The kitchen not only cook, but also to organize family dinners, receptions guests. Therefore, a dining table for the kitchen you need to choose wisely: depends on the overall style of the entire premises. "Wrong" furniture will look ugly and may even spoil your appetite. In addition to the aesthetic, there is also physical sensations: the product is banal can be uncomfortable. With confidence we can say that just come into the store and buy furniture to be the wrong decision. In this article, we will tell you, how to choose the kitchen table, which should be considered when buying a kitchen table.

The kitchen not only cook, but also to organize family dinners, receptions guests.
- 1 How to choose?
- 2 materials
- 3 Classification
- 4 Design
- 5 Tips for Choosing a kitchen table
- 6 Video: How to choose the right dining table
- 7 50 photos, design ideas kitchen table
How to choose?
There are several criteria by which determined by the size of the table, its shape and style. These criteria include:
- kitchen area;
- interior and overall design;
- material kitchen units;
- the color of individual elements of the interior;
- the estimated number of people at the table.

In addition to the aesthetic, there is also physical sensations: the product is banal can be uncomfortable.

Together with a table and chairs are purchased, and they too are chosen wisely.
The materials used for manufacturing are quite different, the following are the most popular dining tables.
1) From the laminate.
They are inexpensive and have the widest range of colors. In fact, this is the usual table of particle board, in the process of manufacturing pasted special laminated film.
2) From the MDF.
Such products are much more durable furniture made of chipboard. They are often drawn up by different mosaics and patterns, so look quite stylish.
3) artificial stone.
In addition to the originality, beauty and strength to the merits of this furniture may include resistance to any external influences.
4) Glass.
Stylish, beautiful and elegant products. Available options are available with tabletops, decorated with eco-leather. They add elegance and originality.
5) From the solid wood.
Rare, but eco-friendly and an unusual option. Furniture will last a long time: it is not afraid of no moisture, no external influences. Cost table of the array are quite expensive, but this is compensated by the beauty and aristocratic like furniture.
6) C tiles.
Such products are virtually immune to external influences. The material allows you to pick any color any style.
with mosaics. Countertop, mosaic tiled, bring comfort and warmth to the house. On sale is a single-color options and, on the other hand, brightly colored items. In the end, a mosaic - a stylish and original.

"Wrong" furniture will look ugly and may even spoil your appetite.

The main thing is that the final look of the room was harmonious and liked all members of the household.
On the market there are many forms of kitchen tables: round, square, rectangular, folding or sliding.

There are several criteria by which determined by the size of the table, its shape and style.
Round dining table combines sitting smooth line, as it were, by equalizing their rights. Support it is one big foot or more children. Plus such furniture - it does not cause unpleasant associations with work or study (office table, school desk). There is a significant drawback: it is impossible to fasten the product close to the wall, which is not always convenient to owners cuisine.

The materials used for manufacturing are quite different, the following are the most popular dining tables.

Also takes into account the age of the household.
Oval table - great for a spacious dining room. Behind it can accommodate a lot more people than a round, and it is not inferior to him in sustainability. Previously, such products have been used by the rich of Europe, but the oval shape is appropriate and in the modern world.

Furniture of this style is made of materials of natural origin.
Square table represents austerity, simplicity and functionality. It is not suitable for gatherings with friends, parties or dinners, as they can fit only two of them. Actually, the square table usually acquire a pair. To save space, this piece of furniture, you can move up to the wall, so it is ideal for the small kitchen.

In fact, this is the usual table of particle board, in the process of manufacturing pasted special laminated film.

For some diners are perfect for kitchen corners or stools.
The most popular option - a table in the form of a rectangle. For it will fit about a dozen guests, and the piece of furniture can be placed anywhere: in the middle of the room, next to the wall, near the window.

The peculiarity of this style is that it tends to be completely original.
Triangular table almost not used as the main lunch, usually acting only as an additional element of decoration. Coffee Table triangular shape perfectly complements the decoration of a spacious kitchen.

Stylish, beautiful and elegant products.
Products other forms are much rarer. If you want to become the owner of such an unusual type, you should execute the product to order.

It is no secret that in any indoor furniture should be arranged harmoniously.
There are also tables Laptop and sliding dining tables. In addition to compactness, they also save space, and this is a significant plus for the owners of a small kitchen.

They add elegance and originality.
It is no secret that in any indoor furniture should be arranged harmoniously. On the kitchen table, this rule also applies. The following are the most popular kitchen styles.
- Classical. Simple wooden furniture, has a peculiar grace.
- High tech. Metal, plastic, glass. Style uses straight lines and angles and inclines to the predominance of white and shades of gray.
- Modern. Natural ornate lines. The peculiarity of this style is that it tends to be completely original.
- Eco-style. Visually rough and austere work. Furniture of this style is made of materials of natural origin.

On sale is a single-color options and, on the other hand, brightly colored items.
kitchen design may entail a kind of eclectic, and can be made in the same style. The main thing is that the final look of the room was harmonious and liked all members of the household.

Rare, but eco-friendly and an unusual option.
Tips for Choosing a kitchen table
First think for the overall dimensions of the product. Furniture must comply with kitchen area and meet the needs of all households. Pretty ugly in the little kitchen will look like a huge rectangular table, which would have to get the owners of the apartment. Therefore, for small rooms usually purchased the product compact transformer, and for large dining table will be appropriate for some people.

On the market there are many forms of kitchen tables: round, square, rectangular, folding or sliding.
Next, think about the location of the spot: whether the charge of the furniture against the wall, and if so, what kind of party. The distances between the object and the wall must be sufficient for the convenient passage.

Round dining table combines sitting smooth line, as it were, by equalizing their rights.
Choosing a round kitchen table, be sure to pay attention to its diameter. Ideal - no more than one and a half meters, otherwise it will be uncomfortable, because to reach the food, guests will have to sit up from their seats. Similar calculations are made for the tables of another form.

Support it is one big foot or more children.
Appearance of the product is chosen based on the needs of the owners. If the table will be more than 4 people, then fit the rectangular version, if less - square. At the round table can usually accommodate up to 8 people, with the oval, respectively, more. At the round tables should pay attention if there are children in the family: these products are much safer. Countertops are gaining popularity on one leg instead of four. For them it is possible to seat more people, and it looks like the furniture is quite stylish and interesting.

There is a significant drawback: it is impossible to fasten the product close to the wall, which is not always convenient to owners cuisine.
Choosing the material, note
- Products made of wood most strong, durable, moisture resistant and really beautiful. They do not require special care, but from a material such furniture is quite difficult.
- Tables made of particle board are short-lived, but it is cheap. Alternatively, you can purchase a laminated furniture, because it almost does not pass water.
- Glass light, unusual and beautiful in its own way. However, they should be regularly washed and cleaned. Pay attention to the thickness of the glass and tempered, also make sure that the furniture is moisture, because if water gets inside, remove it from there it will be impossible.

The most popular option - a table in the form of a rectangle.
Together with a table and chairs are purchased, and they too are chosen wisely. The most important thing when choosing the product - comfortable seat and backrest. Also takes into account the age of the household. If a family has children, for them specifically bought a small chair. Optionally, to limit themselves in choosing one embodiment dining furniture. For some diners are perfect for kitchen corners or stools.

Products other forms are much rarer.
When you decide so, what kind of table you want to select, try out the chairs of different heights and shapes. Do not buy kitchen furniture, until you are sure that it suits you on all the parameters. If the choice has fallen on a product-transformer, be sure to try to assemble and disassemble it in the store to make sure that the piece of furniture really fits your family.

There are also tables Laptop and sliding dining tables.
Now that you know how to choose a dining table. The recommendations listed above should help to define the solution and buy furniture that is good "fit" in the interior dining room.

In addition to compactness, they also save space, and this is a significant plus for the owners of a small kitchen.
Video: How to choose the right dining table
50 photos, design ideas kitchen table