If the bedroom is a small area, but it has high ceilings, is a bunk bed for adults is an excellent option. Usually furniture is made in view of single beds on the floor. Less commonly available models for four family members. On the first floor rests one pair of people, on the top floor is another. Good space saving retractable model. In her lower berth in the evening put forward as the drawer of the chest, and in the morning pushed back. For this furniture is equipped with special wheels.

Designers develop these options in order to save space dwelling.
- 1 Popular furniture options for recreation
- 2 metal beds
- 3 Order on the personal project of furniture
- 4 Tips for Choosing Furniture
- 5 VIDEO: Bunk beds for adults
- 6 50 design ideas photo bunk beds for adults
Popular furniture options for recreation
Popular is a loft bed. Above is a place to sleep, and the bottom set the desktop, a small cupboard or cabinet. Such an embodiment is typically supplemented with a special ladder shelves, which can be folded magazines or notebooks. This option is very popular among young people. It is the ideal in those apartments, where there is enough high ceilings. Fans evening communication set at the bottom of a soft chair and a small table. Typically, such furniture is made of wood.

Metal beds better wood products only at a cost.
It fits perfectly into the different styles of room design. Ecological purity of wood makes it very safe for health, but it costs a lot more expensive than similar products from other materials. The cheapest models are made of particleboard. They can choose to either indoor design, but service life is relatively short.

This functionality is in great demand if the relatives or close friends come overnight.
The main materials for the production of bunk beds are:
- natural wood;
- metal profiles;
- steel tube;
- Chipboard.

Common variants are products with special drawers for bedding or clothing.
If the furniture is made up of metal sections, it must be covered with an anti-corrosion protective layer. Some models of products decorated with forged elements. Designs are reliable and easy to install. Distinctive features bunk model - convenience and comfort.

For a romantic interior pertinent items, decorated with additional elements, such as wrought-iron details.
metal beds
Iron goods is very strong, durable, going easily. They have a stylish look that is able to decorate any design. Additional finishing some models makes them particularly attractive. If the items to paint the bed room quality paint color, it naturally and harmoniously fit into the interior.

In some furniture stores you can order the product that will be performed on a special project.
The metal structure is resistant to loosening. Great adults of medium build. Manufactured goods has a different color tint. Because of this it is easy to pick the color of any bedroom. Stairs can be placed on either the left or the right side. Two-tier structure is easily transformed into two separate seating areas.

The main advantages of products made of particle board are cheap and a bright, cheerful color.
If you do not plan to expand the living space, the bunk bed can be useful for adults and adolescent children. When children grow up, do not have to spend money for the purchase of additional furniture. Twostoreyed products are cheaper than two separate beds. If both adult family member nourished enough, but want to have an elegant place to stay, a metal product is the best option. Any design beds differ strength and durability.

A mandatory attribute of a two-tier bed is a staircase.
Enclosing wooden ledges bunk beds rather high. This is a safety guarantee for the person who is fast asleep, but often tossing and turning in his sleep. But we should not forget that these constructs are contraindicated for those who have problems with the spine. Such people will be difficult to climb to the upper tier. When buying furniture should pay attention not only appearance, but also the quality of the individual parts. Stairs should be durable and reliable. Wood is highly undesirable that it had a large number of knots or cracks.

Since the dimensions of the furniture are different, before buying a two-tier structure is necessary to make the corresponding measurements, so that it can easily accommodate in your bedroom.
Wood beds do not emit harmful substances, so they are environmentally friendly. Most manufactured of solid wood furniture. It does not crack and is not shaken, regularly serves more than one decade. For a variety of interior furniture stores offer the following areas:
- alternative country;
- Provence;
- Art Nouveau;
- Scandinavian style.

.Priobretaya sliding model should take into account the presence in the room carpet.
Since the dimensions of the furniture are different, before buying a two-tier structure is necessary to make the corresponding measurements, so that it can easily accommodate in your bedroom. By purchasing a retractable model should take into account the presence in the room carpet. If he has a big pile, during the unfolding and folding bed there may be some difficulties.

If the furniture is made up of metal sections, it must be covered with an anti-corrosion protective layer.
Order on the personal project of furniture
The main advantages of products made of particle board are cheap and a bright, cheerful color. Usually, this bunk bed for adults is combined of several materials. The framework here can be metal and slats are made of wood. Their scope is the most diverse. Products are often used in inexpensive hostels and dormitories. Sometimes, this furniture is a guest bed or decorate any studio. In some furniture stores you can order the product that will be performed on a special project.

Distinctive features bunk model - convenience and comfort.
A mandatory attribute of a two-tier bed is a staircase. Some models are also equipped with a slide and a rope. For a romantic interior pertinent items, decorated with additional elements, such as wrought-iron details. If the item is made of quality solid wood, it is capable of harmoniously fit into any style. However, these beds are the most expensive.

If you do not plan to expand the living space, the bunk bed can be useful for adults and adolescent children.
Common variants are products with special drawers for bedding or clothing. There is no need to install additional cabinets in the bedroom or pedestals. Gaining popularity sliding bunk products. Bottom bed extends like a drawer of a chest. This functionality is in great demand if the relatives or close friends come overnight.

Because of this it is easy to pick the color of any bedroom
Bunk beds are not only suitable for recreation, but also allow the most efficient use of floor space. However, it also has certain disadvantages. Someone can be very problematic, when for a short day of rest each time have to climb to the second floor.

Designs are reliable and easy to install.
Bunk beds are not only used in smaller houses, but also for decorating any garden space for guests. An important criterion is the quality of the product the value of timber. At the best price you can buy goods made from these species:
- pine;
- maple;
- ash;
- birch.

If the furniture is made up of metal sections, it must be covered with an anti-corrosion protective layer
Products made of oak, beech, mahogany, and other valuable species are much more expensive. Natural material has a peculiar texture that could ennoble and embellish any interior: Scandinavian, country or classical. Any wood is environmentally clean, it never brings harm to those people who come into contact with it.

The cheapest models are made of particleboard.
Metal beds better wood products only at a cost. Most often they are made in small workshops. However, some production in their catalogs also offer information about these models. Sometimes they offer triple design for small families, living in close quarters. At the bottom of the place of parents, and on top - a bed for a child. The main advantages of metal beds is that they are able to withstand heavy loads, as well as a high degree of durability.

It is the ideal in those apartments, where there is enough high ceilings.
Furniture for older should have restrained colors. This contributes to a better rest when they come into the bedroom after a busy day. To create a classic style best suited wood products. Modern trends in the fashion world once again come to these materials. For a specific design model room furniture is of great importance.

This option is very popular among young people.

Instead couch sometimes installed desktop, for which it is possible to deal with a computer.
Tips for Choosing Furniture
Who wants to save the living area, gets embedded options or such product where the bottom part is filled with a sofa or transform into the workplace. Today is gaining popularity in furniture. Here, substantial savings living space of the room. This design day hiding in the wall. When it is folded, it is virtually invisible. Some models in the afternoon transformed into a cabinet or desk.

It fits perfectly into the different styles of room design.
When you purchase goods at the store you need to consider the following characteristics:
- Strength. The bed should be free to support the weight of at least 300 kilograms;
- Dimensions. We should know in advance the length, width and height of the place, where the furniture will be installed;
- Security. Enclosing ledges should be higher than 30 centimeters;
- Design. The product should blend well with the style of the room.

In her lower berth in the evening put forward as the drawer of the chest, and in the morning pushed back.
Modern materials allow the decoration of the room to make any design blends well with the purchase of furniture. The innovative design of multi-level beds includes the presence of invisible hidden shelves and drawers that can be considered intelligent systems storage. If the bunk bed is only one bed, the bottom is usually installed cabinet or some other furniture.

For this furniture is equipped with special wheels.
Designers develop these options in order to save space dwelling. The most popular is a loft bed, which is a sofa downstairs. In the daytime, it is possible to lie down for a while and watch TV programs, read a book. The disadvantage of the furniture can be considered the fact that it is made with only one bed, which is located at the top. Couples this is not an option. Instead couch sometimes installed desktop, for which it is possible to deal with a computer.

Popularity of bunk beds for adults compared to children is negligible.

Bunk beds are not only suitable for recreation, but also allow the most efficient use of floor space.
VIDEO: Bunk beds for adults
50 design ideas photo bunk beds for adults