Kitchen in Russian - not just a utility room equipped with appliances, not only the power zone. This hearth in the house, where there is warmth and comfort, a place of communication, encourages forthright.

Neat and compact set includes everything you need, does not attract unwanted attention and, at the same time, very well looks.
- 1 On the need for planning drawing
- 2 Measurements and plan kitchen area
- 3 We determine the height of countertops
- 4 Multilevel worktop - step to the health
- 5 Settings headset
- 6 Finally
- 7 VIDEO: Types plan kitchen. How to choose
- 8 50 photo-ideas-plan kitchen units
On the need for planning drawing
With the water supply networks, sewerage, heating, electricity, installation of outlets for the kitchen units do not need to hurry. To determine their location should be based on the installation drawing, which will be exactly the specified equipment is connected.

When choosing kitchen units should be guided by the very form of food, the number of dishes and the number of family members.
Without such a project impossible to place the correct sockets providing electrical power many appliances from refrigerators to highlight the tabletop.

Designers are advised to move away from the old bulky kitchen sets and give preference to the shelves and shelves even using them at the top, hanging on the walls.
Most of them are connected continuously, some are arranged in groups, some are below the countertop, some connected discreetly behind cupboards. Fine bindings need to supply the place of the gas pipe, cable television, Internet.

Bottom You can also sweep the comfortable closets for storage.
Special attention is required: dishwasher, washing machine, kitchen sink that water supply, sewerage, electricity connected under the work surface.

Kitchen sets can be a little air.
In the kitchen, often there is a new equipment, which is necessary to foresee additional opportunities.

The upper cupboards can be represented as a small square or rectangular cabinets, hung in a staggered manner.
Measurements and plan kitchen area
For the project the installation of kitchen units preparing subbase - Measurement drawing room. It should contain:
- floor plan with perimeter dimensions, referenced window and door openings with open doors, pipes heating devices, if they are already installed (indicated discreetly laid communication, when they mounted);
- Macro walls with a height and width of the application, various apertures, the heating system (plotted padded communication with the exact reference outputs from the wall, electrical boxes, vents, gas inlet (in the presence of).

Lower cabinets can also be alleviated by dividing across the usual standard cabinet with doors. The free zone is possible to arrange the furniture or to place cutlery.
On this basis, the setup project is carried out taking into account the rules of the golden triangle (stove - sink - fridge) which allows you to properly place the devices, create a comfortable work, it is advisable to use space.

Thus, you can expand the space visually cuisine.
The minimum displacement between the main cooking objects are achieved if the middle of the working area a sink, on each side at arm's length - stove, refrigerator. Given the size of the room, they may form a triangle or line to line. Placing therebetween cabinets, countertops which are the working surfaces can be obtained a comfortable kitchen.

To expand the space and the already small kitchen, you can simply use the bright facades in the manufacture of kitchen units.
We determine the height of countertops
Worktop - the main part of kitchen units, has produced a cutting products, cooking. 50 years ago, the recommended standard height of kitchen worktops is equal to 85 cm, designed for a woman of average height 163-170 cm.

White facades and dark countertops in classic style - it is fashionable and attractive.
The growth of modern women has increased, recent studies physiology and ergonomics have shown that a comfortable height of countertops and optimal placement of modules allow a 30% reduction in the burden on the person. Pursuing the same work at different positions, you can use half as much muscle.

None kitchen is not installed with the usual "apron" - panel between upper and lower cabinets.
When high located working surface number of loaded muscle remains intact, but the effort increases - fatigue sets in quickly.

Today, these plates are made from different materials - plastic, MDF, photo under glass, and others.
The optimum height of countertops in the kitchen:
- for human growth up to 150 cm 75-80 cm;
- 160-180 correspond to 85-90;
- at 180-200 comfortable height of 1 m.

Photo printing under glass - a modern "panel", containing a bright image.
Through the Internet you can find plenty of advice on the height of any part of the headset. A reliable way to decide - go to the furniture store, imagine the kitchen work on several sets of furniture and to understand - what is most convenient.

As a rule, these things require imposing financial costs.
Multilevel worktop - step to the health
Stereotypes right to refuse difficult - accustomed to the standard single-level kitchen countertops. It is gaining increasing popularity atypical (non-standard) version of the kitchen, where the processes are performed on the tables of varying heights.

If you have painting skills, make this "apron" on their own.
Changing the height of desktops aimed at reducing the distribution efforts of the spine in the cooking process. Such furniture is hard to find - it is made to order. It is original, comfortable, well complements the interior.

Of course, today you can buy or order-in kitchen with built-in lighting in the form of lamps, fixing is carried out on the upper cabinets.
Countertop for cleaning and slicing can be set above the recommended level of 5 cm. Then the work will require less effort - when washing dishes, cutting products can not tilt your head. Increased tabletop allows to rely on her elbows, thereby relieving the spine.

For modern people kitchen units should bear the burden not only functional, but also aesthetically pleasing by cooking them.
The main work surface - for such important works as the cutting of meat, vegetables, preparation test, in which there are significant physical effort, set at 5 cm below the standard value. On the same level is set on the hob - the hostess should be able, without bending to look into the pan.

And in what circumstances will this process occurs not only affects our mood, but also on the quality of the food cooked.
different height requirements should be adjusted to a person - the most frequent user of the kitchen equipment. These countertops are important plus - if the family members of different heights, provides comfort all who wish to prepare meals.
Settings headset
There is no single standard kitchen unit dimensions, but there are typical apartment - "Khrushchev", "Stalinka", "brezhnevki". Their dimensions are forcing furniture manufacturers to resort to certain patterns.
Sale headsets are typically made to the size of such a "model" of housing, but most of the kitchen furniture today is made for a specific space, individual requirements.

Headset kit is divided into upper and lower cabinets - units with standardized sizes. This is useful when setting up the producers of technological lines. Built-in appliances, which are filled with the lower sections also have sample sizes. Hence - cabinets depth equal to 57 cm on a side surface of the door height 72 cm, width 60-65 cm countertop (under heating with a supply pipe).

Its main task - to be the most convenient for the hostess during cooking.
Under the same 72 cm of the upper row are performed cabinet doors. The total height of kitchen furniture consists of these dimensions for the distance from the floor (10-15 cm), the thickness of the working surface (4-5 cm), a height of upper sections above it.

Based on the examples, you can roughly estimate which option you like.
Typical width cabinets with one flap is 30-50 cm, with two of 60-100. module height from floor to table top 75-100 cm.

Correctly picked up kitchen - it is not only the colors corresponding to the room and a host of taste, but also its form most suitable for the kitchen layout.
The main thing to observe harmony, cabinets required to complement and not overpower each other. The upper section of the kit should be less in comparison with the overall disposed below a depth of not more than 30 cm. This allows more convenient to use top, avoiding the headers in the cooking process.

And what a model kitchen units will be the most practical for you.
The height of kitchen units should be such that the hostess could reach without any problems to the shelves. The distance between the lower and upper sections are selected by growth hostess set, typically about 60 cm. A significant part of a set of furniture - drawers that are practical, have several departments, their plans, considering the height from the floor to tabletops. Desirably, the lower level modules regulated via legs.

Before defining the filling sets, consider some of the features of the material from which they are made.
Kitchen furniture should be subject to the mistress of pride, and the kitchen - the center of attraction the whole family. Convenience, layout, lighting - everything has to deliver a good mood.

The best option in every respect - a natural stone countertops.
VIDEO: Types plan kitchen. How to choose
50 photo-ideas-plan kitchen units