Breathe new life into an old closet with his hands, to make furniture that is organically "fit" in the interior can use the techniques of decorating decoupage.

Breathe new life into an old closet with his hands, to make furniture that is organically "fit" in the interior can use the techniques of decorating decoupage.
The principle of decoupage - gluing paper drawings to any household items to create a certain style. Decoupage refers to the type of work, called apsaykling - decoration of old things, creating one new high-quality items.

The most convenient way to use napkins - softness, thinness of paper can accurately make a beautiful ornament on the furniture, creating a seamless transition of the total surface.
Offers to buy new furniture is now a lot, but do not rush to throw out the old, comfortable wardrobe - transform it using decoupage perhaps even those who have never done or repairing furniture the hands. Selected materials and your imagination, you can make decoupage cabinet with their hands in any style - classic, provence, country, modern.

Soften the transition between the plane of the base web and a picture helps to apply multiple layers of lacquer.
- 1 Ideas for decoupage
- 2 Training
- 3 Preparing the furniture
- 4 The process of decoupage
- 5 VIDEO: The old cabinet decor, master class
- 6 50 photo ideas how to decoupage the cabinet with his own hands
Ideas for decoupage
In addition to special drawings for decoupage transform the cabinet can, using any available means of paper:
- napkins;
- color pictures from magazines;
- wallpaper;
- colorful print.

Remove all items from the carcass: the handle of the door, unscrew the hinge, pull boxes and, preferably, to remove their facades - they are neatly handled separately.
The most convenient way to use napkins - softness, thinness of paper can accurately make a beautiful ornament on the furniture, creating a seamless transition of the total surface. Napkins, sold in local stores, for creating the decor of the cabinet in any style - you just have to choose the appropriate pattern. Large selection available to create a style of Provence - cozy, romantic, sophisticated image flowers, plants, executed in pastel colors on a light background, create comfort, fill tranquility.

Major sandpaper or abrasive mesh overwrite islets treated with paraffin before.
Denser texture first thinned with sandpaper. Soften the transition between the plane of the base web and a picture helps to apply multiple layers of lacquer.

Soften the transition between the plane of the base web and a picture helps to apply multiple layers of lacquer.
Wallpaper suitable for those who are just beginning to learn the technique of decoupage furniture. Make them unique décor possible, using several different types on the same plane, or projections issued the facades.

The most difficult to prepare for decoupage polished cabinet - paint polish goes bad, so it is necessary to thoroughly clean a large sandpaper.
old cabinet Decoupage is not limited to paper products, you can use beads, sequins, and other decorating items.

Terminates, and it can not be cut to have a seamless transition between the pattern and the plane of the cabinet.
Preparing the cabinet to decoupage - the most time-consuming process, accompanied by dust.

Moving from the center of napkins, with a brush gently straighten the paper and press lightly, avoiding soaking and wrinkling.
Need to work
- Abrasive mesh: significant surface roughness processed coarse, then medium texture, fine polished for finishing.
- Grater for the attachment.
- Dry cloth, sponge or brush.
- Plaster on wood.
- Rubber spatula - it is soft and pressed all holes, cracks.
- Roller.
- Primer - for all types of finishes can be applied acrylic.
- Respirator.
- Acrylic paint.
- Roller.
- Narrow brush.

Periodically, it is necessary to wet drawing with diluted white glue.
Preparing the furniture
Remove all items from the carcass: the handle of the door, unscrew the hinge, pull boxes and, preferably, to remove their facades - they are neatly handled separately.

If provided painting on artistic elements on the furniture or adding any bulk jewelry, then it should be done after the adhesive dries.
Remove old paint brush (dust rag score cracks), and wear respirator sanded surface of all parts. After each treatment cleaned from dust.

Not only can you enjoy the wardrobe, but also to fully enjoy them.
Degrease with acetone or mineral spirits.
Putty: overwrite large flaws remove irregularities, then a thin layer to level the surface of the abrasive process № 100-120 mesh, paintable № 180 and above.

Hand made work of decoupage furniture laborious, but the result of her pleasure.
Apply the primer - improves the adhesion surface with the adhesive and coloring materials promotes uniform color tone.

Before wallpapering is necessary to separate the back sheet of paper, then they will become thinner and require less layers of lacquer.
After drying the primer layer acrylic paint brush to paint the corners, a larger plane roller.

Images are cut out, smoothing the transition to the workpiece surface is provided in case of applying multiple layers of lacquer.
To create a kind of antique furniture after the first layer of acrylic paint to smear a few places on the surface of the cabinet paraffin candle. Then again primed closet. Major sandpaper or abrasive mesh overwrite islets treated with paraffin before.

. If decoupage used as decoration cloth, then gently tear off the paper around the drawing.
The most difficult to prepare for decoupage polished cabinet - paint polish goes bad, so it is necessary to thoroughly clean a large sandpaper.

The most difficult to prepare for decoupage polished cabinet - paint polish goes bad, so it is necessary to thoroughly clean a large sandpaper.
The process of decoupage
For fastening patterns will need the following materials and tools:
- PVA glue;
- water;
- two brushes for painting - fine for one podrisovki one wider - for bonding;
- napkins;
- acrylic lacquer;
- acrylic white paint;
- Colera paint.

After drying the primer layer acrylic paint brush to paint the corners, a larger plane roller.
On the prepared rack brush to paint in the picture's location apply PVA glue, diluted with a little water. If decoupage used as decoration cloth, then gently tear off the paper around the drawing. Terminates, and it can not be cut to have a seamless transition between the pattern and the plane of the cabinet. Images are cut out, smoothing the transition to the workpiece surface is provided in case of applying multiple layers of lacquer.

Learning to perform decoupage cabinet with his own hands
Moving from the center of napkins, with a brush gently straighten the paper and press lightly, avoiding soaking and wrinkling. Periodically, it is necessary to wet drawing with diluted white glue.

Preparing the cabinet to decoupage - the most time-consuming process, accompanied by dust.
Before wallpapering is necessary to separate the back sheet of paper, then they will become thinner and require less layers of lacquer.

old cabinet Decoupage is not limited to paper products, you can use beads.
To avoid breaking the pattern with decoupage help ordinary office file:
- face put on it a napkin;
- smear glue PVA;
- attach to the surface of the cabinet;
- iron the cloth or sponge;
- remove the file.

Wallpaper suitable for those who are just beginning to learn the technique of decoupage furniture.
Apply acrylic paint on a napkin at least 2 layers of wallpaper covered with the third layer, the effect of "aging" of the cabinet can be done with krakelyurnogo varnish.

Learning to perform decoupage cabinet with his own hands.
If provided painting on artistic elements on the furniture or adding any bulk jewelry, then it should be done after the adhesive dries.

The principle of decoupage - gluing paper drawings to any household items to create a certain style.
Dense images can be glued way "introduction":
- coat rack with 2 layers of varnish with a periodicity of drying time;
- apply varnish third time, to make drawing;
- rubber spatula, pressing it easy, be pressed into the surface of the paper;
- after drying, coat of lacquer.

Selected materials and your imagination, you can make decoupage cabinet with their hands in any style - classic, provence, country, modern.
Hand made work of decoupage furniture laborious, but the result of her pleasure. Not only can you enjoy the wardrobe, but also to fully enjoy them.
VIDEO: The old cabinet decor, master class
50 photo ideas how to decoupage the cabinet with his own hands