Cut a hole under the sink in the countertop: tools for installation

Furniture industry provides a choice of a huge number of various kitchen furniture. Sometimes sink for dishes is offered separately and installed by the buyer on their own. It does not require any special knowledge and skills.

Cutting holes for a round sink a router

If the shell is purchased separately and require its installation, it is advisable to entrust this work to professionals.

A tool to make the right hole, the easiest is needed. The question is how to cut the countertop by the sink, not very complicated. However, if you do not follow certain requirements when installing, installed equipment can be spoiled.

sink flush with the worktop

Consistency and manipulations carried out are similar to cutting out holes in the chipboard.

Template to mark the countertop by the sink

A tool to make the right hole, the easiest is needed.

The place for the cut is chosen with regard to the minimum distance dewatering the drains and connecting plumbing.

on kitchen renovations

Do it better in the open air, as in the process of sawing is a lot of dust.

Relative to the working surface level of the sink can be installed in the following ways.

  1. Below the tabletop. This arrangement looks very effectively, but additionally requires the use of special tools. Cleaning itself must have a certain shape. Is fixed in this case from the bottom, special fasteners. They are usually sold as a set. The open end must be impregnated with repellent. Thus it should have a sufficient thickness.
  2. On the same level. When this position is very important to make the right groove to the thickness of the board. It has to be perfect around the perimeter of the installed sink.
  3. Over countertop level. The tool for this type of installation is the simplest needs. Special efforts in this setup is not required.
hole for a round sink

On hand will need to wear protective gloves and face shield to protect special-transparent mask.

Scrollsaw unnecessary part countertops Sink

Sometimes sink for dishes is offered separately and installed by the buyer on their own.


  • 1 Necessary materials
  • 2 Installing a sink and connection of communications
  • 3 Installing the washing in the design of other materials
  • 4 VIDEO: Set the video sink. Inset sink into the countertop.
  • 5 50 photo ideas how to cut a hole under the sink in the countertop

Necessary materials

The sealant serves to prevent the ingress of moisture into the contact space of washing and countertops. Water can greatly damage the DSP. For different surfaces meant a sealant. When working with artificial stone only applied silicone. For wood and plastics often use sealants containing alcohol.

countertop sink below the level of

If you decide to cut a hole in the countertop by the sink in the home, you will need a special tool - "Bulgarian" with a diamond wheel.

Using the sealant not only prevents unwanted water penetration. This serves the additional strength connection.

Before embedding the sink, take care of engineering communications

If the shell is purchased separately and require its installation, it is advisable to entrust this work to professionals.

Tools required:

  • electric drill
  • electric jigsaw
  • Wood drill diameter of 10 mm.
  • set of wrenches
  • brush
  • adjustable wrench
  • rasp
  • Cordless
build in the sink

When buying furniture for the kitchen with such a surface, it is desirable to have a ready-made product that requires only a connection to the water supply and sewerage system.

Before to saw a hole in the worktop under the sink, held marking the desired openings. To do this, made of cardboard or thick paper template done. Some manufacturers and manufacturers of sinks template provided with the product itself. If an installation option on the table and bumpers have been selected wide enough, you can spend without counting template. For this washing is used as a template. Upper surface it is applied to a plane and a marker or pencil is encircled by a contour. For ease of installation, it is desirable to remove the tabletop. Stepping into 0.5 - 1 cm. held by the features held the work path, and on which is propyl.

installation of sinks in the kitchen

It will look more solid, but the self-mount sink into it will be more difficult.

Denoting the line of cut, the pattern is removed and you can start the process of cutting out a place for washing. Drilled with a drill site for sawing electric jigsaw, a diameter of about 10 mm. For a triangular or quadrangular hole sink made from all corners. If the product has a round or oval shape, for one will be enough.

Sink under the table top

Set the sink into the countertop of wood or chipboard, with the required tools and skills simplest handling, it is not difficult.

Propyl hole and made from a laminate, it will prevent it chipped. Fret saw out accurately follows the desired opening of a drawn contour. Electric jigsaw need tightly to the surface. Cloth nail files should go exactly the right angle.

install the sink in the countertop photo

The sink is applied sealing strip, supplied with the product.

In carrying out this work should be supported to cut the inner part. Or to arrange the table top so that this part is not dropped at the end of cutting. In sharp separation and the remaining portion of the harvested laminated coating may crack. Or break away a part of the DSP.

Sink Countertop

You can use a drill with a special drill - furniture crown, just right to take a drill diameter needed.

If there is no place for such an arrangement, or worktop is not removed, use adhesive tape construction. Sawing is carried out in this case with stops. Propyl is 10-15 cm., Which is then glued tape from both sides.

drill a hole in the countertop

By draining the cup is mounted and, if by design, a mixer (tap).

After sawing is completed, the pre-wash is tried. It should enter freely, but the gap should not be large. If the part is too tight, it should expand the installation location rasp or a jigsaw.

Seal under the sink

Denoting the line of cut, the pattern is removed and you can start the process of cutting out a place for washing.

Now thoroughly "sanding" inner end, which will adjoin the sink. This is done with fine sandpaper grit. The resulting dust was removed, and the contact position using a brush to apply a thin layer of sealant.

Set the sink into the countertop yourself

For ease of installation, it is desirable to remove the tabletop.

Installing a sink and connection of communications

By draining the cup is mounted and, if by design, a mixer (tap). Are installed in the correct sequence of all gaskets. Usually pads layout specified by the manufacturer on the packaging of the mixer and the drain siphon. Threaded connections extend well wrench or an adjustable wrench if necessary.


When buying furniture for the kitchen with such a surface, it is desirable to have a ready-made product that requires only a connection to the water supply and sewerage system.

In case of absence in the construction, which is planned installation holes for water and sewer, they should be cut. They did likewise, as well as for cleaning. Drilled with a drill and an electric jigsaw sawed right on opening size. You can use a drill with a special drill - furniture crown, just right to take a drill diameter needed.

Countertops made of artificial stone Photo

For this washing is used as a template.

The sink is applied sealing strip, supplied with the product. Left from the edge of a small gap, which subsequently is filled with sealant. Wire mounting brackets.

Set the sink

Some manufacturers and manufacturers of sinks template provided with the product itself.

Re-apply the sealant to the contact site and give it a little dry, 2-3 minutes. Install the product in place and pull attachment. Countertop with it to fix in place and make the connection water hoses. Connect drain. Once again, go to the places with hermetic joints, the excess must be removed.

embed sink in the countertop

Before to saw a hole in the worktop under the sink, held marking the desired openings.

Installing the washing in the design of other materials

Set the sink into the countertop of wood or chipboard, with the required tools and skills simplest handling, it is not difficult. More durable will be installed in the cooking area worktop made of artificial or natural stone. It will look more solid, but the self-mount sink into it will be more difficult.

Sinks of stainless steel sinks

Using the sealant not only prevents unwanted penetration of water

When buying furniture for the kitchen with such a surface, it is desirable to have a ready-made product that requires only a connection to the water supply and sewerage system.

installing countertop sink

For wood and plastics often use sealants containing alcohol.

If the shell is purchased separately and require its installation, it is advisable to entrust this work to professionals. The stone carving workshop wizard will make the required work without damaging the surface. To do this, they have the appropriate skills and have a whole set of tools required.

Avoid fluff sealants entire incision line

For different surfaces meant a sealant.

If you decide to cut a hole in the countertop by the sink in the home, you will need a special tool - "Bulgarian" with a diamond wheel. When working with this tool, you need greater care. On hand will need to wear protective gloves and face shield to protect special-transparent mask.

embed sink in the countertop

The sealant serves to prevent the ingress of moisture into the contact space of washing and countertops.

Do it better in the open air, as in the process of sawing is a lot of dust. Consistency and manipulations carried out are similar to cutting out holes in the chipboard.

installation of a rectangular sink in the countertop

The place for the cut is chosen with regard to the minimum distance dewatering the drains and connecting plumbing.

VIDEO: Set the video sink. Inset sink into the countertop.

50 photo ideas how to cut a hole under the sink in the countertop

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