Making the screen of plastic pipes for kindergarten with their own hands

Creative development of preschool children within kindergarten - one of the important stages of the formation of a growing personality.

screen for games

Environment groups, contribute to the surrounding objects of curiosity, creativity, bold trials and discoveries.

Given the fact that most of the day time a child spends in the group, the surroundings and the interior in it are part of the game and the educational process. The more opportunities children for the realization of their own fantasies, the better the teacher to direct the learning process in the right direction.

screen play

Child refers to the objects and the space as a resource, seeing them as opportunities to implement his plan.

One of the details of the interior, which can help in the creative development and the organization of life of the group, is a stylized screen. As an important attribute of theatrical performances, having a touch of mystery, it is a genuine delight and curiosity of kids.

screen children

The easiest puppet theater attracts kids is much stronger than the drawn fictional characters.

Depending on the size, using screens you can put the scenes, both the puppet theater, and for this young actor, adding the process of raising interest and entertainment.

smokescreen for children

The screen in this case, it becomes necessary to subject sharply.

If the budget does not allow the group to buy a ready option, but the desire to organize a theater workshop at children - you can make yourself screen of plastic pipes for kindergarten with their own hands.

screen with their hands

The design of this multifunctional device is very simple.


  • 1 Select the design and size
  • 2 Materials and tools
  • 3 process of manufacturing
  • 4 VIDEO: What can be done with his own hands from plastic pipes.
  • 5 Screens for kindergarten with their hands - 50 photo-ideas:

Select the design and size

Depending on the purpose of use and age children you can make different designs.


This can be a big theatrical screen in full view.

desktop screen

Or small desktop version of the screen, to show their own scenes with puppets.

An important factor is the ease and versatility of design: children I appreciate the rare opportunity to change the arrangement of interior items, using them not as a binding established order, and as a resource for the realization of ideas.

screens for games

It develops management skills, and provides more space for play and creativity.

As a rule, the standard model screens of pVC pipes made with three sections.

screen of 3 sections

Enough to collect 3 frames, connect them to one another and close the curtains beautifully decorated.

However, this is not a rule, and if desired, and the presence of material It can be done and a large number of frame components. Design fabric stretched over a frame depends on personal preference - you can choose it with children from several options, making removable covers for mounting with "Velcro."

screen play

When choosing slipcovers can express their imagination and creativity.

Different colors of covers can be associated with the seasons or theme parties. For example, spring green background, yellow and orange - with the onset of autumn, blue or blue - in the winter season.

smokescreen for kindergarten

Here, for the teacher a large field for the imagination.

Materials and tools

making screens made of plastic pipe with his hands It does not require large expenditures. propylene required tubes different lengths, angles and the bilateral plastic fasteners - for connecting the sections together.

plastic pipe

Consideration should be given a structure to calculate the amount of material.

All of this can be taken after a recent renovation, or purchased at any specialty store for repair.


Pipe connected together by a plastic bracket.

bilateral attachment

Sections are connected with each other by special double fasteners.

Good help can become a special welding machine plastic pipes of propylene, which is used when mounting professional plumbing.

apparatus for plastic pipe

If you lend him nowhere, you can use the usual method of heat over the stove.

If desired, pVC pipe It can be painted with paint. For stability, use a mixture of putty and ordinary gouache.

painted screen

Different ways to use the multi-screens in kindergarten children themselves suggest.

For sewing slipcovers, you can use any available tissue. We must remember that it must be durable and easy to wear as children's games are fraught with different consequences for any furniture, and screen is no exception.

material for the screen

The material is best to choose a bright and colorful.

Depending on the design, may need fixing to the "velcro" strips or laces for garters, additional material for pockets or loops, as well as a reliable adhesive.

Games with screen

Due to the observance of the principle of availability, the children have the opportunity to change the space in the group at any time.

process of manufacturing

Step by Step Instructions manufacturing the screen of a kindergarten It is quite simple.

  1. Once we determined the size of the future screens, Should be cut pVC pipe to the desired length. This can be done either alone (plastic material It requires little effort).
    cutting of plastic pipes

    You can ask to make cuts during the purchase in the store.

  2. Further, the fastening sections frames via corner joints.
    pipe mounting

    All material is sufficiently strong and durable to use.

    It will require a special apparatus or small physical effort of heating and inserting Profile plastic pipe in the area.

    screen frame

    The manufacturing process simple and will take you a little time.

    Now is the time to do the next step: sewing slipcovers.

    covers for screens

    Case can carry meaning.

  3. The area chosen fabric should match the size of the carcass section. Edge stitch length is recommended. Fastening of tapes with velcro or loops sewn or glued on the upper side of the future cover.
    screen with a cover

    Covers can be of different colors, from plain pastel to bright gentle children's drawings.

  4. If collected cover need painting - carry it in a well ventilated area, give structure to dry.
    painted screen

    Intersection securing better to paint separately so they do not lose their functionality.

  5. The final stage - the decorating. On the strained covers can be pasted colorful appliqué and sew small pockets.
    bright screen of the tubes

    These additions will help develop motor skills in children, and further increase the functionality of the new screen, allowing you to use it in a variety of games and performances.

    VIDEO: What can be done with his own hands from plastic pipes.

    Screens for kindergarten with their hands - 50 photo-ideas:

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    kindergarten screen for games
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    screen of plastic pipes
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    smokescreen for children
    screen with their hands
    smokescreen for kindergarten
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    a screen of pipes for games
    screen with their hands
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