In many outlets you can see a wide range of coatings for children's furniture. Conceiving repair a child's room, parents try to transform the interior with bright colors, from which baby will love it. Of course, colorful room - it's beautiful, but whether it will affect later on the child's health?

By choosing paint for a child's room should be approached with special responsibility
After all, even the white pigment does not guarantee complete safety. In particular, if you are going to paint the furniture, which is in constant contact with your baby, for example, cot, high chair or table.
In order to prevent the negative impact of the coating must be a responsible approach to the choice of paint. For this purpose, you need to familiarize yourself with the criteria corresponding to these materials is of paramount importance, which paint you are going to paint a crib.

Safety of paint products used for children's rooms, furniture or toys, it is necessary in the first place
- 1 What it should be: safety first
- 2 Types, their advantages and disadvantages
- 3 How to choose
- 4 Video: Workshop color. Paints for baby
What it should be: safety first

The basic components of the paint for children do not contain chemical compounds
Paint for a cot - let's talk about its safety. Either parent cares about his children were healthy. All that is around them, including the situation in the children's room should not be dangerous.

Staining of children's furniture with their hands
That is why if your intention is to repair a child's room, decide on the kind of paint and go to her choice responsibly. This concerns not only the color cover, and how much it is high-quality and safe.

Professional resistant paint for children's rooms and bedrooms
The extent to which the paint is harmless, warning, saying the manufacturer, indicated on the packaging, and, of course, the structure of the material.
- If the package indicated that the paint is not permitted for use in children's room, in this case, be sure to take into account the manufacturer's recommendations.
Wear-resistant hypoallergenic paint for children's and living rooms
- The most important criterion in the selection of colors - harmless, in fact, this aspect has to be for the parents in the first place. Currently, most manufacturers offer paints, made of modern technology, which is created based on organic solvents. The paint on this basis is categorically not suitable for children's rooms due to the fact that every surface is painted it will be quite a long time to allocate harmful items.
Hypoallergenic matte latex paint for children
- Water-based and water-dispersion coating are odorless and do not emit harmful toxic elements. In addition, they dry out in a short time and completely hypoallergenic. These are the colors should be used for finishing, especially in children. In order to have full confidence in the safety of paint, coatings choose where on the packaging it is written that product has a certificate and can apply it in institutions and in treatment and prevention.
Environmentally friendly, velvety matte, water-dispersive latex paint for interior
- Environmentally friendly paints based mainly on such a component as solvent which is used in its manufacture, since this element is its foundation directly. Basis is divided into two types - borne or water dispersion. As already mentioned, the ink having organic solvents such as mineral spirits, turpentine or gasoline, are very toxic and not allowed for use in children's rooms.

Safe oil wax for furniture in the nursery
expert advice. Best option - a means to water-soluble components, in their structure includes pigments, binder base, fillers, thickeners and water. In addition, this paint is odorless, which creates a certain comfort when working with it.

Today went on sale paint, which are designed specifically for children's rooms
Types, their advantages and disadvantages

Universal matt acrylic enamel suitable for children's rooms
How to paint a wooden baby crib? Most coatings are admissible for use in children's rooms, divided into several basic types.
- Acrylic water-based coating. In this ink set of advantages. It is applied to the free surface, it has an improved wear resistance, moisture resistance, hereinafter it does not emit toxic substances, there is a large variety of colors and shades, resistant to sunlight light. In this coating is only one drawback - high price equivalent.
Eco-friendly acrylic water-based paint
- Acrylic paint. They are safe, but the less pragmatic. Consistency have flexibility, so in the process of freely applied to the surface, it must be treated thoroughly before painting. We do not recommend frequent wet cleaning.
Harmless acrylic paint for children's room
- Vodoemulsionku. Worthy two above analogue coatings. They share many positive attributes, but there are disadvantages - due to regular wet cleaning and various mechanical effect lasts long on the surface.
Universal latex has one drawback - quickly erased
- Oil-wax. A unique tool to paint a crib, it is often used instead of the varnish. Environmentally friendly, it has high abrasion resistance and handling quality. The oil penetrates deep into the wood, and the wax forms on the protective layer surface. Of the minuses can be distinguished in that the means is expensive and is not as popular in use.
Oil-wax - the original coating for children's furniture, which often replaces the lacquer
- Nitropaint. Able to fully replace all the above types of coatings. They are durable, it has a large assortment of colors, environmentally friendly, fire-resistant, elastic. This type of paint has a high cost.
Strong, quick, clean nitropaints
- Latex. The composition of these inks has a rubber, so they are resistant to abrasion and various types of damage, vapor permeability, dry quickly.
Latex paint for children's rooms does not contain toxic components
- Vinyl. In the manufacture of polyvinyl acetate is used as the binder component. Such paints are inexpensive, surface covered with them, they get dirty quickly, but they are easy to wash. The outlets can meet such kinds of mixed colors, for example, vinyl-acrylic. By property similar to acrylic and vinyl, their quality depends on what percentage of acrylic in their composition, which affects the cost of the goods.
Vinyl paint, water-based high opacity
- Acrylic-latex. Due to the fact that the composition has a rubber agent has high elasticity and durability.
Acrylic latex paint for walls and ceilings
- Silicone-acrylic. Ideal to paint a crib, as well as for repair in children's rooms. Surface covered by them, can be washed frequently without fear of deterioration of its quality.
Paint silicone-acrylic interior washable matt solid forms particularly hygienic coating
- Silicate. Fully harmless as manufactured on an aqueous base with the addition of mineral substances and coloring pigments. Have high water vapor permeability and antibacterial properties.
Silicate paint is an aqueous emulsion based on water glass with addition of coloring pigments
- Mineral. These inks are natural and harmless. It has a matte surface, antibacterial and antifungal properties, dust on a surface hardly deposited.
Mineral coatings are designed for interior decorating
How to choose

If the container of paint indicated that it can not be used strictly for decorating children's rooms, it is necessary to listen to the advice of the manufacturer
When choosing paint, it should be based on its performance. It must meet the following criteria.
The structure of the ink should not be substances that can cause allergy | It is not necessary to focus on those funds, as part of which - the little-known content and connections. They are marked by a special coding |
The composition must be free of heavy metals and pesticides | Knowing that young children pulled into his mouth everything, is to be feared that the body will get pieces of the coating. This may adversely affect the health |
Component must not contain chemical compounds | An ideal solvent - water, at the time of drying which no emission of toxic substances |
The structure should not be of combustibles | This eliminates the release of dangerous elements in an emergency situation |
Flexibility - the main feature of a quality paint | This will allow frequent wet cleaning, without fear for the quality of coatings |

For a child's room is better to use water-based paints, which are absolutely harmless to health
Be sure to consult with the seller, ask for certificates for products. If the coating meets all requirements, the store is sure to be the presence of the document.

Environmentally certified paint for children's institutions