Evrovint (SCREW), choice of size for use

Evrovint - a fastening element, it is also called SCREW, has been known since the early 1990s. This screw is also called evroshurupom or simply - "EUREKA". The name comes from the brand Confirmat, under which it is manufactured by the German firm Hafele. In the USSR about konfirmat learned only in 1973.

Furniture fittings

Evrovint - a fastening element, it is also called SCREW.

Evrovint furniture

Another option is to bore parts together.

Konfirmat looks like a screw with a flat end, but with a flat head on four or six facets. It has the bottom of the threads with barbs. At the top of the screw near the head, there is no thread of uselessness, as konfirmat much thicker than the screw thread and the upper part does not play any role in the reliability of fastening. Evrovinty for furniture made of high carbon steel, which allows for incorrect use, easy to get hold of the material.


Konfirmat looks like a screw with a flat end, but with a flat head on four or six facets.

Case screed SCREW photo

After compound (contraction) of the two parts can touch up a rubber mallet.

SCREW advantages over ordinary softwood great, because it not only pulls the parts to each other, but also keeps them firmly against lateral displacement. United detail on the screws will sit firmly enough. Due to the fragility of the use of chipboard screws do not live up to expectations. Chipboard relatively soft material, and the reliability of the screw depends on the place where he would be screwed. Konfirmat also will keep safely and soundly, even if the EAF will be the pores.

Evrovint aka SCREW

It has the bottom of the threads with barbs.

Evrovint to guide and loops

With him is a small notch in the formation and end.

Using evrovinty, you get high reliability section, tightened these Fasteners. The cost, in relation to any product - a cheap. Konfirmat easy to install and can withstand heavy loads. The downside is unclassified hardware, hat in sight. It is necessary to close a plug or label the color of the chipboard. Another drawback is a certain amount of assembly of furniture, often not more than three times, because when frequent disassembly of furniture thread can break.

drill mill under evrovint

Evrovinty for furniture made of high carbon steel, which allows for incorrect use, easy to get hold of the material.

Fitting sequence evrovinta

In order to avoid chipping the back side sheet is enclosed chipboard or plywood.


  • 1 How to connect?
  • 2 Dimensions SCREW

How to connect?

To connect the two parts of chipboard (thickness of one sheet of 16 mm) is used evrovint. One of the most budget and affordable ways to date. To install it you will need:

  • drill;
  • Drill 4.5 mm and 7 mm, or "konfirmatnoe" drill;
  • pen, square, hexagonal wrench.
Evrovint 6.3 13

SCREW advantages over ordinary softwood great, because it not only pulls the parts to each other, but also keeps them firmly against lateral displacement.

Evrovint drawing

Otherwise konfirmat will fall, or vice versa, break the DSP, and you mess up the furniture.

two pieces of 16 mm thickness is necessary to pull. Vertical parts back down to 8 mm and an axial draw a line set point. Making a hole using a drill with a diameter of 7 mm. In the second part we are doing the same thing, just take a drill diameter of 4.5 mm. If you have a "konfirmatnoe" drill, work is reduced at times, but this drill is quite difficult to find. All you need - is to make a hole and connect the two parts together. Using this drill efficiently in case of a large amount of work and repeated use. Buy a drill bit to "one-time" use impractical.

Standard sizes evrovintov

Konfirmat also will keep safely and soundly, even if the EAF will be the pores.

universal screw

The main thing - to withstand all sizes.

When assembling the furniture used konfirmat 6.4 * 50. To connect the parts qualitatively hole diameter should be 4.5-5 mm. and a depth of 50mm.

sizes SCREW

Using evrovinty, you get high reliability section, tightened these Fasteners.

Evrovint 6 x 13 mm

To connect the parts qualitatively hole diameter should be 4.5-5 mm. and a depth of 50mm.

Dimensions SCREW

Necessary parameters considered to be of the male thread.

Screw furniture with a semicircular head

The downside is unclassified hardware, hat in sight.

He screwed into the end of the shelf

When assembling the furniture used konfirmat 6.4 * 50.

The most popular sizes evrovintov:

  • Length: 40 (mm), the diameter of the thread 5 (millimeters);
  • Length: 50 (mm), the diameter of the thread 5 (millimeters);
  • Length: 40 (mm), diameter of thread: 6.3 (mm);
  • Length: 40 (mm), diameter of thread: 6.3 (mm);
  • Length: 40 (mm), the diameter of the thread 7 (millimeters);
  • Length: 50 (mm), the diameter of the thread 7 (millimeters);
  • Length: 60 (mm), the diameter of the thread 7 (millimeters);
  • Length: 70 (mm), the diameter of the threads is 7 (mm).
Evrovint 7 50 hex

The cost, in relation to any product - a cheap.

Case screed SCREW

Buy a drill bit to "one-time" use impractical.

The main thing - to withstand all sizes. Otherwise konfirmat will fall, or vice versa, break the DSP, and you mess up the furniture. Konfirmatnoe drill also makes a recess under the bonnet. Holes are made strictly on a marking and drill must be kept parallel to the surface. In order to avoid chipping the back side sheet is enclosed chipboard or plywood. An important point: when drilling end parts, the drill must be strictly perpendicular to its end, or when you reject a drill step aside, and the item will be spoiled. The drilling into the formation parts important drill perpendicular to the workpiece. To avoid a descent drill, using conventional awl. With him is a small notch in the formation and end. After compound (contraction) of the two parts can touch up a rubber mallet.


United detail on the screws will sit firmly enough. Due to the fragility of the use of chipboard screws do not live up to expectations.

diameter of fixing

Using this drill efficiently in case of a large amount of work and repeated use.

Another option is to bore parts together. This method is not only fast, but accurate. Only for this purpose must be securely fixed parts by means of clips. Thus, you save time and speed up the assembly process.


To connect the two parts of chipboard (thickness of one sheet of 16 mm) is used evrovint.

firm Evrovint

If you have a "konfirmatnoe" drill, work is reduced at times, but this drill is quite difficult to find.

As a result, the use of a fully justifies SCREW. To install, do not need special tools. All you need is to order the required number of SCREW. From the first time you will likely screed quality, but by making a couple of ties, everything will turn out. As the saying goes, the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.

Evrovint photo

two pieces of 16 mm thickness is necessary to pull.

Euro screw-coupler M41

In the second part we are doing the same thing, just take a drill diameter of 4.5 mm.

Konfirmat (evrostyazhka)

From the first time you will likely screed quality, but by making a couple of ties, everything will turn out.