- history pillows embroidered pillows
- Cross Stitch
- Cushions embroidered cross
- Application embroidered pillows
- Symbol embroidered pattern
- Manufacturers of pillows embroidered cross stitch pillow
- As of cross stitch?
Currently, in any store you can buy beautiful decor items and stylishly arrange the interior. But things made by themselves are much more expensive and more pleasant to the heart. Such products have internal energy, which is the best amulet for the apartment. The most ancient female craft is embroidery, which helps create masterpieces on garments, towels and pillows. The cushion, embroidered with its own hands, testifies to the unusual taste of the needlewoman, her skill and desire to create the perfect for her home. In this article we will look at how to decorate a pillow.
to the content ↑history pillows embroidered
We know from history that the pillows on the basis of tissue were used by the ancient Egyptians and Chinese. They were richly decorated, because they were a luxury item and were only available to the nobility. To decorate such products, precious stones and gold threads were used.
Greece and Rome were the trendsetters in the use of beautiful sofa and bed cushions. In the Middle Ages, Europe was flooded with a real boom for such luxurious household items. European know for any money acquired fashion embroidered products, which necessarily made an indispensable attribute of secular boudoir. At this time, many young girls of the poor class mastered various types of embroidery, subsequently such a craft served as their earnings. But even in rich houses, court ladies were trained in the craftsmanship of embroidery technology. Elegant manicured handles have always been busy with some needlework process, and most of these were small pads that served as a decoration at home or used as a present.
Important! Our ancestors had a kind of cult of embroidery. Girls had to learn this skill from childhood, and by the time they were young they had a self-made dowry kit. It was like clothes, and bedding, decorated with embroidered ornaments. For any bride, embroidered hand-made cushions made up the value of the dowry.
In the modern world, not every woman is an amateur. Embroidery, designed in a manual version, is still in high demand and is estimated very expensive. To master such a beautiful art you need to have the desire, make the most effort and find a lot of free time.
Important! With a time limit or if needlework is at an early stage, you can use ready-made sets for embroidering pillows, which are offered by many manufacturers. Such a set consists of two blanks for the pillow - the front and bottom, the scheme, thread and needle.
to the content ↑Pillow Cross Stitch
Currently very popular form of art is embroidered cushions cross. This skill is based on the revived traditions of our ancestors. There is nothing surprising in this, since everything new in this world is a variant of the long-forgotten old. The pillow, which is embroidered with a cross, can be presented as an excellent gift.
In shops, in the department of handicraft, there are a variety of options schemes for embroidery, which allows you to create a true masterpiece on the basis of children's motifs, floral patterns, honeymoon ideas. Very many even embroider a family amulet. Handmade work has a special value, so these gifts are preserved for life. For our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, embroidered pillows were the main decoration of the house.
Important! Today, elegantly designed embroidery becomes a unique component of the interior. Decorative pillows, which are embroidered with a cross, are an indispensable attribute of both the bedroom and the living room. As a rule, they are selected for the color scheme of furniture, a shade of curtains or a tone of wallpaper. Sometimes they are used for a bright accent on a background of dull shades, which creates a funny room color.
The process of embroidering a cross refers to the oldest and simplest embroidery technique. The procedure itself is simple, and includes only two stitches that cross each other. But the compositions, designed in this technique, are real masterpieces that perfectly fit into the overall interior. With the cross-stitched embroidery technique, special preparatory work and materials are not required. How to make a pillow with an embroidery cross:
- For the base, choose any fabric, only to be visible interlocking cells. The material can be coarse calico, linen, tapestry fabric, cotton, special canvas.
- For work we prepare ready-made cushion, material for the lower part of the product and fabric for the upper side of the fabric. From three sides we sew a pillowcase, then we start embroidery. But as practice shows, it is more convenient to first decorate the embroidery.
- We buy a set for embroidering a pillow with a cross. Basically, the kit uses "stramine" fabric, which has a dense and rigid base with large stitches of interlacing. The threads for such canvases are very large, they are also suitable for knitting. Crosses look very large, but look great on children's cheerful and bright pillows.
- To make the work look thin and elegant, first of all, we make embroidery pictures on the pillow. From the edge of the canvas, we must leave allowances of 3-4 centimeters, so that the lateral side is sewn to the back of the product. For this purpose, we use any thread that is more suitable.
Important! It is undesirable to embroider in one thread, otherwise - the picture turns out very faded. When embroidering pillows, woolen threads have proved to be very successful - they are not whimsical in the process of work.
- When the process of embroidering the pillowcase is finished, then on the front part of the canvas we cut the back side of the product.
- For convenience, sew a zipper at the side or in the middle, which allows you to perform the washing process at any time. Most often the pillowcase is expended on three sides, after that the product is washed and ironed. After placing the pillow in the pillowcase, on the fourth side the product is not firmly sewn with a hand stitch. In the process of using this procedure, you can easily dissolve the seam and wash the pillowcase.
Cushions embroidered with a cross
Basically, embroidered items are embroidered with a cross. Pillows are embroidered exactly according to the same principle as any other work that is done by a cross. Pillows with embroidered image look great on the couch, armchair or ottoman.
To embroider a cushion, it is necessary to have a scheme, in addition, you need to prepare the following materials:
- canvas or fabric stramine;
- is a special marker for marking canvas;
- ordinary scissors;
- embroidery scheme;
- needle;
- magnifier in the presence of a shallow circuit.
For embroidering a pillowcase with a cross you need to perform simple actions. How to make a pillow with cross-stitch embroidery:
- Thread the thread in the needle and fix the thread on the canvas.
- Next it is necessary to separate one from the bundle of a thread, fold it in half in such a way that both the eyelet and the tail are at the bottom, and the two tips that are connected are threaded into the needle.
- For the correct procedure of fixing the thread on the canvas, we introduce the thread from the wrong side to the front side, while the tail remains on the wrong side.
- We make the stitch diagonally, then the thread is again drawn to the wrong side, picking up the loop with the needle and tightening it. The loop is fixed not weakly and not tightly.
- Igloo again output "on face", and we get the first cross. On this principle, and do all the other crosses.
Features when working with the canvas and the
scheme. All schemes are divided into squares - embroidery of pillowcases is no exception. Therefore, it is necessary to draw exactly the same squares on the canvas. With such a layout it will be very easy and simple to embroider a pillow.
As a rule, they always embroider from the center of the canvas. To determine the central point, the tissue of the canvas needs to be folded in half, then again in half. At the intersection of the bending lines, mark the center of the canvas and begin to draw the necessary squares. Now we start embroidering process just like we are embroidering a picture or some other product.
to the table of contents ↑Application of embroidered pillows
Pillow with cross-stitch embroidery can have a variety of uses. It can perfectly complement the interior, decorate the room for the holiday or simply become an excellent and extraordinary gift.
Interior items:
- You can decorate with embroidery as ordinary sleeping cushions, as well as decorative items for the sofa. For sofa cushions, a coarse fiber material is used, which serves for a long time. As a rule, they are decorated with rich ornaments of bright colors.
- For a bedroom use pillows from a natural fabric with gentle embroidery. These include various petals, all sorts of flowers, pastel flowers wreaths. It is not necessary for the bedroom interior to choose pillows that have bright red embroidery. It is preferable to make out the bedding with pictures of muffled tones, which calm the nervous system and make the eyes pleasing.
Important! Embroidery application everyone chooses, proceeding from own preferences. At the same time, the picture should fit in and complement the overall composition of the interior.
- The children's room looks great bright decorative pillows, which depicts the heroes of famous cartoons or pets.
- For a room decorated in oriental style, products with embroidered hieroglyphics are suitable.
- Luxurious spacious living room can perfectly emphasize images of magnificent palaces, medieval knights and subjects of angels. Ideal option is when the embroidery technique is in harmony with the interior, decorated in the style of Provence, Rococo, Patchwork, Italian style and many other
- The children's room looks great interesting items in the form of brightly embroidered pillow-toys, which serve as hearts, suns,pupae, animals. On these pillows you can not only sleep at night, but in the daytime they can be used for various games. In addition, such toys are completely safe items.
For any holiday, a pillow with cross-stitch embroidery will serve as an excellent gift. The culprit of a celebration, wedding or birthday surely will appreciate such an exquisite decorative item. Moreover, it is not only a beautiful thing, but also very comfortable. And the gift, which is embroidered with their own hands, is much appreciated much higher.
Decoration for the holiday
Beautifully looked in the house elegantly embroidered pillows. For the New Year or Easter, the apartment can be decorated with festively decorated decorative elements. For the New Year theme, Santa Claus embroidery-decoration with gifts or a Christmas tree with garlands is ideal. Such products create a cozy, comfortable and festive mood in the house.
to content ↑Designation of embroidered pattern
Each embroidered pattern on the pillow has some significance:
- Embroidered bunches of grapes indicate a joyful mood and abundance.
- Two pigeons or any other animals symbolize loyalty, love and family well-being.
- Pillows decorated with angels are a wardrobe for children.
- Pillowcases, which depict compositions of mountains or ripe spikelets, imply the prosperity that prevails in the house.
Important! For many people, such designations are very important, since embroidered wards are characterized by positive energy and possession of extraordinary strength.
to the table of contents ↑Manufacturers of pillows with cross-stitching
Decorating sofas and armchairs with embroidered products can not only be creative masters. For those who do not have time to do needlework or do not own such art, you can easily purchase ready-made embroidered products in any store of the notions department. Manufacturers took care of the release of these products:
- Branded goods of the companies "Golden Fleece", Vervaco, "Riolis", and also "Diana" have won special popularity.
- Chinese manufacturers actively offer their embroidered products. They are characterized by a very original pattern, which depicts embroidered hieroglyphs, compositions of people, animals, birds.
- Recently embroidered products with the effect of 3D have spread.
Important! With a limited budget, you can buy not embroidered pillows, but pillowcases. They are very convenient to use, because they can easily be washed.
to the table of contents ↑How to sew a pillow from an embroidery cross?
Many people are interested in embroidering a pillow, but not everyone has information about how to sew it later or not all have a sewing machine. You can sew a pillow without using sewing equipment, but this will take more time and choose the right fabric.
For this process we prepare:
- embroidered front side of the pillow,
- suitable material for the back,
- non-woven,
- zipper with size 40-50 cm.
Important! If the embroidery pattern is decorated on a rigid plate, and not on the fabric of the canvas, then a dense material is chosen for the back side of the article, otherwise the fabric may fall off near the stramin.
How to sew a pillow from the embroidery with a cross with your own hands:
- The non-woven fleece cloth is moistened beforehand and applied to the wrong side of the embroidery. Using an iron, glue it through a cotton or cotton cloth. With this procedure, the threads and tails of the embroidery are protected from unwanted opening, the edge from sagging, and the cushion from the translucent through the holes of the tissue of the canvas.
Important! Flizelin is ironed only on the embroidery, so that the edges remain free.
- Cut off excess fleece fabric, leaving at the same time allowances of 2-3 cm on each side.
- From the appropriate fabric, cut out the desired piece of prepared size. The width should coincide with the embroidered part, and the length is cut 5-6 cm longer for stitching the zipper.
Important! When sewing lightning, you need to choose the thread of the corresponding shade of the crosses of the extreme row or the tone is darker. In this case, the stitch along the stamina fabric is laid exactly between the crosses of the crosses. With this method, the seam will not be visible.
- You can sew a zipper and a side seam of the product. If the zipper is stitched into the seam, then the edges of the front and back of the pillowcase are sewn, then lightning is sewn.
- There is another version of stitching zippers from the back of the pillowcase. To do this, cut the back part in a straight line by the size of the zipper. After the edges have been swept, about 2 cm is smoothed on the wrong side and we take lightning so that the denticles are not visible.
Important! To sweep lightning, it is necessary to smooth out the allowance on the stress cloth at the last point of the last cross.
- Open the zipper and we take off the pillowcase from all sides of the product. The line thus passes along the line of the extreme cross.
- We cut the allowances, leaving about a centimeter, cut the corners also in the diagonal direction. Leaving 2-3 cm, we cut off the fleece.
- The allowance is wrapped on the backside of the pillowcase and ironed. Thus, the edges do not crumble.
Important! If the sewing process is carried out without non-woven fabric, then the edges need to be swept.
- Pillow case. Using closed scissors or not sharpened pencil, we turn out the corners of the product.
- The edges of the product are ironed.
- The suitable size of the pillow is inserted inside the sewn pillowcase with the embroidered image, fasten the zipper and use the product for the intended purpose.
If until now you have doubted whether it is worth designing the embroidery in a pillow, now you are unequivocally convinced that this idea is very useful and interesting. With the help of such decorative gizmos you can uniquely diversify the interior of any room, add to it your unique color, and the process of embroidery will definitely entice you so much that it will be difficult for you to stop. New ideas and beautiful pictures will be created one by one, delivering you a lot of fun!