How to make a folding bed with your hands? Tips masters

Nowadays everything topics comfort of their own homes is gaining momentum. In the market of furniture-making begins to prevail over the compact and stylish headset. The reason for this trend is the over-saturation of the market and, consequently, our apartments of different products, household items and furniture that almost squeezed their owners.

folding sofa

Folding bed - is the key to saving a large amount of free space in the room!

Not a rare case, when your room or bedroom is not let in size to accommodate a large mirror or a king-size bed. But what if you try to combine the two in a single solution or a furniture component?

Embedded folding bed

Convenient combination of the closet, and beds in a single package.

Folding bed - have not a novelty in the market of furniture services. Numerous modifications from different manufacturers filled the niche to failure. But the price is not low compactness and adaptability, and is also not always be taken into account all the whims and wishes of the client.

Folding bed cabinet

This option single bed can easily fit even in a very small room.

If you want to protect your wallet from unnecessary spending and do not turn your home into a cluttered warehouse, the folding bed with his hands - this is your option.

Built-in bed

Built-in wall bed will allow you to properly and carefully save all the space even in a very small area of ​​the room.

The advantages of self-assembly of a bed are obvious:

  • reduction of the product cost of 2, 3 times unlike store analogues;
  • universal design, which takes into account all your needs;
  • knowingly using quality materials.

Options Operating folding bed.

The assembly does not require you to special construction or engineering skills. Suffice it to adhere to all instructions and have a minimum of experience in the assembly of fittings to bring this matter to an end result. Prepare all the necessary tools and drawings to be more productive.

Sleeper folding bed

Most often used folding bed with a spacious wardrobe.

A few general observations:

  • Work must be carried out on a flat surface;
  • do not forget about the individual security features;
  • at each stage of assembly, check the squareness of angles using a square;
  • Use high-quality, undamaged timber;
  • start making the bed only after studying the drawings.
Collect folding bed

Assembling the bed should be carried out only after a clear study of the drawings.


  • 1 The design and construction with the necessary drawings bed
  • 2 Necessary materials
  • 3 The final stage - decoration
  • 4 VIDEO: How to make a folding bed with his hands
  • 5 50 photos pans folding bed design:

The design and construction with the necessary drawings bed

There are many models of such beds, Transformers. But folding bed with his hands, that the drawings have only you - this is a unique and exclusive highlight of your interior. Its design you define yourself, starting from the bedroom size.

Folding bed

Stylish folding bed easily fit into any interior apartments

Such furniture perfectly complement the various dressing table, chest of drawers, drawers or shelves ordinary, technologically integrated in the cabinet design. For personal style meets the diverse décor - with this element are determined in the last turn.

Folded folding bed

The cabinet design that conceals the wall bed

The standard configuration of these models involves the following components:

  • cabinet frame;
  • foundation for beds;
  • the lifting mechanism;
  • decorative elements.
Foldaway bed in the wall

Disassemble and assemble a folding bed can even children.

The simple, at first glance, the design has the strength of a number of requirements that directly affect the geometric shape of the product. Therefore, starting from the dimension bed, cabinet frame designed and determined force pulling device.

Folding bed drawing

Standard parameters folding bed

All necessary dimensions are shown in the drawings - and the overall assembly. Especially important is the drawing of the installation of the power element, which is an essential part of our bed. Also pay attention to the cutting of the panels (if you are cutting material) and display the figures the main bearing places.

folding bed to the wall

Option folding bed on the podium

Necessary materials

The material for the enclosure and the base may be selected on the taste and color, most importantly - to take into account in determining the thickness of the workpiece, all loads. We recommend using an ordinary particle board - not fastidious in the use of material that will meet all the requirements of strength and preserve the longevity of your mattress. The following dimensions are taken at the rate for a single bed.

Built-in beds

Single bed built into the wall with plenty of storage space.

So, we need:

  • 2300h400h25 - 2 pieces, the side panel of the enclosure.
  • 1700h400h25 - 2 pieces, top and bottom panels of the cabinet;.
  • 1700h150h25 - 2 units, reinforcing partition to the carcass.
  • 2050h150h25 - 2 pieces, the side panels bed base;.
  • 1620h150h25 - 2 pieces, bottom and headboard for a bed base;.
  • 1700h2300h15- front panel;
  • lifting gear - 2 pcs. (It is better to buy from a retailer, deliberately adding the necessary effort to raise the beds and it locks in position).
Type of mounting

Secure mounting option, through which the exploitation folding bed will be much longer and more fruitful.

Necessary accessories:

  • evrovinty 5h70 - 30 pcs .;
  • 4x12 self-tapping screws;
  • 4h22 screws;
  • corners 20x20 mm, 10 pcs. (Furniture);
  • reinforced corners 60x60, metal;
  • anchor fastener 10h80 mm;
  • powerful magnetic latch for fixing the bed in a raised position;
  • hidden legs to the bed;
  • decorative elements of decoration of facades.
Wardrobe bed photo

You can choose the option legs for folding bed that will fit best.

required tools

  • roulette;
  • angle with the measuring line;
  • level, the length of half a meter;
  • pencil;
  • fine sandpaper;
  • adjustable wrench;
  • Hammer drill with a minimum diameter of 10 mm;
  • drills for wood 5 and 8 mm;
  • screwdriver;
  • protective glasses;
  • jigsaw.
Rollaway beds are out of the closet

The folding bed can be easily transformed into a comfortable sofa.

Step 1: assembling the frame and load-bearing elements boxes

Before assembling align the walls and floor - the maximum deflection should not exceed 5 mm per meter length. The process begins with the manufacture of boxes. Since the side panels are overlaid items, they are drilled in plane, a diameter of 8 mm.

Folding bed scheme

Drawing a single folding bed

The remaining elements are internal duct and, accordingly, are drilled into the end. The entire box is contracted evrovintami. In order to absorb load occurring when lifting and lowering the bed, it will suffice two stiffeners. They should be placed at a distance of 700 mm from the bottom and the top. There is also a variant with integral shelves inside the cabinet body, which may also act as reinforcing elements. Carefully marking up and installed on the fixed side panels of the lifting device, be sure to check out the design on mutually perpendicular.

The process of installing folding bed

If your hands folding bed to do it has been difficult for you, at any time, you can order this version of custom-made furniture.

Step 2: Step assembly base for a bed

In the design of the cabinet is generally repelled by bed size, and it in turn - from the mattress size. Using brackets and screws 4h22, collect two side walls and two backrest in one frame. The front panel is secured with screws 4x12 on furniture corners.

Folding bed in a stylish interior

Choose for his folding bed high-quality materials that will provide her a stylish look.

In this case, there is one important thing begin to mount the wall brackets needed for 4, and only then, aligning on all sides, completely secure. This eliminates the possible misalignment. At the head of pre to partition and secure mating moving part of the hoist. To fix the mattress on the bed, use the strong straps.

Folding bed convenient and comfortable

Convertible folding bed transforms into a sofa.

Step 3: a step of setting the box and secure the lift mechanism

Set the box on a flat floor or on wooden blocks. In place of the installation frame cut off the plinth. Secured box is necessary only on a solid concrete wall. For the base is selected mechanism and the upper pivot axis horizontal. Where you use only reinforced corners and anchor bolts as the main efforts will be seen in these places.

Folding bed in the wall

The tree is often used as a material for producing hinge-bed

Connection box and box occurs by mating mates power tool. For proper operation of the design, namely its fixing in any position, it is recommended to use lift mechanism based on the gas spring.

Folding bed tranmformer

Simple design folding bed made with their own hands.

At this stage, the work is almost completed, and can be proud of such an achievement, as the bed with his hands. The folding system is installed and functioning perfectly. Mattress secure strong straps.

Small children's folding bed, easily converted into a work area with a convenient table.

The final stage - decoration

Facade final product often decorated trim doors - consignment element forming part of the scenery which are attached handles. In no case do not use a mirror in such beds, as they are not designed for such loads and could soon give a crack.

Loading bed without mezzanine

Even the simplest version of the design folding bed will fit in any interior room.

Also, it will affect the weight of the lifted structure, which may affect the durability of the movement. Do not forget to install the legs in pre-drilled holes and magnetic latches. Now the work is completed, and the new decoration of your interior is completely ready for your holiday.

Loading bed

Single folding bed can be furnished in the forehead space, and nobody else did not even think about its availability, as it will be disguised as a cupboard.

VIDEO: How to make a folding bed with his hands

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