Butylochnitsy (Cargo) Kitchen: Picture ideas, making their own hands

Every woman aspires to conveniently organize space. One of the most interesting and functional parts kitchen units is an butylochnitsa.


This pull-out element has a second name "cargo".

In him conveniently place bottle different levels, banks and even the pan on the kitchenProperly organizing free a place.

butylochnitsa kitchen

It removes them turning and rollover objects.

With this end portion is protected by a facade, which may be made of plastic, wood, chipboard, MDF and other materials.

butylochnitsa in the kitchen

Inside the kitchen units it held telescopic rails on which it moves.

It consists for the cargo food of 2 or 3 levels. Three-level design does not allow to put in her tall items.

butylochnitsa three-level

Use this option is not very convenient, so such models for the kitchen have not received much popularity.

how option, Cargo complementary sections for mounting trays or twigs towel.

butylochnitsa with towels

Butylochnitsa with towel holder enjoys great popularity due to its practicality.


  • 1 What are butylochnitsy Kitchen: types and sizes?
  • 2 Butylochnitsa Kitchen: how to choose the size, materials and other items?
  • 3 Useful additions
  • 4 Ways securing butylochnitsy
  • 5 But what about beauty?
  • 6 How to make a cargo for the kitchen with his hands?
  • 7 VIDEO: Butylochnitsy kitchen.
  • 8 50 original photo ideas butylochnits (cargo) in the interior of the kitchen:

What are butylochnitsy Kitchen: types and sizes?

These devices are easy to use for store on the kitchen beverages, vegetable oil bottles, cereals, spices, utensils.

butylochnitsa oils

Butylochnitsa kitchen dimensions of which are chosen correctly helps keep all the bottles in one place.

Design options They are divided into two major groups:

  • Integrated.
    Combined with furniture, is situated in the upper or lower box usually consists of two layers which are held by guides.
    butylochnitsa built

    Easily pushed, the content is not overturned.

    RDimensions correspond to the standard dimensions bottle (0, 75 or 1L).

    butylochnitsa different sizes

    Its size may also be different.

  • Individual sections.
    Sold separately, are preferred neutral shades and ascetic appearance possible.
    Developed a design specifically to cargo not "drop out" of the ensemble food and it can be any priladit kitchen set. It may be a special crossbar for kitchen towels.
    butylochnitsa separate

    Typically such a locker located around the plate.

    dimensions structures range from 10 to 45 cm, in steps of 5 centimeters. Therefore, they can be designed not only to small jars and bottles, but also are an excellent place for store dishes on the kitchen.

    butylochnitsa with utensils

    It can also be convenient to arrange a variety of kitchen accessories.

    The cargo has several shelves, even in these small pots and pans easily put.

    butylochnitsa with pans

    Such an option would be the location is very convenient too.

    The most common width cargo 10 cm.

    butylochnitsa narrow

    Such butylochnitsy perfectly fit into narrow niches of kitchen units

    To spice jars is better to get on the kitchen structure with a width of 15-20 cm.

    butylochnitsa wide

    Wide butylochnitsy kitchen - a good way to organize a universal storage system.

The material for the cargo to the kitchen:

  • Wood;
  • MDF;
  • Acrylic;
  • chipboard;
  • Metal.
    butylochnitsa material

    Butylochnitsy factory production have a number of useful features: durability, modern design and high-quality material.

Butylochnitsa Kitchen: how to choose the size, materials and other items?

  1. WIrina Cargo.

Much depends on the size cabinet, which will be embedded module itself. Usually the modules are selected with a width of 15, 20, 25 cm. If they have, it is difficult to put bottle with olive oil.

Cargo dish

If the module is designed for storing utensils in the kitchen, it is recommended to take no less than 400 mm wide.

  1. Number of shelves

Usually with a small basket width design are two shelves.

2 shelves butylochnitsa

At the bottom of the container is stored with a large height, are arranged above the low box, and banks.

Shelves with three tiers convenient when cargo is placed much lower cans.

butylochnitsa shelves 3

Such an arrangement of shelves for storing large amounts of spices.

The basket can be single-tiered, so easy to put in the pan, and other high things.

butylochnitsa with trays

Small shelf on top will serve as a convenient supplement.

  1. angle attachment

To Receive drawers butylochnitsy for food equipped with a front part with an angle of 45 degrees.

butylochnitsa angle

They are mounted on the left or on the right side.

Are turning butylochnitsy.

butylochnitsa turning

Element travels toward, and out of it easily get the desired object.

Useful additions

  • Not the cheapest model is the sliding butylochnitsyBut they give good access to any object stored in it. Closers help drawer closed smoothly and without noise. For better stability bottles You need to buy a half-ring-spacers made of metal. Calculate the approximate load in kilograms.
    butylochnitsa retractable

    Kitchen narrow cargo holds up to 10-12 kg, and at a greater width it is possible to place more than 12 kilograms weight.

  • on the quality fittings coating quality on the above metal. Better to let it be a galvanic way of drawing on accessoriesWhile on the details will not form rust, abrasions.
    butylochnitsa metal

    Perhaps the attachment will have to buy separately.

  • not infrequently butylochnitsy produced in the color "chrome".
    butylochnitsa chrome

    They are perfectly combined with kitchen sets made of wood.

Ways securing butylochnitsy

strengthen Shopping cart It can be different.

  • Fastening of the side portion.
    The size of the sliding
    butylochnitsy, Fastened to the kitchen sets, should not be more than 20 cm. In order not to overload the bearing elements, use a large width Not recommended.
    butylochnitsa side mount

    Before setting implement, should produce measurements, to determine the construct will be put to any cabinet.

  • Fixing at the bottom.
    option more reliable and stable. Location retractable butylochnitsy is provided between the kitchen cabinets.
    butylochnitsa lower mounting

    Place the cargo in such a case it is near the stove in the kitchen.

    Element will come to the fore, if you place it in the oil, spices, foods that can greatly simplify the process of cooking. Can choose butylochnitsy with a box for fruit.

But what about beauty?

often standard narrow butylochnitsy made of wood, or on the basis of imitating his material. Cargo for decorative use glass, metal coatings, plastic panels and other materials. Glass painted with the help of special technology, forged metal parts, plastic surface paint, give them unusual shapes. On wooden surfaces, retractable cut ornaments and drawings.

butylochnitsa beautiful

Beautiful butylochnitsy for kitchen sets made under one or more containers for wine.

They can serve as a makeshift bar on the kitchen or basket for store.

How to make a cargo for the kitchen with his hands?

Create elegant narrow butylochnitsu by wine bottle can independently, without using, in the processing of complex materials accessories.

butylochnitsa portable

This will be a separate, conveniently located a kitchen module, which can be moved to any kitchen space if desired.

For manufacturing butylochnitsy need screws, plywood 10 mm, the beam 15 at 25, several tubes of acrylic black, white and bronze color. Of the tools necessary hacksaw, sandpaper, a drill and drill.

  • Making two plywood workpiece vypilivaya rectangles measuring 40 * 45 cm.
  • Mark up a place in the hole, according to the scheme. Changing the nozzle at the drill hole saw and on several holes Scrollsaw circular shape.
  • All edges treat sandpaper.
  • Below each preform do legs vypilivaya semicircle.
  • Putting butylochnitsu. For this sawing the bar into pieces 18 cm long. At its end bar "pass" coarse sandpaper. Making markup departing from the top and bottom products of 60 mm. Drill holes for the screws and collect screwing to the previously chopped bars.
  • Gruntuem surface, covered with white acrylic. Mix white paint with black to obtain a graphite gray color and paint butylochnitsu.
  • Sawn a hole on the inside paint the bronze. She also cover the upper cargo and bars.

The resulting product can cover the top with clear varnish, wait until it is dry and use for bottle storage of wine on the kitchen.

butylochnitsa own hands

Butylochnitsa made with their own hands will be a unique and user-friendly unit in the interior.

Colors can be used if desired, suitable general style food.

VIDEO: Butylochnitsy kitchen.

50 original photo ideas butylochnits (cargo) in the interior of the kitchen:

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