Cupboard in home interior - a thing which, as a rule, are more than one year.

Unfortunately, we are often confronted with the fact that the furniture, once modern and serve faithfully, becomes obsolete.
It is not surprising that over time, its appearance is losing its former luster: on surface there are scratches, cracks, paint, paint fade or change the rest furniture in the room makes it irrelevant in the new design. In the end, the question arises: what to do with it?

The very basis of such furniture usually remains quite strong, and it is simply a pity to throw.
In this case, there are two options. Or buy a new one, or if there is a desire and a creative mood, update your wardrobe with your own hands. The second option significantly save money and allow pride in their own work of art furniture.

Why throw something that can still properly serve at least for several years?
What can be done from an old cabinet? Ways to upgrade a lot of furniture. Before you start working, you should pre-compile the project and imagine what will be a new look. On this basis, it becomes clear to assistance which will make the finish furniture surfaces.

If your closet is well preserved and perfectly fulfills its utilitarian function, then update it will not be difficult.
recovery techniques are classified on the basis of the materials used: experts apply wallpaper and paint, Photographs and fabrics, mirrors and decorative plaster. Having considered all the options, you can choose the most appropriate and decide how to update an old wardrobe.

As practice shows, it is possible to give a second life to almost any thing.
- 1 Decorating with wallpaper
- 2 Fotorestavratsiya
- 3 update paint
- 4 cloth decor
- 5 Trafarirovanie
- 6 mirror decoration
- 7 VIDEO: How to paint an old wardrobe.
- 8 50 photos ideas of renovation and decoration of the old cabinets:
Decorating with wallpaper
One of the most fuel-efficient and affordable ways renovation of the old cabinet with his own hands - pasting wallpaper. You do not need special skills or effort. The recovery process is no different from the usual repair with perekleivanie Wallpaper - except that surface there will be another.

It is desirable to select a material that would be easy to clean, using special chemicals.
- First, you must choose a design wallpaper, colorThat "fit" in the interior of the room.
- Acquire the desired amount of material pre-measuring housing area furniture.
After this will only cut into strips of desired length, apply layer glue on surface of the enclosure and iron stuck wallpaper roller.

If there is room on the wallpaper certain graphics and patterns, it is desirable that the furniture was finished coated monochromatic.
Via Wallpaper can turn old cabinet in a harmonious part of the interior. By this reception often resort premises designers to create unusual designs.

Pokleit beautiful paintings, old furniture update, making the restoration of her own hands can practically everyone.
Another option, how to transform an old cupboard, - is the use of pictures or photo wallpaper. This can be done via printing companies engaged in large-format printing: they can be used to increase any pictures and decorate their body surface, turning it into a mural or collage.

Modern technologies allow to make the image of a large size and high quality on almost any surface.
Before you glue the photo on cupboard, You need to clean up surface furniture from the old paints and align it with the grinding and layer primer. After that you can start gluing the photos. Practiced as securing a new image cabinet by applying layer transparent varnish.

When applied to the image on the glass or mirror image will be glossy, and particleboard - it is matte, like a photograph, printed on matte paper.
update paint
The new design of the old cabinet you can create with repainting. And we are talking about how to refresh the faded surfaceAnd change it radically color via paints, Giving the furniture freshness and originality. This is one of the most popular methods of restoration, opening a wide range of possibilities for interior changes and increase the options of what can be done from an old cabinet.

The best way to beautify and renew old wardrobe is his painting.
Using paints require advance preparation.
- The surface of the cabinet should be sanded and leveled. As an option - to put layer primer or putty. It will also help to hide imperfections in the wood, such as cracks or chips generated during the operation.
Grinding will allow the paint to lie perfectly flat.
Getting staining. selecting color, You can also use a regular brush, but experts recommend the use of a special tool - the spray gun or spray bottle, allowing to apply for cabinet surface paint under pressure, which ensures smooth and accurate staining.
Putting the paint must be smooth uniform motion.
It is necessary to put a few layers of paintTo ensure the safety of its long and rich color.
When painting the furniture is recommended to apply at least 2 coats of paint.
After paint dries on surface apply layer varnish. Zasohnuv, he will do cupboard Shiny and glossy.
Varnish will allow you to protect the surface from damage and abrasion, as well as give the paint a deep and beautiful color.
cloth decor
Update an old wardrobe You can also use the tissue. This will give the outline of softness and volume and allows to combine harmoniously with the interior furniture. The convenience of this technique is that at any moment can change selected colorWithout having to re-prepare surface.

The fabric design of the facade must be combined with already available in the room textiles.
to update cabinet You will need:
- Tkan;
- Prosloyka (sinteponovye or foam rubber);
- FROMTepler furniture.

Contrasting patterns on fabric facade enclosure very dressy, also give the interior a "Japanese" atmosphere.
First lining secured across the body surface using staples (another option - use liquid nails). Over it is stretched and fixed symmetrically matter.
The application of plaster - a more complicated procedure, allowing you to create three-dimensional facades with an unusual volume patterns.

This method provides a three-dimensional elements, which can then be painted or gilded.
Surface renewal will also be required to paint in color, Apply gold leaf or patina, giving the effect of light aging.

If the product that you will decorate, covered with old paint, it is necessary to treat the entire surface with sandpaper.
To work required:
- Dekorativnaya plaster;
- WPatel;
- Wthe trigger for the cleaning of the housing;
- Trafaret (you can buy or make your own out of cardboard).

Rollers for decorative plaster.
Pre-need to treat areas on which will be applied to the decor. Stripping is carried out before the wood layer. In the presence of cracks is recommended to cover a layer of putty to align surface.

A stencil mounted to the cabinet with adhesive tape, and uniformly applied on top of it a layer of plaster.
The stencil is removed before the plaster has dried. Misaligned aligned with a knife or spatula.

The decor is dry, it can once again go through skin.
Then you can proceed to painting or coating with acrylic lacquer. This will save surface from damage in the long term.
mirror decoration
Elegant solution is to install mirrors on the facades old cabinet.

Mirrors give room volume and lighten the space, making it more attractive.
For such a transformation need mirrors and fixtures. Carefully measuring the facade, you can order a fabric in a specialized workshop.

The mirror on the cabinet door immediately transform the room and update the interior.
It's worth noting that the use of liquid nails involves horizontal layout surface. Therefore it is necessary either to disassemble the cabinet cabinet, or use conventional hinged mounting.

There is no need to smear the entire surface or be applied thicker strip too close to the edge.
Old furniture will last a long time, not necessarily be replaced. Show imagination and a little effort, you can own hands to give it a new look and increase service life by several years.

We hope that our ideas and tips will be useful.
VIDEO: How to paint an old wardrobe.
50 photos ideas of renovation and decoration of the old cabinets: