How to make a rack in the toilet with his hands: 75 photo design

Obtaining long-awaited apartment in a new building, moving to another home, or in the planning of repairs on the old familiar place, the first thing you notice is, of course, useful area. And it is - it's size. Like that every centimeter of surface area intended for habitation, was involved. In every house there are things that do not want to flaunt. For example, rolls "in reserve" toilet paper, all kinds of bottles of toiletries, cleaners, dusters, and other cloth. The question arises: how to make the cabinet in the closet behind the toilet with their own hands?

Locker in the toilet

Many would agree that the cabinet in the toilet is quite useful, practical piece of furniture for this room.

Hinged door in a closet in the toilet

Sawing recommend ordering the same place where purchased chipboard - it will provide the exact dimensions and geometry of the parts.

There are plenty of options for solutions. It is necessary to take into account design features of this cabinet.

make the bathroom closet in your own hands

Beautiful design will make a highlight in the interior, plus provide the necessary functionality.

Cupboard in toilet

Anyway, the facade is best done from the DSP to achieve the attractive appearance of the structure.

The main ones are:

  • material intended for use in sanitary areas (to be waterproof);
  • providing free access to the levers of control equipment, which is usually located in bathrooms water consumption meters, valves for hot and cold water and a duct, attachment sewerage pipes);
  • .. The size of built-in closets in the bathroom, so he has to be precisely built into the dimensions of the room, which are often complex geometric shapes, especially in older homes;
  • integration plumbing closet in the interior apartments, its harmonious design solution;
  • Cabinet structure, assuming a maximum number of shelves;
  • fixings.
Closet to the toilet photo

Uses of the cabinets a lot of, you only need to choose how you will use the free space of shelves, drawers and other elements.

Locker in the toilet

If desired, and the availability of money, these sheets can be clad, covered with decorative films, decorate to your taste.


  • 1 How to make a rack in a closet behind the toilet on their own?
  • 2 choose material
  • 3 VIDEO: Wardrobe closet
  • 4 50 photos, design ideas of the cabinet to the toilet with their own hands

How to make a rack in a closet behind the toilet on their own?

Before you get started, you need to make a plan, make measurements on a piece of paper draw a sanitary cabinet Plan in its actual size. Plan is necessary from the facade and on the side. It is necessary to take into account the number and size of the shelves, as well as choose and attachment points. You need to consider how to make the cabinet to the toilet with their hands in steps, write a short plan of the instruction in order to subsequently alter the already formed material.

Wardrobe closet in your own hands

Before you proceed directly to the assembly itself, you should determine the materials to be used in the assembly of the cabinet.

Cabinet with shelves in the bathroom

Fastening the wall take seriously.

choose material

What is better to make the locker doors, shelves, which will be closed hatch design holders shelves? Luke, for example, can be made of plastic, it is economical and practical option, but more aesthetically pleasing look to the built-hatch under the tile - it will make it virtually invisible.

cupboard in the toilet with his hands

If the items are heavy, better use laminated sheets of chipboard.

Mezzanine in the toilet

Not everyone is ready to use the toilet cabinet corresponds to the presence of free space, or the wishes of the client's requirements.

If the hatch in place to hang a mirror, it will disappear from view angle; if it is to decorate the artificial modern materials, such as stone or tiles with colorful ornaments, it may be particularly attractive composition. There are many solutions!

close the pipe in the toilet

It is clear that to buy a ready wardrobe to the bathroom is not difficult, exactly as his mount.

Convenient solution - wardrobe in toilet

Calculate the dimensions exactly, so when setting did not appear obvious problems.

The material from which to make a door, it is better to choose on the basis of the design space. Suitable wood, tiles, plastics, chipboard, MDF, laminate, metal, etc.. The main thing is to provide waterproofing.

locker in the toilet

You will be satisfied with the work done, you will be proud of anything, plus you will be able to establish exactly the furniture that is perfect for your particular case.

Budget embodiment may serve as blinds. They are easy to install, have low weight, easy to dismantle and change. It is also the easiest way to use the space above the toilet - it is usual to install the shelves. This will require bars, angles, screws itself regiment, cut to fit the opening, or a little less. shelf depth is calculated separately depending on the design features of the space behind the toilet.

Shelves in the closet behind the toilet

Preparing to to create a cabinet in the toilet with their own hands, it begins with the design.

For those who are accustomed to more expensive materials can be successfully used glass. Since the sanitary indoor moisture accumulates, glass better to choose a tinted, with a matte finish. When cutting the glass must always handle the glass edge special sanding to get a smooth all edges. It may also be interesting to have an option cabinet of the metal fittings. Such material designers like to use in the design of interiors in the loft.

Wardrobe in the toilet with his hands drawings

The frame is made of bars having dimensions of 30 by 30 millimeters. Try to do everything exactly the markup using a level and a tape measure.

Interesting material for facade cladding toilet closet - is a mirror. It has a wonderful property to expand the space, which can be important for small bathrooms. In addition, the refraction of light through the prism mirror may be interesting to play in the overall interior.

The doors to the cabinet in the closet

Put marks on the wall where you plan the installation of the cabinet.

When using wood should be noted that it easily absorbs moisture and prepared material to be coated before installing special protecting coating.

Installed in the toilet closet

Of chopped bars assemble the frame by connecting elements interconnected corners with screws.

In the manufacture of ceramic locker, previously required to make a frame made of bars, to sheathe it moisture resistant plasterboard and glued tiles.

installation cabinet with his own hands

Shelves most conveniently mounted on the wall to the aluminum angle profile 25x25 mm.

Shelves can be open or closed, which are located inside the structure. When mounting flanges must be considered the height of standard detergent packs, roll paper blocks holder height for genital rags and other toiletries and household utensils. It is better to strive to do so designed that all that is necessary to hide, could perfectly fit in the niche. Do not make the shelves at the same distance between themselves and strive for a symmetrical design of shelves in the filling cabinet. It is better to measure the distance for their anchorages in accordance with the standard set of available items for storage in a closet.

Closet to the bathroom MDF

Manufacture and assemble the cabinet to the toilet with their own hands is unthinkable without the proper tools.

Some structural elements, for example, the bezel, you can buy ready-made in specialty stores. In this case, the dimensions of structural elements required sanitary enclosure customize the size beforehand purchased facade elements.

built-in cabinets

However, before any cuts necessary to calculate the position of the shelves - pipes are not vertically and openings are made to specific sizes for each shelf.

For work, we need the following tools and materials

  • level and measuring tape;
  • a screwdriver and a screwdriver with screws;
  • electric drill;
  • jigsaws;
  • covering materials for sanitary and sex to ensure the cleanliness of the working area.
toilet design

Of course, closet to the toilet can not be considered complete if it does not have doors and accessories.

As accessories you may need:

  • loop;
  • magnets;
  • handles for doors;
  • seating area, the bezel;
  • fasteners;
  • Furniture corner et al.
The doors to the cabinet in the closet

Take measurements for the door, cut by harvesting them.

Hardware is better to buy from good producers, that is. To. It is actively used part of the structure and all mechanisms must be reliable in operation.

Installed in the chassis recess of the boards

As you can see, make the cabinet in the toilet with their own hands is not so difficult as it might seem.

The handles for the doors can be integrated, aluminum profile. They differ from conventional Handle attachment and appearance of a place. Is a long thin strip of aluminum, mounted at the upper end of the door, usually they make the entire length of the upper end of the door. Thus, they seem to "disappear" from the general form of the facade, in addition to care for a smooth surface of the door is fairly easy, t. To. It has no protrusions. A standard for mounting handles need to drill through the holes in the front door and turn the handle protruding, visually creates a pretty bright accent.

Making the shutters with his hands

Of course, the doors can be made not only of wood or chipboard. Alternatively act shutters, characterized by practicality and modern design.

Separately need to say that before mounting the cabinet in the closet is better to take care and check the condition of the plumbing network. You may need to spend their prevention, eliminate potential weaknesses that could lead to streaks, replace the valves, gaskets.

modern locker in the toilet

Plus if there is tile in the bathroom, you can use the simple plywood sheets that are then pasted over the same tile, which is mounted on the wall of a bathroom.

VIDEO: Wardrobe closet

50 photos, design ideas of the cabinet to the toilet with their own hands

Wardrobe closet in plastic
Cabinet in the bathroom photo
Closet to the toilet - real photo
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Picture built into a wall cabinet in the toilet
Wardrobe made of chipboard to the toilet
Ideas to create a cabinet in the bathroom
Wardrobe of plastic panels
Stocks of household chemicals carefully removed in the closet
create a cabinet in the bathroom with their hands
glass doors for the closet to the toilet
Production of cabinets in the bathroom with their hands
Wardrobe built-in toilet
Closet toilet
Wardrobe in the closet behind the toilet
Locker in the toilet with his hands
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Wardrobe in the toilet
cabinet design in a small closet
Wardrobe in the toilet
Locker in the toilet with removable doors
Wardrobe in the toilet with his hands photo
Storage space
The toilet closet
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Making your own hands
Wardrobe built-in toilet
Locker in the closet of plasterboard with their hands
built-in wardrobe to the bathroom with glass
plastic door to the toilet
Toilet with built-in wardrobe
Purpose of the cabinet in the closet
Closet to the bathroom with frosted glass
The choice of cabinet design
the door to the toilet with their own hands
closet to the toilet to close the tube
Locker in the toilet
Wardrobe built-in toilet
Wardrobe in the toilet
Wardrobe closet in your own hands
Cabinet in the bathroom
safe in the closet for storing chemicals
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cabinet for sideways
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Panel finish the toilet with their own hands
modern design cabinet
Plumbing in the bathroom cabinet