Install Integrated dishwasher in a cabinet it is possible and without any extraneous. If the owner does not know how to build the dishwasher in an ordinary kitchen cabinet and wants to carry out installation for the first time, you should be prepared in advance.

Several years ago, the dream of many women to have the kitchen dishwasher was unrealizable.

Slide the device into the niche, after pulling out the connecting hoses and the wire supply.
- 1 precooked
- 2 It's important to know!
- 3 VIDEO: Installation Installation and connection of the dishwasher
- 4 50 photo ideas how to install the cabinet dishwasher
- Select cabinet underneath the dishwasher.
- Read information about the installation requirements Integrated dishwasher in the cupboard.
- Worry about purchasing assembly equipment required for the installation of the unit in a cupboard or a converted ready b / in the closet.

But time will put everything in its place, and this necessary household appliance can now afford a family with an average income.

Recent sticks to make holes in the side walls. Now with adjustable feet necessary to set the machine in the horizontal plane.

Embed "dishwasher" can be in a ready-made set. And you can do it yourself.
Preparatory work must begin with the selection of the cabinet under the dishwasher.

Firstly, you must find a place where the machine is installed. This may be one of the outdoor kitchen cabinets.

To connect the hose to the cold water supply pipe prepared beforehand.
There are interesting solutions adapt dishwashers in the kitchen headset:
- build in the dishwasher in an ordinary kitchen table under the sink (the way it is real, if the parameters of washing and dishwasher diameter are the same);
- mount device mounted in a locker (need a special mount attachments, can be seen the communication wires and hoses).
- to build in the dishwasher in an existing kitchen furniture.
The latter option is the most advantageous. A suitable size furniture element is quite possible to adapt a machine for washing dishes.

Therefore, the size of the kitchen cabinet should be correlated with the size of a dishwasher, but at the same time to take into account one very important caveat.

Connect the discharge hose to the sewage system.

Preparatory work must begin with the selection of the cabinet under the dishwasher.
The size of the cabinet under the dishwasher must meet the parameters embedded unit. The mechanism can easily be placed in a dishwasher cabinet 45 cm or in a cabinet beneath the dishwasher 60 see, but not necessarily required in order to remain a gap, that is, the diameter of the cabinet should be a little wider than most unit.

Like any technical process, especially related to the installation of the household appliance, it is divided into several stages.

Connect the power supply (this may be the usual outlets, but it is better to make a separate wiring directly to the distribution box).

It is important to obtain high quality results, and then returns to such manipulation will be higher
It's important to know!
- Embedding a dishwasher made in modern standard element of a suite of furniture.
- If the situation in the modern kitchen, difficulty installing the dishwasher into the cabinet should not be. New cabinets adapted to the modern household appliances, so you can build in the dishwasher without any problems.

It is important to comply with the sequence exactly as prescribed instructions.

Prepare tools and materials required for installation, it is necessary only after you were able to plan, where and how you will put the dishwasher, and how it will be connected to hoses and electrical communications.
Ready-made alternatives for setting the dishwasher can not be. Therefore it is necessary to work hard with a hammer, a saw or other tool and fit an existing cabinet, featuring a washing machine. And you can make a brand new wardrobe for a dishwasher with their hands.

The whole process starts with the preparatory work.

In addition to the tools you need and some of the materials, the list of which will also depend on the specific situation.
Be sure to provide the following aspects of the installation;
- take care of the grounding;
- do not place the unit near the hob;
- you need to put a protective iron plate under the worktop.

Manufacturers recommend the device before installing the paste on the back of the countertop metallized protective film.

If you are aiming for safety of household appliances, which stands in your kitchen, this list should be added stabilizer.
Before finally build in the dishwasher, you must:
- again measuring section for setting (this is done in order to ensure that the dishwasher casing is aligned with the section);
- check clearances between the walls of the cabinet and the dishwasher;
- removing the back wall in the locker, you should find out how much area is spacious accommodation wiring and hoses;
- check the presence of the protective plate under the table top;
- insert the device in a block housing section;
- align the machine is level.

And one more thing - adjustable legs machine is best to twist so that the unit down to the end, that is, to the floor.

If your kitchen is not organized in a normal socket for connecting the dishwasher, it will have to do.
Council. It is better to pre-calculate the unit mounting space for washing dishes. It is necessary to drill small diameter holes, as it were outlining them. This will help samorezov screwing into the housing.

In principle, the answer to the question of how to integrate the dishwasher in the kitchen with his hands ready, virtually given.

We connect wires deduced to the automaton, and then to the socket contacts, the wire can conclude in a plastic cable duct.
After completing the installation, you should test the machine at idle. Making sure that the mechanism is working properly, it is safe to show the work to friends and acquaintances, because it set the dishwasher to the cabinet by yourself - it is only by this man.

There were small nuances associated with the connection.

And it is not necessary to wait for the repair to set yourself such a device.
VIDEO: Installation Installation and connection of the dishwasher
50 photo ideas how to install the cabinet dishwasher