Bunk bed - a compact design, which allows a small space to install beds, saving considerable area of the apartment. Bed allows not only the function of sleep and rest, but also can replace several interior. you'll learn about the features below the selection, installation and workmanship.

Bunk bed is suitable for small apartments.

Compare several proposed models.
Bunk beds are most often occurs in children's rooms and bedrooms. A small square footage allows compact set design. It happens that the product is not only a place to sleep, but also performs the function of the game, training or serve area for storage. Bunk bed is suitable for small apartments, where the footage does not allow to put the bed each resident individually. Assembled structure will help free up space to move around and get rid of furniture cluttering the visual effect.

Bunk bed - a compact design, which allows a small space to install beds, saving considerable area of the apartment.

Acquired model must fit the dimensions of the person for whom it is intended.
The decision to buy such a bed is caused by several factors. Footage of apartments - unfortunately, most modern homes can not accommodate all the furniture to meet the needs of each family member.

Bunk beds are most often occurs in children's rooms and bedrooms.

Pay particular attention to a set of additional elements in the form of stairs, drawers and so on. D.
This is especially true of children's bedrooms. When the family of two or three children, decide on the installation for each separate bed and as to leave area for training and games, problematic. The solution may serve as installing bunk beds, which will not only help to increase space, but also create the illusion of an unusual place (similar to the house on a tree), which is very like children.

Bed allows not only the function of sleep and rest, but also can replace several interior.

Today's manufacturers offer a wide range to different tastes and budgets.
- 1 What are the models of beds
- 2 What to consider when buying a bunk bed
- 3 How to choose the style and color scheme
- 4 VIDEO: Bunk beds - good or harm - Dr. Komarovsky - Inter
What are the models of beds
To solve the issue of a berth, you can collect the bed in two tiers, where the main location will be at the top and the bottom will be replaced by a couch or other kind of furniture (tables, shelves, chairs). There are several types of designs of bunk beds, consider the basic models, which are most often found in today's furniture market.
Name | functions | application |
Bed with two mattresses | Sleep, rest | – |
Bed sofa | Sleep, rest | Games, entertainment activities |
Bed to the workplace | Sleep, rest | Training and game activity |
Loft bed | Sleep, rest | Games activity |

Assembled structure will help free up space to move around and get rid of furniture cluttering the visual effect.

It looks good model, made in one color with vivid inserts in the form of doors, drawers and various accessories.
Bed with two berths. In this model, the two bases are located at a height of 50-60 cm. Mattresses and bedding are located one above the other at a small distance. Such beds often can be found in children's rooms and bedrooms, as well as hostels.

The decision to buy such a bed is caused by several factors.

Do not forget about the care of the external and internal parts.
Bed with sleeping upstairs and work from the bottom. The model is also very popular, as well as with two bunks. The design allows you to increase the space of the living room, by combining the two zones: the work and a place to sleep and rest. Suitable not only for pupils and students, but also for adults, in some cases, when there is a need to work at home.

When the family of two or three children, decide on the installation for each separate bed and as to leave area for training and games, problematic.

Correctly picked up bunk beds make sleeping comfortable and convenient, but also help to free up space.
With sofa bed downstairs. The models come in three forms: in the form of a sofa with a folding backrest, the classical model of an ordinary bed. The design is suitable for one-bedroom small apartments. She is an excellent rise in the family room, living room. Daytime sofa can serve as a place to receive guests, and at night as a sofa-transformer and converted into a comfort zone for sleep. The product is convenient because it quickly decomposes and is also going. even a child can handle it.

The design is suitable for one-bedroom small apartments.

With proper care, will last a long time.
Loft bed. Model, which like almost all children without exception. It represents, as a structure of two tiers. On the upper floor there is a mattress with bedding, on the lower part there is a work desk, sofa or cabinet (depending on the customer's choice).

Model, which like almost all children without exception.
It should be noted that the bunk beds, sleeper sofa upstairs and downstairs are suitable for one-bedroom apartments with a small area. Other models, most often bought for children's rooms and bedrooms. Parents are guided by the objective to use more space to make room for the school and children games.

Parents are guided by the objective to use more space to make room for the school and children games.
What to consider when buying a bunk bed
Thinking about purchasing a bed you must consider many factors, to avoid mistakes when buying. Because how carefully you will choose your favorite model, determining the life span and performance. When buying pay attention to the following points:
- The area of the apartment in which you reside. Based on its size, determine the place where it will stand, and calculate roughly what length will have articles. This is necessary to make it fit in a given perimeter and you do not have to urgently change to another version of the same size;
- What manufactured. Determine what will be included in the composition of the bed material. Most often used in the manufacture of medium density fiberboard and particleboard. Coatings of this material is environmentally safe for health. As the steel frame using iron or aluminum. They carry most of the load;
- Operational safety. Be sure to model the bunk beds should be protected from falling. For this purpose, bumpers attached in height and 30 cm in the wall.
- Stairwells. Note that, from what made staircase. It is desirable to manufacture pictures were made of aluminum or iron alloys. They quietly withstand daily load. In the distance between rungs span must be at least 40 cm.
- Functionality of a bunk bed. Determine the purpose for which it should be used. Apart from the main purpose of rest and sleep, think about what else it can come in handy. Perhaps it will be a training area, a place to play, or for receiving guests. Based on these capabilities, determine what you want to buy a bed;
- The interior of the apartment. Pick a model that will fit into your color interior solutions. It should blend well and do not stand out strongly against the background of other furniture;
- The price range. Compare several proposed models. Pay attention to quality, functionality and size. Based on these data, determine how much you plan to spend;
- Dimensions and weight of the product. Acquired model must fit the dimensions of the person for whom it is intended. The ideal option is when you can sit on different tiers, and not rest against the head at the base of the bed or the ceiling.

Thinking about purchasing a bed you must consider many factors, to avoid mistakes when buying.
Pay particular attention to a set of additional elements in the form of stairs, drawers and so on. D. They must also be made of durable material to withstand the load specified in the instructions and not to endanger children and others.

Identify a place where it will stand, and calculate roughly what length will have articles.

The ideal option is when you can sit on different tiers, and not rest against the head at the base of the bed or the ceiling.
How to choose the style and color scheme
Today's manufacturers offer a wide range to different tastes and budgets. When choosing a bunk bed you need to determine in advance where it will stand for what age. In the children's room, choose products with bright vivid colors. It looks good model, made in one color with vivid inserts in the form of doors, drawers and various accessories.

Determine what will be included in the composition of the bed material.

They must also be made of durable material to withstand the load specified in the instructions and not to endanger children and others.
For teenagers and adults beds are available in dark colors. Here, the selection of the model depends on the specific preferences. Someone chooses a classic wooden version of someone like modern chrome metal products. Do not forget about the care of the external and internal parts. Just spend spring cleaning a month, wiping with a damp sponge all the bed space.

Determine the purpose for which it should be used.
Correctly picked up bunk beds make sleeping comfortable and convenient, but also help to free up space. With proper care, will last a long time.

Pick a model that will fit into your color interior solutions.