The right choice of a double bed: size, features, photos

Main bedroom - the bed. By properly chosen furniture depends on the visual environment in the room, and the quality of sleep and health. Moreover, the right choice in this case - not only comfort and memory foam mattresses, but the optimum sizes. Often fit standard size beds, but in some cases the need to look for an individual solution.

bedroom white-blue colors

When selecting furniture for bedrooms Mattress size determines not only the appearance, which will make the interior, but also the state of health of those who will sleep on them.

minimalist bedroom

Properly choose the size - the key to a good night's sleep, and deep sleep.


  • 1 How to determine the size of
  • 2 Single bed
  • 3 queen-size bed
  • 4 Double bed
  • 5 custom beds
  • 6 VIDEO: How to choose a double bed.
  • 7 Beds in modern interiors bedrooms - 50 photo-ideas:

How to determine the size of

Oddly enough, the principle of "the more, the better" here is not work. Of course, too narrow or short - it's not exactly convenient and prevent quality rest. But excessively large models for the benefit will not go. On such a large bed uncomfortable. In addition, you will be wasting money on bedding larger area. And because it must also be dried and ironed, so do not chase dimensions - sometimes for them to pay, not only money but also effort.

comfortable bedroom

The so-called standard size beds are calculated based on the average growth and human fullness.

bed in the bedroom neoclassic

To sleep was calm, it is necessary to exceed the length of the bed height at least 20 cm.

When choosing furniture, should be considered, but on it you'll sleep, how you have trouble sleeping, and whether you like to stretch in bed. There is a generally accepted way to calculate a minimum size bed: lie on your back, to join hands in the chest with his fingertips. Measure the distance between the elbows, adding thereto 20 cm - ten from each elbow. The resulting figure - the minimum possible width. To find out what is the minimum length - add to his height of 20 centimeters.

bedroom with double bed

On average, it is believed that the legs bent at the knees at a position "on the side" should not hang, while the back-to-edge is not less than 15 cm.

Baroque double bed

The average increase is taken equal to 170 cm, and is considered a standard length of 190 cm.

As for the height, remember - the lower it is, the more effort is required to sit on it. So fashionable now low construction is better not to choose an older, tall and people with problematic joints.

double bed in the bedroom

The older man - the more difficult for him to sit down, so elderly people will approach the high (but not too high!) Bed

bed double black

Young also can choose stylish model low beds.

Single bed

If your room belongs only to you and to share bed with anyone not necessary, you will approach one-bedroom option. If your complexion is not beyond the average performance, this option is really nice.

single bed

It is believed that the most suitable option for people sleeping alone - a single bed.

single bed

Its length does not differ from that of the double counterparts, and the width is much smaller.

Standard dimensions of a single bed - 100h190sm.

Pros purchase classic single bed:

  • DThe available price;
  • FROMSaving space, which can be used for other furniture;
  • Indissolved;
  • WA wide range of bed linen;
  • XOrosz fit in the room with a small area.
single bed

A man whose height and weight are not greatly deviate from the average values, will feel in a bed pretty comfortable.

queen-size bed

If you like povertetsya night, or sleep, outstretched arms and legs, and floor space will allow to choose a bed more - choose a-half. Its width is generally varies between 120-160 cm. Such standard size beds allow more comfortably accommodate one person, and in some cases - with relative ease and is suitable for two people. At the widest variations - a half-meter - quite slim fit couple.

single bed

If you allow the size of the room, placing a larger bed- "lorry" may be appropriate if you frequently tossing and turning in his sleep, or just like when there are a lot of space.

Full size bed

Width "polutorok" in our country ranges from 120 to 160 cm, with 120 - the size of three-quarter bed "for one", but on the 160 cm longer freely placed a married couple.

A distinct advantage lorry - comfort during the holidays, with relative preservation of the free space in the room and the lack of unnecessary spending on bedding in comparison with double options.

Full size bed in the bedroom

People ordinary height, but stocky build, or have excess weight is enough to choose a wider bed.

Double bed

If the bedroom is designed for two people and they both love to relax in comfort - fit double beds only. Classic size double beds starting with indicators 1,6m. Upper limit of the width of a standard 2m take considered, but there are also broader furniture.

double bed

Standard size double bed starts at 160 cm in width, and is not particularly limited.

double bed in the bedroom

Available products can be found in the 2.5 m. Wide.

The standard height of a double bed with mattress usual - up to 50 centimeters, with orthopedic - up to 75 centimeters. This is the most convenient way to bed for two of what offers the usual assortment of furniture stores.

double bed in the bedroom

Width is considered to be the width of a mattress laid on a foundation, and not all components very bed.

dark blue double bed

The "family" bed greatest width range, and as a result, the largest possible range of sizes.

custom beds

If you - the owner of high-growth or unusual physique, room design requires innovative solutions, or your pair are not fit the dimensions of the double bed from the classic range - you can always choose a non-standard models and execute them order.

original bed

Beds large size require large bedrooms - or even the most elegant model will look shabby.

Nouveau double bed

Pick up a bed in accordance not only with the style of interior, but also from the area of ​​the room.

For example, it can be a real decoration of the bedroom queen size bed. It is much larger than the standard size beds, is carried out in a classic design with wood and expensive upholstery. This bed ensures a royal sleep, but remember - king size bed, as they are called in Europe, the look is appropriate only in the bedrooms. In small room, they look out of place and even funny.

king size bed

By American standards bed King Size sleeper has 180 × 200.

king size bed

Size King Size bed is the best solution for those who like a lot of space.

Individual approach to furnishings include custom furniture custom forms. This is especially convenient if the room itself is different from the usual shape of a square, and has a non-standard dimensions.

round bed

I need a really big bed? Notice the pattern of unusual shapes, such as oval or round.

Finally, it is an opportunity to display their design talents by creating a sketch of the desired furniture and interior highlighting the originality of not less than the original bed. Oval, diamond-shaped and even triangle - today everything is possible. The main thing - do not overdo it. The original interior solutions are selected to make the room a stylish accent and not turn it into a sample of kitsch.

round bed design

The smallest round bed has a diameter of 220 cm, and there are more - it all depends on the willingness and financial capability.

Finally I want to emphasize that the responsible selection of bedroom furniture - an investment in your own health. Pick the model correctly, be attentive to the materials, do not skimp on the mattress and bedding. Remember and about the design, and of his own spine.

bedroom in a classic style

We hope that this information will help you to choose a bed that will meet all your desires.

VIDEO: How to choose a double bed.

Beds in modern interiors bedrooms - 50 photo-ideas:

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a double bed made of wood
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double bed of white blue
a double bed made of wood
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white double bed
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white double bed
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