The choice of the tablecloth - it's a tough decision, to which should be approached with great responsibility. It's not as easy as it might seem. It is necessary to take into account the design, kitchen interior, the case in which the table is served, the presence of children in the house and so on. D. Before you choose the perfect tablecloth, it is necessary to learn as much as possible about what they are and, most importantly of quality.

Elegant, practical, almost every table cloth on the table again today in the trend.


  • 1 Where to start searching for the tablecloth on the table?
  • 2 Material
  • 3 The form
  • 4 How to measure the table when choosing a tablecloth?
  • 5 Color and design
  • 6 Optional accessories
  • 7 conclusion
  • 8 VIDEO: Original cloth with his hands.
  • 9 50 beautiful tablecloths options in modern interiors:

Where to start searching for the tablecloth on the table?

Beautiful tablecloths can be found everywhere, but not all are suitable. Important size, quality, material, occasion, design, color, interior room and more. Before you start to choose, you have to answer a few questions.

With this accessory you can transform the look of the kitchen, to refresh its design and create an atmosphere of comfort, warmth and celebration.

  1. The tablecloth is required on the table in the living room or the kitchen?
  2. It is necessary for each day or just for the holidays? If holiday, then what?
  3. do you have children in the house? (In this case, the first place is to put practicality).

Among the modern versions is easy to pick up for a stylish and practical kitchen tablecloth.

From this we can understand what is necessary to focus the search.


For most people, the main thing in life - practicality. This also applies to the interior and, of course, the tablecloth. A spot that can not be to wash, can spoil the mood.

The tablecloth will make your interior more complete.

Tablecloths are made of different materials.

Most often they are made of:

  • cotton;
  • flax;
  • synthetics;
  • Teflon;
  • burlap;
  • silks.

For the kitchen of classical style is best to choose a tablecloth made of linen or cotton.

They all have their advantages and features.

Cotton is very popular for its beauty and practicality. Tablecloths of cotton is not capricious, and spot them fairly well satisfied with this content. Cotton is suitable for everyday use as well as for holidays.

Cozy small kitchen in bright colors with a tablecloth in Ombre style.

ATTENTION! You should not buy a cotton cloth of white color, if you plan to use it more than once. It will quickly lose its whiteness. Although it will look great on the holiday table.

Just part of the housewives prefer a linen tablecloth. In its list of benefits includes only presentable. But this option is not practical to call. Iron such tissue - the whole problem. And after washing they lose their shape quickly and permanently and are reduced in size, which is not very nice. But as the decor has no equal.

Especially well it looks at the massive wooden tables in the living room.

But tablecloths or synthetic oil cloth, can not be considered for this holiday. But it is perfect for daily use in the kitchen. In the house with the children oilcloth - is the ideal solution. Although many housewives is very important presentable food. But here you can find a solution. You can lay on top of the transparent oilcloth cotton cover. It is practical and beautiful at the same time.

After all, it's a tablecloth on the kitchen table, it does not mean that it can not look elegant.

But there are also synthetic fabric tablecloths. In this case, plays the practicality appearance. As with oilcloth, it is suitable only for the kitchen. In the living room is not looking. Yes, and what they are made of synthetic material, it says that they are flammable. They should be cautious and vigilant. By such an option resorted people who are asking, "What can I lay on the table instead of tablecloths?" Oilcloth tablecloth difficult to call, because it completely lacks all the drawbacks of the conventional tablecloths.

Round tablecloth in a cage looks very interesting.

Few people know about Teflon. But it is in any case does not mean that it is a bad option. They are made from natural material, and top coated with a water-repellent layer, which is very convenient. This cover does not require special care. It is enough to damp cloth, and you can forget about the spots. It can be bed with oilcloth on the kitchen table.

The choice of the material from which made the tablecloth, depends its purpose, durability and practicality as a whole.

Burlap tablecloths are not as popular. But lately, more and more people begin to pay attention to them. And not for nothing, because of the burlap sewn amazing wedding and holiday tablecloth.

Very often, these models can be seen at the wedding, but they come and for other celebrations.

With silk more complicated than that. Number of advantages and disadvantages of this material is greater than the other. He looks very solemn and even luxuriously. Silk will last a very long time, as resistant to moisture and is very durable. But while this option is quite capricious in care and also very expensive.

Silk cloth can safely be called the most festive one for the section on special occasions.

The form

It is also very important criterion when buying tablecloths. But the options are not so much as the choice of material. If the table already purchased, the variety is not that great. The first is based on the shape of the tabletop. tablecloths circuit can strictly conform to it.

For square and oval tabletops perfect rectangular shape.

All, for the most part, depends on the taste and preferences. Some people prefer the classics, and someone rather contemporary style.

How to measure the table when choosing a tablecloth?

Before going to the store, as a rule, the question arises of how to properly measure the countertop to buy the cloth, which will lie perfectly and not "ride" on it. To do it right, there are a few rules that should be followed.

Daytime may be decorative tablecloth, effectively complementary interior, or functional, such as dining, tea and so on.

  1. If rectangular worktop, to begin measuring the length and width, are then added 20 to 30 cm., Depending on how many centimeters cover should hang. And in the end to get the result is multiplied by 2.
  2. If countertop round shape, it is measured by the diameter and length of the double edge is added, which will hang.
  3. Oval and round tablecloths were measured in the same way as for a rectangular table.
  4. If the surface is a square, it is necessary additionally to measure the diameter. To angles were not visible, the diameter selected cover, must be greater than the diameter of the countertop.

Materials of construction for everyday tablecloths are distinguished by higher performance characteristics.

If you can not measure the table, and you want to quickly decide what size to buy a tablecloth, would be more correct to choose a larger size. So the probability is low to make a mistake.

This option is ideal as a holiday, and on every day, and will easily fit in any kitchen style.

NOTE! Tablecloth should hang down from the surface of at least 20 cm. If it is needed for a holiday, it should hang in the 25-40 cm. or even to the floor.

Color and design

Types of tablecloths to the table there is a huge amount. But the color and pattern should be chosen on personal preferences. In the kitchen, we spend most of the day. During the meal, I want to sit at the neat product and a pleasant shade material. Tablecloth design can be divided into plain and patterned. It is very popular fabrics in a cage, polka dots or stripes. If you choose a neutral color, then they will look appropriate in almost any kitchen.

The main task - to make sure that the tablecloth fit in the kitchen.

In search of the perfect option, you can show originality and stop on the double tablecloths. Very stylish looks when tissue overlap with each other, or vice versa contrast. In any case, this is a stylish solution will not go unnoticed. Double tablecloths look very refined and elegant.

Also common crocheted tablecloth with lace. They are used to living.

It is worth noting that they look amazing.

Many people like to focus on the tablecloth and choose bright colors and patterns. It looks original and fresh. A drawing, tend to choose modern, to keep pace with the times, or choose a design that will endure for several centuries in the past.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION! In any case can not forget about the interior. If the search came to color and pattern tablecloth, the first thing it should organically fit into the room.

Tablecloth in the kitchen will help to create a festive atmosphere in it.

The fact of the tablecloth will color, pattern and design, should be provided in advance with the layout of the room. It should not strike the eye and stand out from the room. Or on the contrary the emphasis should be on the table, if the advance and it was intended. But do not mix all you like, oblivious to the fact that it is not combined with each other.

To design has become even more original, you can supplement it with contrasting paths.

This rule applies not only to the choice of tablecloths, but also all that concerns the situation room. If variety is too large, and you can not stop at one option, you should choose a neutral color and pattern. The main thing is that it does not spoil the whole picture. Later, if the hostess accurately identify and know what they want, you can always change the tablecloth.

Tablecloth in pastel colors on the round table - a very nice solution.

Optional accessories

Everyone wants to make the holiday so special and for that use different, additional accessories. What just not ready to make the hostess, to surprise your guests? For this purpose, there are several options, one of which will necessarily have to taste.

  • Runner.

So often referred to as a track for the table decorations. There are several options for the runner. It can be spread along one (in this case, is not binding to the cloth hanging) or transversely (can be used as podtarelnikov).

There is a prerequisite that they hung from the surface.

  • Podtarelniki.

Not necessarily that they are of the same material. They can even be made of wood, plastic, bamboo, rattan, and so on. D.

If you want an unusual decor, it is necessary to use several types of textiles.

  • cloth

Napkins with unique colors and embroidery on tablecloths can also decorate the festive atmosphere and make it special. But rarely resort to it if it is an ordinary family dinner.

Such decorations appropriate to the holidays or when meeting friends and relatives, with whom long time no see.


Today we can say with certainty that such a huge range of tablecloths, the stores has never been. There are tablecloths on the table in a modern style, in the style of Provence, or from an exotic material that can be transferred to another continent.

When choosing a tablecloth, you can find a variety of designs and colors, which are not heard before.

Tablecloths - "Sea" and the ideal one, or a maximum of five. Select more than difficult, but very nice, if you know exactly what will look perfect on the desk and in the room. After all, designers in the preparation of interior design, much attention is paid to the choice of tablecloths.

VIDEO: Original cloth with his hands.

50 beautiful tablecloths options in modern interiors: