Standard sizes of sofas: Select Product dimensions

Dimensions sofas determined by medical standards. Per person for the preservation of his health and comfort of the place should be allocated at least 50 cm in width in a sitting and 70 cm - in the supine position. On the basis of these and other characteristics sofas produce approximately identical dimensions. Sizes vary depending on the product model. Be careful in choosing the right size.

Dimensions direct sofas

Dimensions sofas determined by medical standards.

The standard design of the sofa

Height izualno expands the space around the furniture.


  • 1 Double option
  • 2 triple variations
  • 3 corner benches
  • 4 The height of the product depending on the type
  • 5 How to choose a product size
  • 6 VIDEO: The size of the sofa to choose from - "Smart sofas"

Double option

The height of the sofa seating two - from 80 to 100 centimeters. The length varies from 2 to 2.5 meters. The second variation is inherent polutorarazmernomu product. When addition of the sofa modules may appear on the addition of 50-70 cm. The depth of the furniture is a little less than a meter: 80-90 centimeters. There are patterns that include low rigid back, but as the pillars offering a soft pillow above her level. Then at the height of articles 60, see the actual size of the rear wall may be 90-100 cm.

Sofa Chesterfield Ljuks double, beige

Based on the characteristics of sofas produce approximately identical dimensions.

Bella Armchair

Be careful in choosing the right size.

Chester sofa double

Diwani can be trimmed down to a depth of 70 cm.

triple variations

Sofa with three seats less popular than double. But he has more variations: it may be modular version, and the corner. Standard length - up to 3 meters, usually 2.5.

Three-seater sofa in the interior

When addition of the sofa modules may appear on the addition of 50-70 cm.

Chester sofas

There are patterns that include low rigid back, but as the pillars offering a soft pillow above her level.

classic upholstery for a sofa - leather

If the size of the apartment permit, it is better to purchase a model three-type corner.

Leather sofa Michigan

Per person for the preservation of his health and comfort of the place should be allocated at least 50 cm in width in a sitting and 70 cm - in the supine position

corner benches

Depth Module protruding portion is 0.6 or more of the total width of the couch. Dimensions begin with a mark of 80 centimeters and a maximum width unparsed furniture - 100 cm. Corner benches can be both a three- and four-seater. The maximum length of this divana- 3.5 meters. maximum height of the backrest: up to 110 cm, but be careful - such variation may overlap bottom windows.

Corner sofa Taco

Corner benches can be both a three- and four-seater.

Corner sofa Master 45

maximum height of the backrest to 110 cm.

Corner sofa Everest

Additional module compact is expanded, making these devices a convenient berth.

Corner sofa in interior photos

Dimensions begin with a mark of 80 centimeters and a maximum width unparsed furniture - 100 cm.

The height of the product depending on the type

Height sofas received little attention, while the rest is an important pillar of support for the spine.

Pay attention to the level of hardness of the sofa

The smallest height of the sofa in the models for children's rooms.

Triple sofa usually has a height of one meter

Modular sofas close to this indicator: the height of the backrest 70 centimeters.

The smallest height of the sofa in the models for children's rooms. These types do not exceed the mark sometimes even 60 cm. Modular sofas close to this indicator: the height of the backrest 70 centimeters.

Mechanisms of transformation of sofas

When selecting the size of the sofa, be sensible.

sofas may vary depending on the type of boards

In the context of a large family needed triple sofa, folding semi-products, etc.

How to choose a product size

When selecting the size of the sofa, be sensible. Need to be based on:

  • opportunities premises;
  • interior design;
  • roominess necessary couch.
Double sofa Cosima

The optimal weight gain for a sofa for each family member - 70 cm exploded, 50 - assembled.

Popular models of sofas

In fact, there is enough space on hardly, therefore, be more wasteful: it is better to buy more units or to use a more capacious model.

In the context of a large family needed triple sofa, folding semi-products etc. The optimal weight gain for a sofa for each family member - 70 cm exploded, 50 - assembled a. Based on this calculation, and can stay at three double version with a length of about 200 cm. In fact, there is enough space on hardly, therefore, be more wasteful: it is better to buy more units or to use a more capacious model.

Double sofa SCOTT, gray skin

The small rooms are set double sofas length 1,8-2 meters.

black leather sofa

Additional module compact is expanded, making these devices a convenient berth

The small rooms are set double sofas length 1,8-2 meters. They can be cut to a depth of up to 70 cm. The height of 7-8 decimeters. If the size of the apartment permit, it is better to purchase a model three-type corner. Additional module compact is expanded, making these devices a convenient berth. Its height should be sufficient for a person to feel comfortable during your holiday.

spring sofa

If the size of the apartment permit, it is better to purchase a model three-type corner.

Sofas made to order

The height should be sufficient that the person feels comfortable when resting.

Designers are advised to choose a high sofas rear backrest. It visually expands the space around the furniture. In this case, it should not exceed the level of the sills of the house.

dvuhmetsny beige sofa at home

Designers are advised to choose a high sofas rear backrest.

Office sofa Queen

The height should not exceed the level of the sills of the house.

VIDEO: The size of the sofa to choose from - "Smart sofas"