Furniture for decorating the baby's room should be chosen responsibly. A guarantee of security and convenience for a small family. Buy sofa should be, given the size of bed, in accordance with the age, height and weight of your son or daughter.

Buy sofa should be, given the size of bed, in accordance with the age, height and weight of your son or daughter.
Such furniture is not recommended to purchase until the child reaches 10-12 years. They must meet the requirements not only practical, but also orthopedics. At the same time it should take into account the mechanism of transformation of the sofa as occupant lay out children's bed is often alone. The dimensions of the model are chosen "for growth", but not overly so - it is better with the time to buy an adult bed if space allows.

Such furniture is not recommended to purchase until the child reaches 10-12 years.
- 1 Advantages and disadvantages of children Sofa beds
- 2 Types of children's Sofa beds
- 3 How to choose the right stuff?
- 4 What is special children's sofa bed and how to apply them in the interior?
- 5 VIDEO: How to choose a children's sofa? Which is better to buy a couch?
- 6 50 photo ideas to choose their children's sofa bed
Advantages and disadvantages of children Sofa beds
A similar piece of furniture in the nursery, of course, saves space, making it more accurate and well-groomed. The main advantages of folding bedroom furniture:
- ergonomics;
- versatility;
- relatively inexpensive cost.

The dimensions of the model are chosen "for growth", but not overly so - it is better with the time to buy an adult bed if space allows.
What kind of transformation mechanism chosen depends degree of focus at the design layout for the lying position. Therefore it is recommended to choose a simple sofa with a minimum leverage. Advantages of the product depend on what size the sofa. Large models should be considered for older students in the presence of a large area of the room. The child may have a rest, and practice reading, games, comfortably ensconced on the couch.

A similar piece of furniture in the nursery, of course, saves space, making it more accurate and well-groomed.
Responsible manufacturer in the manufacture of baby furniture is usually guided by the existing rules, so it is best to buy sofa beds in specialty stores or departments where you will be given a certificate of conformity and full instructions operation.

What kind of transformation mechanism chosen depends degree of focus at the design layout for the lying position.
If the size and dimensions of the sofa bed not correlate correctly, or the child will be closely or too spacious. In the case of unchecked even in the store parameters in the unfolded form of the model may take a lot of space. Therefore, you need to calculate the dimensions of the product before purchasing.

Advantages of the product depend on what size the sofa.
Each manufacturer is focused on demand. If the expense of quality sofa is made nice and not get too cheap, but not up to standard, then it is considered a disadvantage.

Large models should be considered for older students in the presence of a large area of the room.
Types of children's Sofa beds
Structural differences of sofas for children - are the same as for adults. Types of furniture of this type in the form:
- island;
- angle;
- classic.

The child may have a rest, and practice reading, games, comfortably ensconced on the couch.
In smaller rooms preferable to put the first or the second species. Corner sofas are good that there is additional support for the back, you can turn around and get comfortable. This design is often more compact when contracted.

If the size and dimensions of the sofa bed not correlate correctly, or the child will be closely or too spacious.
The classic model - the most popular option. They are very easy to operate. When directly applying or by type "up-down" less mechanical wear portion and trim angles. This type should be considered as durable and reliable.

In the case of unchecked even in the store parameters in the unfolded form of the model may take a lot of space.
Island products are good for large areas. Be sure to watch how the sofa fits into the environment, whether enough storage space.

Therefore, you need to calculate the dimensions of the product before purchasing.
Children sofa beds and differ by what they use the mechanism of transformation:
- "book";
- withdrawable;
- "cot";
- "Dolphin" and others.

Each manufacturer is focused on demand.
"Books" - the traditional kind, is not always easy for the modern child. For the layout requires a significant effort. "Dolphin" and "clamshell" good in terms of compactness, but also can not quite easily decomposed. Please rate how easy it lends itself to the mechanism and how much weigh raised part.

If the expense of quality sofa is made nice and not get too cheap, but not up to standard, then it is considered a disadvantage.
Any well-known manufacturer for the comfort of furniture for children. The task of parents - to consider the maximum size bed, and in accordance with the area to choose the product dimensions.
For the child, mechanics must be very simple. Model validation should be carried out prior to purchase. Recommended several times to spread and fold the product is still in the shop. In order to assess take the baby with him to see if he was comfortable and how he will cope with the folding mechanism. Otherwise too large dimensions and tight arms may require too costly effort.

It is advisable to choose a slightly fleecy fabric finish, pleasant to the touch.
Withdrawable models are optimal in terms of focus - the central part is put forward without lifting up the main burden is on the rollers at the bottom of the structure.

It is recommended to avoid the leather and synthetic surfaces.
How to choose the right stuff?
On that particular look for when choosing? Of course, first of all - to the material. The coating and filling soft part must be hypoallergenic. It is advisable to choose a slightly fleecy fabric finish, pleasant to the touch. frame and upholstery material should be natural - wood and cotton fabric.

On that particular look for when choosing?
It is recommended to avoid the leather and synthetic surfaces. Ask the Seller and the adhesive compounds.
The manufacturer usually provides the information in the accompanying documents, so find out the exact data is not difficult.

Recommended several times to spread and fold the product is still in the shop.
For the child, the best solution - a semi-soft sofa that is not pressed. That means that the sofa has orthopedic function. The coating should be uniform, and paint - resistant. Tractable mechanism of transformation shows that the product has been pre-control and verification OTC.

The manufacturer usually provides the information in the accompanying documents, so find out the exact data is not difficult.
Any manufacturer provides a guarantee on their models. Mechanical failure or refusal of leverage - a reason to ask for free support and repair.

. Otherwise too large dimensions and tight arms may require too costly effort.
What is special children's sofa bed and how to apply them in the interior?
Exploit the robust model is quite easy. Children small sofa bed can be placed in a small room, and when folded it takes up little space.

Tractable mechanism of transformation shows that the product has been pre-control and verification OTC.
Put furniture in the corner by the window or wall - it depends on the form design. An important is the mechanism of transformation. For the layout of the place needed. The calculation always do in advance.

For the child, mechanics must be very simple.
Matter how large the dimensions of a berth depends comfort. For the child it is important to get enough sleep. A spacious sofa and a semi-cover - the best option for a healthy holiday.

Any manufacturer provides a guarantee on their models.
To the dimensions of the product do not interfere with daily activities, it is necessary to sleep after folding. Children's furniture manufacturer makes sure that the process is simple.
Remember that the size of the models can vary, depending on the layout type.

Any well-known manufacturer for the comfort of furniture for children.
The innovative design of the children's sofa beds with clever storage systems transformation mechanism
Recently it appeared on the market a lot of products with original design. Advanced designs allow the use of child models are not just for sleeping, but also for storing bedding, toys, games, and other household items that do not fit in closet. No matter what size bed is available in the model, the inner (lower) part of the product roomy and very handy for folding the unnecessary things in the afternoon.
The manufacturer often uses this modular design. For example, conventional "box" storage is not located in the central part and the side. Design solutions - a few. You can select any suitable exactly for your room situation.

The classic model - the most popular option.
Another manufacturer may supplement the current models of parts, transformers, when the armrest is transformed into a cushion, etc. This is extremely convenient innovations are used both in adults and in Children's sofas.
When choosing guided by not only the price of the goods. In the first place should be evaluated dignity product in terms of safety and comfort.

Structural differences of sofas for children - are the same as for adults.
VIDEO: How to choose a children's sofa? Which is better to buy a couch?
50 photo ideas to choose their children's sofa bed