How to tie a rug hook, beautiful diagrams and simple descriptions

Knitting - a wonderful kind of needlework, which will occupy you for hours. It is scientifically proven that the monotonous activity of therapeutic effect on the brain and has a calming effect, so for you, we have written an article on how to learn to knit a beautiful and unique floor mats for crocheting at home instead spokes. They not only will be a real decoration, but also will give your interior a cozy and bright personality.

The atmosphere in the house is made up of little things.


  • 1 Materials for rug, crocheted
  • 2 How to tie a rug hook: the scheme and description
  • 3 Oval mat hook
  • 4 How to tie a round rug hook
  • 5 How to tie a square mat hook
  • 6 How to tie a rectangular rug hook
  • 7 Floor mats with bumps
  • 8 Octagonal mat hook
  • 9 Crochet mats in the interior
    • 9.1 Mats for Baby
    • 9.2 Knitted mat for the front door
    • 9.3 Crocheted rugs for the bathroom
  • 10 conclusion
  • 11 VIDEO: Knitted crochet mats.
  • 12 50 stylish options for mats with their hands:

Materials for rug, crocheted

Textile market and the human imagination offer a huge number of different properties, price, appearance and the materials from which you can create your own knitted masterpiece: from the classic to the most original. Simple and beautiful rugs will serve you for a long time, bringing joy and peace of the household.

Softness, warmth and homely atmosphere arise from seemingly minor, but really important things - accessories.

There are many ways and methods of knitting, each of which is due to the functional, the desired size, shape and materials used to create the product. The most popular option is the knitting of thick yarns made from sheep, camel or any other coat, and from the tape yarns. Typically, such a yarn - a collection of related segments fluffy, because of what products it look soft and home-style cozy.

Mats crocheted - one of those details that make habitable environment and truly home.

There is a separate category of yarn - knitting. It is denser and looks like strips of cloth. Mats of knitting yarn can create from classical materials, something unusual and interesting.

Homemade rugs are equally spectacular will look like in the interior of a modern city apartment and in the suburban house.

You can also knit and from special yarns, ropes. This small cords, which in conjunction look very Scandinavian.

If we talk about the strands of artificial origin, among them the leader is acrylic, which will be stored for much longer wool and yarn made of polycarbonate.

Easier and faster to crochet mats, rather than needles.

Of unusual materials emit clothesline, twine, jute, loin mesh polyethylene sliced ​​from garbage bags, and the thread of the pantyhose. Products of them will look very original and bright.

How to tie a rug hook: the scheme and description

There are many different ways to relate one and the same object. Our instructions will help instruct novice knitters in this skill. Use our tips to make using the hook of the knitting fabric mat, or any other at your discretion.

Many prefer needlewoman knit rugs with unusual shapes - a semi-circle or waves.

Oval mat hook

Such oval rugs crocheted very well fit into any decor, but the best thing would be to look in the living room.

If you want to do this yourself, then read the instructions.

  1. Dial a chain of air loops of any length.
  2. Knit columns with or without sc to form a semicircle.
  3. Start fasten the chain on the other side.
  4. Repeat the steps until the radius of the pad will not hold.

Mats will attract the eye with its bright and unique pattern.

How to tie a round rug hook

Round rugs are ideal to set up on his dressing table, bedside table or put near the door. Especially good heat transfer in this case helps large viscous.

You can use our instructions to link this currently.

  1. Collect 3 air loop.
  2. Connect them.
  3. They knit 6 sc without columns.
  4. Divide the circle into six parts, and in each row add on 6 columns, without sc.

This mat will cost is not expensive, and it fit in quickly.

Note! It is also possible to change the configuration of the carpet so as to obtain so-called Japanese carpets with their unique pattern. In order to make such necessary vyvyazat circles in sequence so that they contacted the center. This solution will add to the interior more ethnic motifs and create interesting accents.

The finished product is soft and warm.

How to tie a square mat hook

Square mats are ideal for the hallway or the bathroom, especially if made of polyethylene. Such products are easy to wash and quick to do.

Read our instructions to learn more and learn how to crochet scheme.

  1. On the front row distribute the bars, while the length of the product will not satisfy you.
  2. Turn the product.
  3. Knit columns without sc on the front wall of the loop in the second row.
  4. Flip.
  5. Knit wall without sc into both the wall loops in the third row.
  6. Repeat the steps in the fourth row of the third paragraph.
  7. Repeat the steps in the fifth row of the fifth paragraph.
  8. Repeat the steps to achieve the desired result.

Before you start knitting process is to decide what kind of material used for the base.

How to tie a rectangular rug hook

A method of manufacturing such a pad similar to the production of a square mat, but then you have to think about the proportions.

  1. On the front row distribute the bars, while the length of the product will not satisfy you.
  2. Turn the product.
  3. Knit columns without sc on the front wall of the loop in the second row.
  4. Flip.
  5. Knit wall without sc into both the wall loops in the third row.
  6. Repeat the steps in the fourth row of the third paragraph.
  7. Repeat the steps in the fifth row of the fifth paragraph.
  8. Repeat the steps to achieve the desired result.

Artificial ingredients give strength to the finished product, prolong its service life.

Floor mats with bumps

Such interesting carpets look more bulky, so they retain heat better. This is the perfect decoration for a child's room. Our step by step guide will help you to design your baby the way you always wanted.

Designer clothes are expensive, and by his own hands things original, materials leave very little money for them.

  1. One column need vyvyazat several columns with sc, so that they have a common vertex.
  2. The number of columns equal to the number of sc with pad segments.
  3. Shishechka counts as 1 bar, starting from the next row and continue provyazyvaetsya zigzag.

There are various schemes of knitting rugs, providing more bulk products.

Octagonal mat hook

When knitting method is used "Granny Square", where the article consists of various related pieces.

The process of knitting a rug hook does not require special skills or learning some intricate schemes.

Binding starts with eight stitches. Polustolbikom then connect them in a ring, then added over a series of columns and sc without stitches.

Crochet mats in the interior

Mats, crocheted by hand, are added to the interior of lightness and spontaneity. They enliven the heavy texture and diluted dark glossy surface stains tables, chests of drawers and cabinets.

Each rug is unique and unique.

Important! Speaking on their application in the design of the home, then you need to consider the size, texture and material of manufacture, as well as pay attention to the color and shape of the product.

For example, suitable for living room carpets, cream, pastel, gray color, without distracting from the basic colors. However, if you want to add emphasis to the interior, feel free to put it on the floor yellow, red or blue mat and support its subsidiary details such as the color of pillows, shelves and various accessories accessories.

Crocheted rugs are equally well look like a simple wooden floor, and the expensive flooring or tile.

Bedroom suit soft, pleasant to the touch carpets with a little rough texture. If you decorate one of these ruffles, it will be a real decoration of the room and also a nice touch, give a good mood.

One should not burden the dark room or a small dense carpet, in particular bulky, especially if it is dark in color. In this case, the best fit thin delicate carpet of sand, caramel and pastel shades of blue, green and pink.

Things started with his own hands - today one of the most popular trends.

The angular interior perfectly round to add crocheted rugs that can soften the overall look of the room. The square is well suited to these views some particular detail of the room, to focus attention.

Rectangular pads - the perfect choice to create the industrial interior, especially if they depict graphic rectangular patterns or sharp corners.

They help to bring comfort in almost any interior.

In the style of Provence uses mats bright colors and round shapes that will go perfectly with wicker chairs on your summer cottage.

Additional Information! If you are seriously interested in creating an interior in the style of the set, we recommend that you view the image from different magazines to understand in what direction you want to move.

Mats for Baby

The main criterion for carpets for the children should be his safety and easy washing away dirt, on the basis of which it can be argued that the mats of acrylic here fit perfectly.

This is the most affordable and enjoyable way to equip their homes.

However, in terms of form, texture, textures, colors and other things your imagination can retire to the full, so as the more unusual looks of your carpet, the more fun the children will spend time in his room.

Note! There are unusual options such as mats pencils when a certain number of color pencils engaged in a product because of what creates a beautiful pattern, and most importantly interesting form products.

Developing the theme can offer you a daze tie rug depicting his favorite animal or character.

Yes, on such a product will have to sweat, but it will give your child the joy for years to come.

Girls are perfect for bright, saturated shades of pink and blue, the image of hearts, stars, emoticons, princesses, castles and unicorns rainbow.

If your child is older in design, you can use its main activity or hobby, such as a brush with a palette for the artist, guitar, musician, and so on.

Knitted mat for the front door

The fate of the mats lying at the front door is often the most controversial, because of them constantly wipe their feet, strongly polluting and depriving the original appearance.

Experts advise to use for such a thick dense carpet yarn or rope, and plastic strips.

Important! This mat will always be carried out mechanical action, so it should be very durable and stable as pressure, and to the environmental conditions.

Crocheted rugs for the bathroom

Most often, baths and toilets do not look empty and furnished, can help a variety of accessories. The best solution for the bathroom is stylish soft mat, preferably solid color or striped, so as not to interrupt attention to the interior.

The shape and size depends on how much room you dekoriruete and materials should be preferred yarns, carved out of a plastic bag.

Such designs are easy to clean and perfectly complement any interior. Furthermore, they are not deformed by hot water and steam, that is a strong argument in favor of them.


Crochet - an easy and fun process, which will help you not only with the use to take their time, but also beautiful, tastefully furnish the house and add comfort to every room. We hope that our instructions and tips will help you turn your interior into something that you've always dreamed of, and coerce further creative experiments. Take advantage of our simple schemes to create beautiful crocheting rugs.

VIDEO: Knitted crochet mats.

50 stylish options for mats with their hands: