In a large family of upholstery sofa often suffer from various kinds of pollution. One of the most frustrating are the frozen traces of blood. On clothes, they are not so terrible. Today there are many laundry detergents, allowing to remove blood stains gently with t-shirts, trousers, shirts. Another thing - stained sofa.

Blood stains, like everyone else, need zastiryvat fresh, if possible
If in the near future interior update is not scheduled, the question arises: how to wash the blood off the couch? In this article we will discuss the most effective and simple ways to clean the sofa upholstery.

Dampen a clean cloth in cold water, and then carefully wipe the stain, moving from its edges to the center, then apply soap on the sponge and treat the remains of pollution
- 1 General rules
- 2 If it's been a long time
- 3 Laundered leather sofa
- 4 Sofa leatherette
- 5 Clean cloth sofa
- 6 Clean suede upholstery
General rules

Before you bring the blood stains from the couch at home, you need to figure out what it is made of material
In order to remove blood stains without unpleasant consequences, you should follow some basic rules for working with tools. For clarity, we consider them in the table.
Type of funds | Rules for working with him |
popular | · Only cold water can be used; · Try to only one method of removing contamination at a time; · Only three tissue in the direction of the fibers; · Working on a trail from the edges toward the center; · Exploit methods that are dedicated to a particular type of fabric. |
purchased stain removers | · Macerating for use only ice water; · At work should strictly adhere to the instructions on the packaging; · In most cases work to the purchase means to rub the upholstery is not necessary; · Before using the powder for a spot test it on the invisible part of the sofa; · Purchase means may cause allergic reactions. It should be cautious. Study previously composition. |

Dr. Expert Beckmann Stain Remover removes fine blood and other protein stains
If it's been a long time

We derive fresh and old blood stains properly
DOMESTIC opinion that wash the blood off the couch, which is already fixed to the fibers, is virtually impossible. Many believe that in this case the location to be rubbed with great force, connected to a hot water process. However, this is a huge mistake. In this way, it will only spoil the sofa. If the contamination was a long time, you should use one of the following methods.
- The following will help soak hydrogen peroxide. Take it, pour a little on the contaminated place, leave it for a while - no more than ten minutes. After use the brush can be cold water.
hydrogen peroxide to remove stains from fabric
- By a similar principle is valid ammonia solution. Actions are the same: should be soaked for a few minutes, then wipe with a brush.
The ammonia solution used to remove stains from the skin and other tissues
- Help in such a situation can an ordinary meat baking powder. Mix it with water, put on a blood stain, let it sit for one hour. Then you just need to wash off with water.
baking powder powder for meat "Jin Tai" will also help to cope with spots
- To soften the salt solution can be recommended. Take a small rag soaked its lightweight salt solution, put on the spot. Cloth is better to leave at night. You can then apply one of the methods listed below.
Take salt and sprinkle stain, leave for an hour, then wet sponge in a salty solution and wipe the dirty portion, dry towel
- Old pollution will help to remove glycerol. It should be warmed in a water bath, put on cotton wool, wipe its place. After a few minutes the trail can be removed with stain remover, popular drug.
Heated glycerol as excellent remedy for chronic spots
Laundered leather sofa

Fresh tracks with leather furniture scrubbed with water, soap and a sponge
Furniture made of natural leather is not cheap. Smudged her owners begin to frantically search for ways to bring blood from the couch. But then the panic is inappropriate. Owners leather can breathe a sigh of relief. Eliminate dirt virtually any source with the skin very easily. You do not have to prepare any abstruse formulations to buy expensive stain removers. If the sofa is only soiled it can save the usual cold water. But after a time it will be required to use a mixture of detergent for dishes, ammonia. Take 200 ml of the detergent, spoon ammonia.

Remove the stain with a light leather sofa or special water solution
Important! Many owners of leather furniture to clean it scared use aggressive substances. In particular, ammonia. However, it should not be avoided. Such a substance is included in almost every purchase stain remover. It is absolutely safe for furniture.
The resulting mixture was adjusted to a foam state. We handle only place it. Apply the foam to contamination, leave for half an hour. During this time, the composition of carefully remove dirt residues. Such effects would be sufficient. Residues can remove foam toothbrush with a damp cloth.
Sofa leatherette

If the blood stain is fresh, with the skin substitute can be simply washed off with cold water
If the blood stains have appeared on artificial leather, using the same method. Take little dishwashing spoon ammonia. The only difference - resulting mixture was diluted with water. For artificial material undiluted composition does not exploit - it can ruin the upholstery. Then the mixture was applied to himself the trail, waiting for a few minutes. We are trying to eliminate the drawback in using the toothbrush. Rub the need to gently, so as not to damage the material.
Outdated blood traces help eliminate hydrogen peroxide. Preparation necessary to moisten the cotton wool, cotton wool rub the upholstery. Ten minutes later the trail becomes more pliable. It will be possible to apply the conventional drug. For example, shaving foam. For cleaning buy shaving foam of good quality. Squeezing a little foam on artificial skin, rub the composition. Foam will work in ten minutes. After the upholstery can be cleaned with a damp cloth.

Shaving foam can help remove stains from clothes or furniture
Clean cloth sofa

Getting rid of the fresh stains on a fabric sofa
Cleaning cloth upholstery - a laborious process. For her, one of the following methods can be used:
- Water, soap. This method is suitable for fresh stains. Take an ordinary sponge, moisten it in water, lather with soap. Properly three place until a thick foam. It is important not to overdo it. The fabric should not suffer in the process. Then just wash off the remnants of the normal composition of the water.
Laundry soap washes perfectly fresh stains
- "Cleaning" dish. Diluted with two parts of "washing" with plain water. Use a sponge for the application of the composition. After waiting half an hour, wipe with a damp cloth solution. the process can be repeated several times if necessary. The most important thing - to use the "cleaning" with enzymes. They are very effective.
Detergents for dishes are not only effective for fat
- Aspirin. This pharmaceutical preparation, which allows to get rid of a wide variety of contaminants. Tablets should be crushed, dissolved in warm water. By means of fleece solution was applied to the fabric. Aspirin can easily cope with the task.
Aspirin contains salicylic acid which effectively destroys proteins and other solid molecules that cause stains
- Usual salt. Cooking saline. Use of salt per liter of water. Apply the solution on a cloth, wait one hour. After taking a sponge soaked in the remaining solution, further wipe position.
Strong saline to remove stains
- Peroxide. Another available pharmacy agent - hydrogen peroxide. Before using it must carry out a small test. We use the tool on an inconspicuous area. If all goes well, you can continue treatment. The drug is used in pure form. It is applied to the fabric, then wash off with plain water. The procedure can be repeated to achieve the best result.
Clean suede upholstery

Sofa suede requires special attention to the care and stain removal
Suede - delicate fabric. Furniture with a finish attracts attention, it looks stylish, expensive. Despite its fragility, suede fine to clean. To launder the blood on the suede is better to use a professional stain removers. They can be purchased in a furniture store. Today, these products are relatively inexpensive.

Active Stain Remover for carpets and upholstery
When using the tools you need to follow certain guidelines.
- Work only with protective gloves. This will allow to protect the delicate skin of the hands from damage, allergic reactions.
Protective rubber gloves will definitely need when working with professional tools
- Strictly adhere to the instructions. It is not necessary to make adjustments to the process of the application means. The manufacturer knows best how to spot remover works better safe;
A good stain remover for all kinds of surfaces in different forms
- Strongly do not soak suede. At work, ventilate the room. Then the furniture to dry much faster.
If you can not remove stains from suede couch, you can use the services of on-site dry cleaning
Purchased stain remover may not be at hand. Then it is better to use a home remedy from scrap materials.

Remove from the surface of the couch undesirable stain or stains immediately improvised means
For this purpose, suitable water, ammonia. This combination of fluids can bring even the old pollution. Take four parts water, one part ammonia. Mix thoroughly. Ordinary cloth moistened in the solution obtained. Wipe its muddy surface. When soiled fabrics, wash cloth again in the mixture. Next suede fabric need dry towel dry. After using a special brush for suede. It will help to return the furniture pristine well-groomed appearance.