What could be more banal conventional hinged shelves on the wall? But a good imagination and skillful hands can work wonders, and with such a simple object, transforming it into a beautiful interior design element of your home.

One of the methods of decorating the premises - the use of shelves.
- 1 It would be fiction, but the material for the shelves there ...
- 2 Buy or make a shelf on the wall with his hands
- 3 Shelves are different
- 4 Module - a universal solution
- 5 Marking and sawing
- 6 workpieces
- 7 Build shelves
- 8 Install shelves on the wall
- 9 Production of shelf-cells
- 10 Bookshelf with concealed fasteners
- 11 The decor is everything
- 12 VIDEO: Shelf with their hands (how to make a shelf of wood)
- 13 50 photo ideas how to make shelves on the wall with his hands
It would be fiction, but the material for the shelves there ...
All the materials have their advantages and disadvantages. The following are suitable for wall-mounted shelves.
- Woody timber - is the most common and cheap - it is easy to saw on the workpiece, process and paint.
- Metal - is not always appropriate, it is more difficult to handle at home, shelves made him ill fit for the home environment, are susceptible to corrosion.
- Glass - looks great in any room, making the shelf more visually light and airy, but Because of its fragility requires special tools and equipment for cutting and challenging holes grinding.
- Plastic - the lightest material that is able to replace all previous ones.

Hang shelves on the wall, put on the floor, some suspended from the ceiling or beams.
NOTE! human imagination in the choice of material for the shelves on the wall is inexhaustible - old suitcase, television housing, water pipes and corners. As the fasteners can be used even... trouser belts.

Much more often they are functional.
Buy or make a shelf on the wall with his hands
What are the advantages of self-made wall shelves before the purchase-? Furniture stores offer options for all occasions - bookshelves, sideboard, for phones, for flowers. But such arguments can be said in favor of home-made:
- not always purchase shelf fits your idea of beauty - or the wrong color, or shape of clumsy;
- dimensions of purchased products do not fit the size of your room;
- the height or width of the shelves do not match the dimensions of the things that you want to place them;
- after repairs were pieces of good material and fasteners - throw a pity, and do not want to store and place.

But best of all - they are easy to do on your own, with their own hands.
ON A NOTE! Make a shelf on the wall with their hands more often is cheaper than to buy them in a store known furniture company.

They are made of wood, plywood, laminated chipboard, fiberboard, have glass shelves.
Shelves are different
Before you assemble the shelf, determine what type it is. Masters furniture business get the hand to make wall shelves for all occasions:
- open - no side walls, front doors and rear walls;
- closed - in essence those shelves are suspended in a miniature cabinet, differing from their smaller mass, depth and height;
- Angle - located at the junction of two walls, may be both internal angle, and external;
- Asymmetric - arrangement of shelves lacks symmetry axis while maintaining functionality;
- Suspended - as suspensions used for shelves harnesses, cables, made of thick fabric materials, belts, ceiling and is used as a support;
- decorative - designed to beautifully arrange interesting things.

As the rack using the same materials, but also they are made of metal, plastic and other things quite incredible - for example, tubes or bottles.
Module - a universal solution
The easiest way to assemble the shelf wall consisting of side, top and bottom walls fastened together with screws or furniture accessories. Do such "modules" of different lengths and heights required number and attach them to the wall in the right order. This option is well suited for the production of bookshelves.

In the living room is not so important what material is made of the regiment. It is important that its design was in keeping with the interior.
You will need the following materials and tools:
- 16-20 mm board thickness and width 150-180 mm - it can be pine, MDF, plywood or chipboard.
- screws;
- screwdriver;
- building level;
- hacksaw on wood furniture.

Even functional is not always important: some play a decorative role. To them if there is something that one or two subjects.
Marking and sawing
The height and width of the shelf is chosen arbitrarily. If the ends of the top and bottom walls will abut the side edge, then, in the determination of their height necessary to make a correction for twice the thickness of the board.

Their role is to give the interior a special home-style and color.
ATTENTION! For cutting boards should be used hand-held circular saw or jigsaw. Their use allows to make the surface smooth cut.

If we talk about the shelves in the technical rooms - the kitchen and bathroom, in particular, by reasons of aesthetics almost everywhere there is also the requirement for practicality.
When marking of parts for angular wall shelves top and bottom walls are made of two boards with oblique end faces. Their connection must exactly fit into a corner, for which they are intended. The surface of the ends of smeared joiner's glue, connect the boards and tightening the clamps until dry. Additionally, you can fasten the corners with screws.
Before installation, the wooden parts of shelves must be sanded down and apply a protective coating. It can be treated with stain wood and lacquered. However, such a regiment does not always fit into the overall interior color scheme. Then it is better to put the primer and paint to the desired color.

A safety net in place screwing the screw into the bottom of the sidewall need to pre-drill the holes with a thin drill.
Build shelves
To seal wall screws need to partition the opening. From the end edge of the bottom wall measured out distance equal to half the thickness of the side and draw a line parallel to the slice. She made a mark for the drill, departing at five centimeters left and right. Also mark out the opposite end. Make a hole. Fastened with screws wall side flanges. Marking or fixing the top wall shelf in the same manner.

To shelf was smooth, and subsequently it is not warped at the bottom, from the back side, it is possible to fix the location of the parts flat window corners.
ON A NOTE! For fixing shelves walls can also be used in other ways - wooden dowel with joiner's glue, special mounting accessories - corners screed eccentric screed.

Despite the fact that electronic devices are replacing the printed edition of a person's life, yet many people cherish dear to their hearts books and magazines, which storage location often leaves much to be better.
Install shelves on the wall
It would seem - there is nothing easier. In fact - it is a responsible step. You do not want all your efforts to ennoble his house collapsed in one moment?
The easiest way to use the shelves hinged corner. The upper lug attached to the wall by means of dowels, bottom - to the shelf or self-tapping screw with nut and washer.
IMPORTANT! When the load on the shelf from 20 to 50 kg using brackets. The layout of holes on the wall is done using a spirit level.

Hands should be kept clean, because the untreated wood is very easily soiled.

Dimensions of shelves will depend on the size of the book on it will be stored.
Production of shelf-cells
Shelve original form required to show imagination and a little more hard work, but your efforts will be compensated - the original product will revive the internal view of the room.
- Sawn plank 15 segments of length 300 mm with the angle of cutting 30 °.
- We are making the first "cell". For this glue hexagonal section and strengthen the corners with screws.
- All other "cell" shelf without doing one wall.
- Store them on the floor so that replaces the missing face wall adjacent section. Are fastened together with adhesive and screws.
- If there are segments of sufficient length, it is possible to make the shelves within the "cell."

Every detail sander to be processed, only then it can be bound to other components in a single structure.
IMPORTANT! To avoid occurrence of cracks and distortions when tightening screws, predrill holes with a diameter of 1.2 mm.

Of course, not do without tools. At least - is a hacksaw on wood and Phillips screwdriver.

For bookshelves are requirements of strength: weight hold significant.
Bookshelf with concealed fasteners
If your taste is kind of insulting mounting accessories, you can make a small open shelf with concealed fasteners.

The first thing you need to consider the size of the manufactured shelves and determine the place where it will be, only then purchase the board.

Often you can see when people decorate their homes with artificial flowers, but still nothing can replace the natural freshness of beautiful plants.
This requires:
- wooden beam thickness of 25-30 mm with a ground surface well;
- board of the same thickness made of the same material;
- nageli - cylindrical pins of wood;
- carpenter's glue;
- dowels and screws.

Thanks to modern versatile tool home craftsman can make virtually any shelf, even in the apartment, not to mention the work in his workshop.
Assembling a shelf consists of the following steps.
- Sawn lumber and board on the workpiece equal length.
- Using the template make the side of the bar and the next shelf coinciding holes, the diameter and the total depth of which must coincide with the length of pegs.
- Beam mounted on the wall by means of dowels and screws.
- The timber opening carefully spikes smeared glue nageli.
- The surface of the timber and shelves that will connect with them, too, are lubricated with glue.
- Shelf "worn" on pins and is firmly pressed. To be safe, you can gently tap the entire length of the side of the shelves a rubber mallet.

Of course, just want to do something extensive and beautiful, which is quite natural, but first you can try your hand by making a simple but neat shelf.
This regiment will look like a natural extension of the wall of your room. Just do not load it with a large number of items.

Moreover, these products may be the first self-made things. It's really simple.
The decor is everything
You have collected and hung on the wall shelves. But they look unpresentable - too empty, or vice versa littered with books and other small items. To wall shelves in the interior of your room look aesthetically pleasing and catches the eye, follow these simple rules.
- Act three colors - one dominant color for the shelf and two additional items for standing on it. It is desirable that the color contrast shelves with objects standing on it - so they will look more expressive.
- Control chaos with the help of triads. Arrange items with similar colors on different shelves so that they are on top of the imaginary triangles.
- Let more air - some things, especially large demand on the shelf more space.
- Small thing needs favorable background. For example, the statue, which stands on a shelf next to the gorgeous vase, you must move away from a spectacular neighbor and place against the backdrop of a small painting in watercolors.
- Try to locate items that are similar in size and color relative to a vertical or horizontal imaginary symmetry axes.
- The higher shelf, the easier it should be subject to. All massive objects, it is desirable to place at the bottom, and light - on the upper shelves.
- Do not forget about the functionality - on a shelf, located at the level of your eyes, place the things that you use most.

The simple design is good: it is possible to make all the shelves with their own hands.
Do not be afraid to experiment. Wall shelves can be made of any material, but is best suited wood lumber. To install, use the outboard corners or brackets. And do not be lazy beautifully arrange them books and vases.

Structurally, most of the shelves consists of the shelves and jumper.
VIDEO: Shelf with their hands (how to make a shelf of wood)
50 photo ideas how to make shelves on the wall with his hands