How to remove traces of adhesive tape to the furniture and surfaces.

It is impossible to imagine modern life without the support meansAlways under hand. such is the ScotchOr adhesive tape, which is indispensable in the life and economy, even the window frames to warm in the winter scotch tape.

how to remove traces of adhesive tape

Adhesive tape is without doubt an excellent attachment and packaging material.

However, often there are some unpleasant moments when the horrible dirty rough spotsleft behind scotch tapeIt is impossible to get rid of.

remove traces of adhesive tape

In most cases, tape leaves traces on the sticky surface.

But there is a way out, even slightly. You can do basic improvised means.


  • 1 How do I clean the plastic and glass
  • 2 What if stains from scotch tape left on the furniture
  • 3 VIDEO: How to remove traces of adhesive tape to the furniture.
  • 4 VIDEO: Remove remnants of adhesive tape eraser.

How do I clean the plastic and glass

If you do not know how to get rid of the sticky layer, had time to "adorn" dust, dirt and grime, especially in the kitchen, it is possible to cope with help conventional and affordable meansThat is, at the home of each family.

  • A variety of cleaning means Sales suggests their presence in homes and apartments. Therefore, when there is a problem with the cleaning tracks from adhesive tape for the beginning try to spray for washing windows and mirrors.
    remove traces of adhesive tape spray for glasses

    Tool will help with minor impurities.

    In case of severe stains resort to cleaning paste containing abrasive particles. But with plastic you need to act very carefully, because of the abrasives can go scratch.

    remove traces of adhesive tape with plastic

    In the case of cleaning products, protect your hands with rubber gloves, and after processing the surface necessary, wash and wipe dry.

  • Try normal oil vegetable origin, suitable even scented essential oil.
    remove all traces of oil from the adhesive tape

    Enough small amount deposited on a piece of cotton or cloth, for thorough treatment of contaminated land.

    For 15-20 minutes, the adhesive layer is impregnated oil and swell, its balances easy to depart from surface.

    remove all traces of oil from the adhesive tape

    Should be cleaned with a clean dry cloth.

    If the procedure is not successful the first time, it can be duplicated, then the result will be 100 percent. At the end of a plastic or glass surface can be handle with a paper towel.

    clear plastic from the adhesive tape

    Unfortunately, this method is not applicable if there is no opportunity to wash thoroughly the subject of water, oil.

    The unpleasant smell of vegetable oils It lingers in the room, so it is recommended to use adhesive tape attrition scented essential oil.

    remove traces of adhesive tape essential oil

    The effect will be the same as the smell - pleasant.

  • The effectiveness of manipulation with medical alcohol. It not only removes remnants of adhesive tapeBut also eliminates the yellowish tint that appears on plastic.
    alcohol to clean traces

    Alcohol solution to remove the adhesive stains from glass, mirrors, ceramics, tile.

    But first it is necessary to test for alcohol and compatibility surfaceHaving different compositions and react differently to the chemical experiments.

    remove traces of adhesive tape alcohol

    Rubbing alcohol plot in an inconspicuous area to make sure that the negative consequences do not come.

    Then boldly and generously dampen the cloth with alcohol and treat spotsUntil they are completely gone.

  • traces of scotch tape can remove... himself scotch tape!
    adhesive tape to remove traces of adhesive tape

    Adhesive residues on glass or plastic can move along with a new layer of adhesive tape glued neatly over old.

    Result can not appear the first time, the procedure can be repeated several times.

  • A proven and effective methods of treatment is baking soda.
    remove traces of scotch soda

    Soda perfectly helps scrub traces of adhesive tape, no worse than other means.

    This universal means should be diluted to a state of pulp, put on a cloth or sponge and treat the place of contamination.

    remove traces of adhesive tape hairdryer

    For best results you can before applying soda concentrate warm spot usual hairdryer.

    After wash with water and dry glass or plastic.

  • The adhesive composition scotch tape penetrates the glass, wood or plastic very hard, you should go removing it tracksAs soon as discovered.
    remove traces of adhesive tape on a tree

    In another embodiment, the solar rays tightly to "glue" the surface and adhesive tapes.

    But if the impact occurs gradually, the hot hair dryer to quickly warm up and loosen the glue, which immediately removed with a dry cloth. Double sided tape can not be any other wash, except for a hair dryer, as contained in the composition of rubber materials have a tendency to cling to any surface.

    heat traces of adhesive tape hairdryer

    When working with a hair dryer need to be careful to not deform the plastic from the hot air.

  • One of the tried and proven methods in the usual stationery eraser.
    remove traces of adhesive tape eraser

    Eraser ceremony "erases" even the most inveterate stains, from which only the pellets remain.

    The eraser will clear not only glass, Plastic parts and other similar surfaceBut also wooden furnitureAnd various household appliances.

    eraser removes traces of adhesive tape

    Erase traces of glue eraser pencil from the paper, and after some time, it should disappear.

    Your patience and strength depends on the size tracks from scotch.

  • Scotch with plastic and glass surfaces can clean with acetone, nail polish remover, or a special means for removal stickers and labels.
    acetone to remove traces of the adhesive tape

    Acetone on the painted surfaces should be used with caution.

    Be sure to read the enclosed instructions and proceed according to its rules.

    means for removing labels

    If in addition to the glue left and pieces of the film itself, it is wetted with acetone for a few minutes, and if necessary - repeat the procedure.

    Get rid of the problem will help automotive glass cleaner or a special pen, which can be purchased at electronics stores and household appliances.

    pencil restoration

    The fact, for some surfaces effective pencil and how it is applied, read the instructions to the facility.

What if stains from scotch tape left on the furniture

If plastic and glass surfacesAs well as the cleaning of household appliances, we can easily handle, the soft furniture and lacquered surfaces They involve very different activities and costs, as they can be damaged by rough handling.

Scotch on the varnished furniture

When transporting the cabinet doors and drawers and cabinets fastened with adhesive tape and then can not decide what wash tape.

  • Upholstered furniture well cleared by traces of adhesive tape acetone, it is necessary to put on a cloth or cotton wool, carefully handle upholstery foam and rinse solution.
    Effectively remove traces of adhesive tape to the furniture

    After this it is necessary to ventilate the room for a long time from the characteristic odor of solvent.

    At the end portion must be cleaned well with a towel to dry.

    traces of adhesive tape on furniture

    Be sure to dry the furniture with a dry cloth.

  • lacquered furniture amenable to solvent exposed, but dangerously abuse, since the solvent can leave turbid traces.
    remove the tape from the wooden furniture

    First, check the reaction in an inconspicuous area. If everything is in order, processing begins by observing that did not change the color of the varnish.

    stains from scotch tape to wipe dipped in a solvent with a cotton pad, if necessary, leave it on the track of scotch tape for a few minutes.

    remove the tape with lacquered furniture

    Adhesive residue is removed with a dry cloth.

    The solvent has a pungent odor, so the room should be well ventilated.

VIDEO: How to remove traces of adhesive tape to the furniture.

VIDEO: Remove remnants of adhesive tape eraser.