Parents tend to give children the best. The shops and the prices always rise in the markets. This applies to any goods, including furniture. Adults are forced to largely save. They often have to draw on their own home. Crib, creating its own, cheaper than purchased in a furniture showroom. To make a cozy bed of your baby easy. This is done in a couple of days. Here it is necessary to have a desire to work.

Children grow up quickly, and the furniture is quite expensive.
- 1 Materials for children's furniture
- 2 The basic details of wooden beds
- 3 required tools
- 4 Advantages of your own custom children's furniture
- 5 manufacturing conditions of the bed parts
- 6 VIDEO: Children's bed with his hands.
- 7 50 photo ideas how to make a bed for children with their own hands
Materials for children's furniture
For the manufacture of the bed with his hands need planks and beams of wood, bad saturate with moisture, such as pine or oak. First, two pairs of legs made. To support the head must be longer since there rest above. It is necessary to be able to lift the pillow above, and placed in the reclining bed, for example, while reading. Usually, children's bed with his hands made using such materials:
- bars;
- plywood;
- boards;
- PVA glue;
- stains;
- varnish.

In a typical crib baby can sleep three, maximum - four years.
Natural wood does not emit harmful substances, so the kids are no allergic reactions. Such furniture reliability, durability and good looks. Properly made bed is the key to a comfortable sleep. If the room is small, the product is performed in such a way that the day served as an arena for games. Size is taken from the length and width of the mattress.

The bed should be as comfortable and functional.
Usually it is not made with his own hands, and buy in the store. Children's mattresses, as a rule, developed in conjunction with orthopedic surgeons. There is paid special attention to the proper formation of the spine, as well as takes into account the child's organism needs for a healthy and full of sleep.

In fact, a bed for the child with his hands made "on time", you will succeed.
Children from age 4 to buy a mattress spring unit, where the individual elements are combined metal frame. It weight of a sleeping baby is evenly distributed throughout the product area. Baby is better to use mattresses without springs, consisting of foam rubber. In the bedroom, a baby bed is desirably set away from the window opening. This will guarantee that the child will not sell draft.

To make a crib with your hands, do not need any skills, and the process takes a maximum of 3-4 days.
Above the sleeping child should not hang a chandelier. Bulbs often burn out. Sometimes it happens that when the lamp fails, its glass scatter in different directions. Glass shard can easily injure a child. If a shelf for books hanging over the baby, make sure that the wall is nailed firmly enough.

The main thing - to use only high-quality materials and carefully think through the entire process from start to finish.
The basic details of wooden beds
Although the wooden products for kids are expensive, but the individual parts can be bought at a reasonable cost. Purchased desirable billet carefully sanded with their hands, so that the child does not get hurt on any protruding sliver. The product consists of the following parts:
- frame;
- slats;
- sidewalls;
- backs;
- legs.

The result will be happy and the baby, and the baby itself.
The frame is made of obstruganoy and well polished boards. Furniture slats supporting the mattress from below, consist of strips. They are inserted into grooves carved in the frame and form a grille for the ventilation of the mattress. The distance between them of about 5 centimeters. Sides are fence, through which the child will not fall down. Supporting back filled with plywood sheets.

But if the baby has a large physique, blanks settings can be changed in a big way.
To support the mattress frame are cut grooves. At the ends of the rack to apply carpenter's glue. Reiki is inserted into the hole. To fix securely with screws screwed into the outer side. Backrest made using vertical bars connected by cross bars. Then set the plywood or wooden rods.

In the furniture stores have a great variety of models of beds for different ages.
Rear and front side slats are filled, fixed with glue. Middle board is a third lower than long. It is more convenient to take care of the baby. Holes cross bars are filled with white glue. Then there are inserted wooden fence bars. Details should include each other tightly, without any backlash. Gon need to check the correct angles. All corners should be 90 degrees. Harvested marginalia placed on a flat surface until the adhesive dries.

But the first factor in choosing a crib for the baby to be the material from which made the piece of furniture.
required tools
If you have filled in the slots a lot of adhesive, part of it, of course, will come out. There is nothing wrong, as in the dried state of the adhesive is easily cut with a knife. Then attach the remaining panels, which will serve as a headboard and footboard. By marginalia they are screwed with screws with countersunk heads. Each screw must be completely drown that their heads are not detectable. Later, these recesses smeared putty and sanded. During operation of such a tool is used:
- wood saw;
- manual frezer;
- Sander;
- Area;
- screwdriver.

If necessary, we clean the plates over the entire surface.
Once the box is assembled, it is necessary to decorate. To do this, putty smeared all the cracks between the joined parts. When the coat is completely dry, the treated areas are ground fine sandpaper. Then the assembled structure is treated stain. This will protect the wood from the adverse effects of moisture. After drying, the stain is applied lacquer layer. Since the furniture is designed for the baby, all the impregnation should be natural, do not contain toxic and corrosive substances.

The only drawback of wooden furniture sold in most stores - a "sky-high" cost.
During assembly work mounting screws should be screwed to the maximum possible depth, that they were completely drowned. Indentations later closed with plugs or smeared putty. The assembled structure is necessary to strengthen specific areas. Then the finished product is coated with lacquer or wax to tree. If you decided to add a crib on wheels, be sure to do for them catches.

Baby bed with his hands will cost parents a maximum of 17,000.
Advantages of your own custom children's furniture
If the baby room is small, you can make a crib with drawers. They are easy to store toys, bedding, and baby clothing. Such functional furniture saves space by eliminating the need to clutter the room with additional wardrobes or dressers. The advantages of children's beds, made by the hands, are:
- the possibility of constructing a model fits perfectly into the interior of the room;
- confidence in the quality and reliability of the product;
- the ability to use only safe and healthy materials;
- a relatively small cost.

Independent design and manufacture of cribs has advantages over buying the finished product in a furniture store
When all the details and working tool prepared himself a bed manufacturing process needs to be carefully considered. Such work perform better away from home, since it will be a lot of chips and dust. If it's not possible to work, room furniture should be covered with plastic wrap, and remove the floor carpet. you can make a bed for a small room, bed is located on the second floor. At the bottom of the bed instead of the floor is placed a soft carpet. This option will be useful in the case when you have only one child.

The best option - two large drawers, so they could put big toys and bedding.
On the ground floor the child will spend time for games, and the second tier to climb the ladder to rest. Typically, the process of lifting the second floor gives children a lot of fun. If the child likes to draw, it is possible to put a small table and chair on the first floor. For two children is a common bunk bed. In a constructive manner, such products are made in different ways. The ground floor can be located just below the upper tier, or perpendicular.

Beauty bed can reveal the primer and varnish.
Sometimes the steps are also used as covers for drawers under them. In each box you can put toys, lingerie, clothes. Before starting the production of a bunk bed, it is necessary to determine the place where it will stand. You also need to decide which side is better to mount the stairs to the second floor. If the room has a low ceiling, the top tier should be located not very high.

After you determine the size and appearance of the bed for a child, check the photo popular models in the internet and find the necessary drawings, you can start making the king's bed for baby
The closer to the ceiling will be in the child, the more he will have stuffy air to breathe. On the other hand, it is desirable to take into account that an adult should not rest against the head in the second tier, where sits a baby. The height of the first tier is associated with the convenience of sitting on the bed, as well as the fact that you can build a bottom drawer for bed linen. Based on this information, we can conclude what sizes should be constructed by the furniture. The most popular options for cots following:
- transformer;
- sliding;
- one-storey;
- bunk;
- Rocking.

The dimensions of the mattress and the crib match, best to buy a mattress, and only then proceed to the figures of the crib.
Transformer in the daytime usually develops, so that freed space in the room. For such a model is mounted on a wall a special frame, which removed the folded product. To the visible facade of the bed fit into the overall style of the room, it must decorate. Sliding the bed is made of two parts. As the child grows it can be extended. For this purpose, the lower part there are special wheels. Bunk model is most often made for two children.

Of the tools need a drill, jigsaw and Bulgarian.
manufacturing conditions of the bed parts
If you have purchased the wood material directly from the sawmill, then before proceeding with the production of parts, bars and boards need to stand for about a week in the premises, which will be made furniture. This is necessary to ensure that the room humidity is equal to that of materials humidity. Otherwise, in the future some places beds can crack or warp. When the material acquires the desired options, boards and bars must be carefully sanded and zastrugat.

All materials can be easily purchased at the hardware store.
Vertical bars bed should be the height to above the upper deck chair could build bumpers and back. The front rim of the lower tier is most often done removable. Fence baby crib is an important safety feature. Its reliability should be given special attention. Boards enclosure to the supporting bars with screws screwed from the inside. Cap should be completely screwed into the wood. During the manufacture of fencing you need to leave an opening for the stairs.

For a small room is perfect for a similar version of the crib with the second floor, but the first will not be there.
Stairs are usually made strictly vertical or inclined. First fasten two boards, which will play the role of guide. Then the screws are screwed stairs. The top rung and the ladder itself is attached to the bed long bolts. After the fence and mounted stage, plywood sheets fall, which will be located mattresses. Since all components of this product are attached with screws and bolts, then it is easy to disassemble and move to another location.

This process usually gives children a lot of fun, and sleep on the second floor is much more interesting.
This bunk bed is very sturdy and reliable service for many years. If it is beautiful to paint, then cover with frosted nitrovarnish, it would not shine sun glare and permanently preserve the natural patterns. The inside of the flanges can be finished with a soft cloth, which will protect the baby from drafts and bruises.

If the child goes to school, or just likes to draw a lot - a place under the bed can be equipped with a desk.

Thus, even in a small children's room will be more space for games and other entertainment.
VIDEO: Children's bed with his hands.
50 photo ideas how to make a bed for children with their own hands