Choosing wood for furniture color and texture

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For centuries our ancestors have used for the manufacture of furniture treated wood material. In an age of progress, there are many synthetic substitutes, but now the consumer preference for natural materials. Furniture made of natural material creates comfort in the home, ennobles room.

Natural wood furniture

Furniture made of natural solid wood allows us to give individuality to any interior, even heat

Tree species have extensive properties that differ not only in color and texture. When choosing a need to take into account the main characteristics of wood: durability, strength, hardness, elasticity and moisture resistance.

types of wood

Objects of wood furniture made by the noble, eco-friendly and cozy touch to the interior

Furniture made of sturdy types of wood has a long service period. It is strong, is less susceptible to external influences specifications. Such rocks are heavy to handle. Make them a quality product with their own hands is actually unthinkable.

Solid varieties: iron birch, maple, merbau, black locust, dogwood, yew, boxwood.

Set of garden furniture

Set of garden furniture made of mahogany merbau

Variety of raw materials with moderate density well suited for the manufacture of furniture with his own hands.

Moderate density are - cherry, oak, walnut, beech.

Furniture in the living room of cherries

Furniture in the living room of the cherry - a symbol of luxury, beauty and chic

It looks great product made from soft woods.

For mild varieties are: pine, birch, alder.

Furniture Birch

Luxury children's furniture made of birch

The kitchen, the hallway is more practical to select set of strong brands. In the living room is perfect for furniture made of wood moderate hardness. You can arrange a bedroom suite of the pine forest.

wood properties

Wood properties depend largely on its structure and thickness of the layers


  • 1 make furniture from a tree: choose the color
  • 2 How to choose the wood for furniture production: texture and image
  • 3 How to choose the wood hardness, density, moisture resistance
  • 4 Wood properties of different breeds
  • 5 Video: What is the tree and select materials for their furniture?

make furniture from a tree: choose the color

When selecting the headset from wood density is not exclusive essential element influencing the choice of material. Should be considered and the presence of a color change. For registration area of ​​substantial size suitable set of dark colors.

Furniture dark

If a large room, the furniture can be made of wood a dark color

Painted in dark colors the surface, absorbing light, visually reduce the space fills the room. Chocolate, dark red color is made in the atmosphere of warmth presence. Dark colors are perfectly combined with the background light walls, filling the room quiet comfort.

Mahogany furniture

Elegant mahogany furniture for the office

Dark saturated color possess: nut, Wenge, cherry, merbau, amaranth, kempas.

soft colors The product is delightfully blends with rich décor and equip the room.

Light, transparent shades differ: ash, beech, birch, maple, pine, alder, oak.

light furniture

If the bedroom is small, it is best to use a set of light tone, as he is able to visually expand the space

Light yellow shade is acceptable in the design of premises with windows facing west.

The space is not enough light, the sun? Furniture pastel colors visually reduce the size of the room, but will bring a feeling of warmth in the room sunlight.

Golden hue different: oak, alder, teak, cedar.

In some cases, selecting an array of products for modeling, you can not focus attention on the color of the wood. Color varies by stains, varnishes toning.

The range for selecting varnish

The range of choice for the lacquer for toning and protection of wood products

It must be remembered that the lacquer when applied to the coating changes the natural shade. The tone becomes more intense, a little dark.

How to choose the wood for furniture production: texture and image

Wood various breeds

Types of wood of different density and structure

Each array has individual appearance texture image, which is formed on the surface of the tangential cut wood.

The following types of wood:

  • with poorly inscribed, understated image;
  • depicting a variety of rings;
  • with the image in the form of strips of different lengths and widths.
Texture and pattern

Texture and pattern - an important aspect in the selection of wood for furniture

cut method significantly affects the quality of the outer timber.

wood cut

Radial, and tangential direction poluradialnoe sawing wood

At radial sectional actually lost image pattern on the surface of the timber. Drawing is not visible, the medium is homogeneous.

When tangential sectional clearly visible strip, bends, forming the original picture.

For classical atmosphere selected set with a uniform texture.

Lines, curves, rings on a uniform web can be visualized separately using gouaches, pencil, dense brush. Pronounced wood picture looks great on a background of neutral walls.

How to choose the wood hardness, density, moisture resistance


Hardness and - Brinell; b - Rockwell

Furniture, manufactured from a durable material during practical use. She rarely occur scratches. Manufacture of durable species requires a lot of labor costs, significant material costs, certain skills to work with wood.

The hardness of wood

The hardness of wood by species (table - list)

It is interesting that not all robust varieties are resistant to moisture. There are soft rocks, owning good resistance to moisture.

Furniture produced from solid wood, not resistant to moisture, a couple of years will lose presentable appearance, in ruins, unfit for subsequent restoration.

Wood properties of different breeds

The most popular among consumers include the following varieties of the array.

  • Walnut - is robust. It has abundant variety of colors. Especially common - clear yellow, greenish-gray, red-brown color. Easily processed material.
    walnut wood

    Walnut wood - durable and resistant material

    Table in walnut

    A large table of solid walnut in the living room

  • Oak - different hardness. Dominated by yellowish-brown color, resistant to decay. Oak furniture is used for centuries.
    Solid oak

    Solid oak - a solid but expensive material

    Furniture made of oak

    Furniture oak bedroom is made in the distinctive design

  • Pine - refers to the softest. It has a clear color. Darker shade of the trees are centuries-old. Furniture made of pine is independent of temperature fluctuations, resistant to decay. The most common material for the manufacture of school desks for schools.
    Solid pine

    Pine - available soft material for making furniture with their hands

    Kitchen made of pine

    Charming cozy kitchen of solid pine

  • Beech - differ strength, ductility. The material is easy to process. It has fascinating wood pattern. lacquer coating does not change the tone of the material. Absorb moisture, characterized predisposition to a rapid decay.
    beech wood

    Beech wood has a high strength, a nice texture

    Bedroom Beech

    A set of stylish bedroom furniture, beech

  • Eastern larch - is characterized by increased density and moisture resistance. It has a uniform color. Has a lower viscosity and glueability compared with other conifers.

    Larchwood - medical material, suitable for interior decoration

    Chest brushed larch

    Antique dresser larch - a combination of the elegance and solidity in one subject

Video: What is the tree and select materials for their furniture?