The mechanism of the sofa for daily use: how to choose?

Modern sofa design allows the use of this piece of furniture not only as a soft and comfortable piece of furniture for relaxing, but also a "single motion" to turn it into a cozy and spacious bedrooms a place. Due to the fact that he is able to be modified, you will significantly save space in the house, an apartment, a bed is much more comfortable than the bed. Designers offer a multitude of ideas. In furniture stores potential buyers offer a wide range of sofas of different colors and shapes, laid out and conventional. Moreover, the folding mechanism is different and has its own name.

A variety of sofas

A variety of sofas for the living room

What is the best mechanism for the sofa, how to choose to use a simple structure? Which to choose a sofa for regular sleep, what furniture to choose for a living? That decision was correct, you must have an idea, if not about all kinds of arrangements, at least on their majority.

sofa mechanisms

Mechanisms of transformation of sofas


  • 1 Why is it important to choose the right mechanism for the transformation of the sofa
  • 2 The transformation of the sofa on a "book"
  • 3 The transformation of the sofa on a "evroknizhka"
  • 4 The transformation of the sofa on a "click-klyak"
  • 5 The transformation of the sofa on a "dolphin"
  • 6 That is better suited to a regular sleep
  • 7 Video: How to choose a sofa?
  • 8 50 photos of different sofas for everyday use:

Why is it important to choose the right mechanism for the transformation of the sofa

Laid out sofa

Laid out sofa with roll-out mechanism

Convertible beds are very famous. Models, which do not have such a mechanism, there are also commercially available and can be purchased for the dwelling. They are placed in the living room, hallway or kitchen. If you are planning to get a sofa bed, a choice of mechanism will depend on a number of reasons. More important is how often you will use it for sleeping, how much space in the room available to the public for this type of furniture, how long are going to use the sofa.

Sofa accordion

Sofa for rest and sleep with accordion mechanism

The device is considered a leading structural element of the sofa, for this reason, its durability affect the overall service life of the piece of furniture. It affects the comfort and ease of rebuilding the couch in every possible position. The method of folding mechanism depends on how much space will take this piece of furniture in the unfolded form. When choosing guided by the purpose of the sofa should not be guided only by coloring. After all, you can trim to cover a blanket or wear evrochehol. With the replacement mechanism will be much harder.

Stretch covers

Tensioner cover for upholstered furniture

The best properties, increased comfort and cost have sofas having a mechanism for "dolphin", "accordion", "evroknizhka". In any store you can choose the economical and comfortable model, most importantly, make the right choice. Choose a model that will meet the needs, not difficult. The main thing is to place the purchase of furniture has been tested and meet the standards of the sofa.

sofa accordion

Sofa accordion unfolds like an accordion with horizontal curves

The transformation of the sofa on a "book"

Fold-out book

Fold-out book - simple and comfortable orthopedic bed for daily sleep

The traditional version of the folding couch. To prepare the bed, it is necessary to raise the seat, backrest take a horizontal position. We return the seat to its original position - "book" was revealed.

What are the advantages of this type of device can be identified? The simplest mechanism is strong, it is difficult to break, he does not need a lot of space, it is suitable for small spaces, there is a box for bedding.

Fold-out book

Fold-out book assembled and disassembled

Disadvantages: against a wall bed can be put in if you are not going every day to use it as a bed; if behind the sofa there is space, you can not push it; in the place where it joins back and seat, there is a probability of occurrence of hillocks or seizure, sleep on this couch is uncomfortable; limited space for sleeping.

On a note. The mechanism of "book" - a fairly simple device, but it requires some effort when folding. It is difficult for women and children, especially if you use it every day.

Scheme couch notebook

Driving assembly-disassembly sofa book

The transformation of the sofa on a "evroknizhka"

Sofa with evroknizhka mechanism

Sofa mechanism evroknizhka fitted with flexible fins that provide good support for the body during rest

Furniture can be placed very close to the wall. The modification is different from the usual "book." Rollers attached to the seat, it is easily rolled out, a zone of equal magnitude backrest. She fit into this space and forms a place to sleep.

Euro-book Mechanism

The mechanism of changing the position of the couch-evroknizhka focused on the daily operation

Advantages: the furniture is easily transformed into a comfortable bed; a place to sleep is big enough; mechanism of strong, suitable for daily use; in such sofas have a box for bedding.

Disadvantages: the seat depth to sit comfortably and lean over the back, we have to climb up on the seat with their feet or underlay cushions; if for some reason on the exit of the roller not easily deform the floor.

Sofa evroknizhka

The mechanism of transformation of the sofa - evroknizhka

The transformation of the sofa on a "click-klyak"

Sofa with the mechanism of "click-klyak"

Sofa with a "click-klyak" mechanism would be the best choice - it is reliable and forms a comfortable surface

A similar mechanism of "book", only more modern and comfortable. Most manufacturers of the device called "click-klyak".

Sofas click-klyak

Sofas click-klyak with orthopedic base of robust steel have a maximum strength

dignity disadvantages
The backrest may be in a vertical or horizontal position, and it is attached obliquely, that allows to rest comfortably For transformation of the sofa bed in the space you will need, it is not recommended to put him up against the wall
The mechanism for the design simple and suitable for everyday use Folding couch for such efforts need
There is a roomy box for bedding
The mechanism of click-klyak

The mechanism of transformation of the sofa - click-klyak

The transformation of the sofa on a "dolphin"

The mechanism of dolphin

The mechanism of the dolphin is found in products such as corner

Such a mechanism, in most cases, is mounted on corner sofas. To expand the sofa, it is necessary to roll out the lower part of the elongated sides of the angle from which the pull-up pad using specially adapted handle, made of fabric or leather.

The mechanism of dolphin

Leather corner sofa with the mechanism of transformation of a dolphin

Advantages: wide berth; easily decomposed, it can withstand considerable weight; a large box for bedclothes.

Disadvantages: if the machine is used regularly, it will become worthless after a few years; It applies only to the corner pieces of furniture.

Important! When choosing not forget that the mechanism of "dolphin" can be used to direct and modular models. Method unfolding simple enough but rolling out the lower part can be problematic because of the carpet.

The mechanism of dolphin

The mechanism of transformation Dolphin

That is better suited to a regular sleep

The mechanism of the clamshell

The mechanism of transformation of sofas - clamshell

How to use a sofa to sleep every day, you have to decide for yourself. Do any of us has their own queries, personal preferences to furniture. But we want to offer a list of basic criteria to consider when choosing furniture.

  1. Comfortable sleep. First of all, pay attention to comfortable furniture, because you will use it every day. If you do not take into account this aspect, there may be a health problem, you will be insomnia, spinal diseases.
    Comfortable sofa

    Convenient and comfortable bed for sleep

  2. The duration of use. An important criterion, because the acquisition of the couch involves considerable expenses, and furniture should serve long. Pay attention to build quality - this lifetime depends.
  3. Easy to use. Pick furniture that is simply transformed into a sleeper. The device must be ordinary, which easily decompose by one person. Do not forget about cleaning coverage - it should be easy.
  4. Additional functions. The shops offer a wide range of sofas, they not only replaced the bed. The design of the modules, there are ladders, which store things or used for another purpose.
    Corner modular sofa

    Corner modular sofa can be used not only for sleeping

  5. It is important that from which the frame is made (it may be a metal, wood or chipboard). Made of chipboard long will not serve, the ideal option - the metal.
    sofa frame

    The material for the frame of the sofa

  6. Ask the seller what you are interested in filling model. Ideal polyurethane. Interior - strong seams - quality.
    Furniture fillers

    Fillers for upholstered furniture

  7. If the inspection sofa creaks, it is better not to acquire. The warranty for a quality product should be 1.5 years.

To properly make a choice of the sofa that meets all the requirements, take the time and read the above points, then you make the right choice.

comfortable sofa

Comfortable sofa should be chosen according to their criteria and opportunities

After reading the article, draw a conclusion and choose the optimal mechanism of transformation: "evroknizhka" - is more solid, have a box for storage of bedding; "Dolphin" - the widest; "Book" - an acceptable cost. By purchasing one or the other sofa, mandatory inspect the unit transformation, talk to a counselor. In order to avoid mistakes is to listen to the experts. They will prompt what points should be taken into consideration first and foremost.

The range of sofas

The range of sofas manufacturers wide enough and you just need to choose your

Video: How to choose a sofa?

50 photos of different sofas for everyday use:

Pull-out sofa is suitable for every day
Small gray sofa for one person
Sofa bed for daily use
Orthopedic sofa bed
Sofa for daily use as a full bed
The unusual turning mechanism of the sofa
Sofa beige book
Sofa with orthopedic mattress
Purple sofa bed
Sofa for everyday sleeping in green
Sofa bed for daily use in white and black
Double sofa bed
Divan bed with orthopedic mattress for daily use
Reliable and easy fold-out book
Pillow sofa click-klyak
Large and smooth draw-out sofa
The unfolding participate seat and consisting of two parts rest
American clamshell can withstand heavy loads up to 220-250 kilograms
Unusual sofa-bed
Sofa bed with fabric Jacquard
This couch cotton fabric used for percussion
Artificial leather for folding sofa
Folding corner sofa with a teflon coated
Sofa bed for home
Sofa bed for daily sleep better
Stylish sofa "America" ​​for the daily sleep
Corner sofa Vega for everyday sleeping
A small fold-out couch Florence
Guest sofa
Small yellow sofa clamshell
Sofa with cushions with evroknizhka mechanism
Corner velor sofa with evroknizhka mechanism
Double sofa in black
Folding sofa-transformer
The top of the sofa is divided into three parts
"Evroknizhka" - is a popular and frequently used mechanism
Fold-out book, decorated with buttons
A sofa bed with an interesting coloring
Corner sofa with sedafleks mechanism
Sofa with the mechanism of dolphin and boxes for clothes
Beautiful and comfortable pink sofa for the living room
Sofa with accordion mechanism Unfolded
Sofa click-klyak folded
Soft corner sofa in black
Sofa bed in the folded
Sofa bed for everyday use
A small orthopedic sofa