The mirror in the bathroom. Original design options

Bathroom mirror is an essential accessory for everyday use. This attribute is full of shops. You can find the product for any purse, taste, style, and enjoy the "new thing." It would seem, choose any liked the mirror, buy and hang on the free space in the bathroom. But things are not so simple, dear friends!

bathroom mirror

Mirror - an essential element of any bathroom.

By choosing this attribute must be approached responsibly, seriously, with the preparation. It must correctly identify human weaknesses before they notice anyone, combined with the interior of the bathroom, be comfortable and beautiful. In this article you will learn how to choose, install yourself, place a mirror surface.

bathroom mirror

A mirror located in a wall niche - a very effective solution.


  • 1 Light of my mirror, tell me ...
  • 2 Proper positioning of the mirrors
  • 3 Lighting as a major addition mirror
  • 4 Mirror - is a part of modern style
  • 5 What material to choose a mirror
  • 6 Not like at all ...
  • 7 VIDEO: Mirror - is not only convenient, but also beautiful.
  • 8 The mirrors in the interior of a bathroom - 50 photo-ideas:

Light of my mirror, tell me ...

Even the most unprepossessing bathroom can not do without both small and large mirror, it can be called a lifesaver.

bathroom mirror design

Large rectangular mirror - an ideal option, especially for women.

Functionally important consumer attribute is no limit, here are some of them.

  1. The most important thing in life - hygiene procedures. Leaping out of bed, people are already one foot in the bathroom, brush your teeth, shave, wash, long look in the mirror.
  2. If it is located next to the socket, you can immediately and dry the hair dryer, curling twist.
  3. Woman paints, doing her hair, evaluate their appearance at any free time.
  4. Mirrors visually expand and transform the small space of the room.
  5. It can be filled with yummy bath and add light by purchasing the product from light.
  6. With a mirror is much more comfortable. It is not only the best assistant, but also a decoration bathroom.
bathroom mirror design

Mirrors can visually expand the space, which is very important for most bathrooms ordinary urban apartments.

Proper positioning of the mirrors

The mirror surface must be high-quality production, attractive and convenient for everyday use child and adult. As well as harmonious and stylish look in the general design of the bathroom. Therefore, before placing this accessory you need to remember a few tips.

bathroom mirror

If your mirror is highlighted, then next to it will be possible not only to brush your teeth, but also to apply makeup, style your hair and perform other procedures.

  1. Virtually every home have children who want to test the strength of the glass. So take care of their health and comfort.
    height of the mirror in the bathroom

    Place the mirror at the height of 1-2 meters above the floor.

  2. If you have a custom prevails sink, at a height of 0.7, you have to keep the distance between it and the blade 20-40 cm.
    bathroom mirror distance

    Then spray of water will not reach the surface of the product.

  3. The upper part of the mirror set should correspond to human growth with a margin of a few centimeters, but in any case not be greater than the doorjamb.
    bathroom mirror size

    Ignoring this advice, you will make the bathroom awkward and not comfortable.

  4. When buying a mirror, pay special attention to its parameters. They must be suitable to the wall on which the fabric is installed.
    round mirror in the bathroom

    The distance between the existing objects of the interior is also taken into account.

  5. The width of the mirror should match the size of the sink, or be a little smaller.
    bathroom mirror width

    So, home furnishings will look harmonious and attractive.

  6. Frames for better products to choose thicker.
    mirror frame in the bathroom

    Thus, the discomfort associated with reflection on the tile, the light will not disturb you in the time of the procedure.

Lighting as a major addition mirror

Working electric lighting mirror surface should be bright, comfortable, but not blinding. Pull up the rectangular mirror for the bathroom perfectly lightened even, shadowless light, if set symmetrically on the sides of the accessory lamp with diffused light.

bathroom mirror with light

Such models are particularly advantageous to look at the background of a dark or bright, colorful decoration.

Use halogen lamps, built-in lights, attached mounting adhesive on the mirror surface. For a wide large mirror, you can use the backlight located above and below.

bathroom mirror with light

When the backlight located behind the plane of the mirror gives the impression that it is floating in the air.

A convenient way - to set the light source inside the mirror, but strictly on the perimeter or on the edges, top light shows all the shortcomings of the person, even those who are truly not. Overhead lighting - each deep shadows.

illuminated mirror in the bathroom

Such a simple technological solution diversifies the interior of the bathroom and make it more modern.

For large mirror actual spotlights. It provides a comfortable ambient light. Never to highlight only one side of the household member. Remember, it is not necessary to use a bright colored light just so. It distorts the image in the mirror, which can be and jitters after sleep.

mirror in the interior of the bathroom

For the bathroom, try to choose the source of light similar to natural light. It should be soft and diffused.

Mirror - is a part of modern style

Mirror - the subject of life and the source of numerous design ideas. Let's look at what SLR accessories will help you in the design of the bathroom in different areas of design.

  1. Minimalism.

It characterized by ease, lightness, simplicity. Where appropriate mirrors to create more space. Such a style fit square, rectangular and attributes even in the form of drops, stars, hearts, with the remaining elements of the interior will be built is in a minimalist style.

bathroom mirror minimalism

This can be a large canvas to his full height, located to the wall so as to create between them a right angle.

  1. Empire.

For this style requires mirror circular, oval. Let it be small, but placed in a luxurious carved frame that mimics the stucco. It creates an atmosphere of "imperial" era.

bathroom mirror Empire

Coffee-colored frame will perfectly complement the gorgeous style.

  1. Classic.

She does not lose relevance, and perfectly complemented by mirrors standard forms of conventional dimensions. But if you are tired of simplicity, it is possible to add a bathroom in a classic style flavor. Relive it several mirrored shelves, and you will be surprised transformation.

bathroom mirror classic

Such mirrors are incredibly easy to blend with the interior.

  1. Country-style.

It characterized by multiple decorative elements, filling the bathroom comfort and warmth. This style prefers a small mirror and a rounded shape with no sharp corners.

bathroom mirror Country

This style welcomes original mirror frames.

What material to choose a mirror

When making a bathroom do not forget that the humidity here, right, for example, rolls over. When cleaning used all kinds of cleaning products, so materials for the production of mirrors and frames should be moisture-resistant coating.

mirror in the marble bathroom

It protects the product from corrosion, extends the operation.

The reverse side of the mirror surface bathroom has sputtering of aluminum treated with artificial resins. They prevent destructive actions are not afraid of the temperature difference, water.

bathroom mirror

You can buy a mirror for the bathroom with a silver coating, which is applied to the special paint, which protects the product from the bad effects of moisture. They are durable, but more expensive.

  • The surface of the reflecting element. Do not forget to buy a look at the surrounding area through the mirror. The angles of the mirrors must not be distorted. Pay attention to the frame, they should be securely to "hold" a mirror. Do not take the web with scratches, defects.
    Mirror in a green bathroom

    Facial features, geometric shapes of objects in the reflection should be clear, and the colors correct.

  • Thickness of glass. Mirror for the bathroom, at least 4 mm thick should not pay attention to avoid trouble.
    bathroom mirror thickness

    Be sure to choose a tempered glass, serving for many years.

  • Mounting mirrors. A small mirror attached to the wall using the suction cup. They do not damage the upper layer of the wall itself and fixation occurs in seconds. To install the large mirror screws are used.
    Bathroom mirror

    Fasteners must match the dimensions of the product.

Not like at all ...

Many of us like to give to the bathroom originality and dissimilarity, so are not only wall mirrors, but the floor, the ceiling.

mirrored bathroom ceiling

With their help, you can effectively transform a small room and see my reflection from all sides.

Mirrors decorated with drawings, original lighting, unique words or dressed in compelling the frame will give the room unbeatable.

mirror with a picture and backlight

Such a mirror - very modern and trendy accessory for the bathroom.

Incredibly beautiful look mirror located in the wall, edging which is made of a luxurious frame.

a mirror in the bathroom

In a large room, you can choose the rectangular mirror with a large picture or frame.

human solitude in the bathroom frequently occurs. You need to be in it comfortably, with a sense of security. So stay true to your liking, choose high-quality furniture and listen to the wise advice! A pure mirror cheer for the whole day.

VIDEO: Mirror - is not only convenient, but also beautiful.

The mirrors in the interior of a bathroom - 50 photo-ideas:

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mirror in the bathroom