Always a joy when we get to the house for something new, for example, furniture. Each apartment or house is bound to have the chair, sofa, ottomans, chairs. We use them all the time.

It is hard to imagine an apartment without a couch, chairs and other upholstered furniture.
As time passes, it becomes plain upholstery, sometimes blurred, there are holes, stains, traces of paint, markers, sometimes clinging clay. All that remains, especially when in the house there are small children. They will bring the furniture to the extreme just a few months. Stains can not be cleaned, it is impossible to mend the holes, even the veil will not save them from the pranks, except that evrochehol. Furniture becomes unusable, it ceases to decorate the interior.

After a few years of padding may lose their attraction, it comes into disrepair and no longer fits into the interior of the room.
Many simply get rid of it, throw in a landfill, or transported to the country. Others, on the contrary, can not get rid of the old furniture simply because it is convenient and it is a pity to throw away, and buy a new sofa or chair simply is not possible. What to do in such cases? Only one thing - to restore, to make sofa constriction. Of course, you can contact the experts, but it is easier and much more profitable, in order to save the budget to do it yourself.

Not everyone knows that the constriction of the sofa with his hands - it's not very complicated.
- 1 Benefits of creating their own hands
- 2 We determine the design
- 3 Necessary materials
- 4 Required tools
- 5 Necking process: step by step guide
- 6 How to sheathe the sofa with his hands?
- 7 The final stage - decoration
- 8 VIDEO: How to change the upholstery of the sofa with his hands.
- 9 Sofas in a modern interior - 50 photo-ideas:
Benefits of creating their own hands
A big plus if the sofa has a high quality basis. older articles furniture much more soundly than those produced today.

On upholstery replacement goes not so much time and effort.
recovery furniture at home it has several advantages.
- You doing sofa constriction any material which is pleasant and scenic elements can add to your liking.
- Performing work on the replacement of the upholstery, can be repaired as needed or spring assembly frame.
- Obsolete sofas tend to be the most strong and benign, prevailing in all the properties of modern furniture.
- Doing the job yourself, you will not spend a lot of money, but a new sofa or chair is much more expensive.
- You do not have to throw away your favorite couch in a landfill because of the fact that he has worn.

It should be solved - you do constriction of the sofa itself, in which case the work will take more time, or to professionals, they do it for a short period, maybe you have a home, not be carried in workshop.
We determine the design
To change the look of an old sofa, you can sew a new cover, make pillows, capes very different model. Furniture It sparkles with new colors. If you want to constriction, It is possible to produce partially replacing some of the upholstery elements. There are many varieties - from the common to the creative.

It is important that all in harmony.
Extraordinary will look cape in patchwork technique. You can make an extraordinary applique and sticking to upholstery. For sofa constriction fit jeans the cloth or synthetic leather. The most commonly used furniture tapestry, leather quality, leather, synthetic suede special, artificial fur with a strong foundation, furniture jacquard. Of clothing fabrics it is possible to sew removable covers.

If the sofa is not for decoration, but for the rest of all family members, will need strong padding, which will last a long time.
Necessary materials
To begin work on replacing the old upholstery, the first thing you need to decide what the cloth you choose colors, patterned or without man-made or natural material. There are many different furniture cloth.

Each fabric has a technologically advanced and feature-rich levels of merit.
Let's define what materials will be needed. in addition to the cloth Hardware needed, the required foam thickness edges to cover the seams, felt, batting or padding polyester as a filler, a zipper, a needle marker, decorative buttons.
Required tools
choose the cloth - it must be taken with a reserve for the possibility of error, and now prepare tools that you need: a sewing machine, a set of needles, strong thread (polyester), flat screwdriver, hammer, staple remover, to remove the old bracket, pliers, wrenches (8 to 19 mm), side cutters, furniture stapler, shears, clamps (6-8 mm), the sewing meter, a square, a metal ruler, chalk, screwdriver, drill, glue.

Required tools.
Necking process: step by step guide
The whole work is divided into stages. First you need to disassemble furniture. Remove all pillows, cushions, decorating items. Then, using the necessary tools separate the back and sides of the sofa.

Dismantling with the removal of individual components in the form of pillows, sidewalls, poufs.
Dismantle the seat, detachable furniture from the base. Details needed for mounting, it is necessary to lay down in some capacity, they may need.

All fasteners are stacked together, so as not to lose them.
The next step - you need to disassemble the worn upholstery, using a staple remover or a flathead screwdriver. old the cloth you can leave - on it will be easier to carve out patterns. Remove dirt and dust collected inside. Old foam should be discarded and replaced.

The job requires a little care to avoid tearing the old skin and use it as a pattern for the patterns of parts of the new tissue.
Look, the condition of the spring unit and the frame. We carry out repairs if necessary. All joints strengthen, tighten the screws.

All screws should be securely tightened to strengthen the joints of parts, wood glue joints.
according to the old cloth carve out new patterns of selected material, leaving a seam allowance. Special needles fastening parts and grind on the sewing machine. If you can not sew, entrust the job to the dressmaker.

The quality of the new patterns largely depends on the result of the entire waist article.
Now you need to obtyanut sofa. Fasten new upholstery to every single detail, starting with the decorative elements, then the seat, sides, back. We hold the tension gently to avoid distortion, using the stapler.

Not to be mistaken with the amount of material it is recommended to buy with a small margin.

The fabric on the sofa detail stretched uniformly, to avoid distortions.
Four centimeters - this should be a gap between the brackets. The remaining material is used at their discretion. Attach the foam, and its remains will be useful for other furniture upholstery.

After graduating with a constriction, gathering design, return to the place of legs and other accessories.
How to sheathe the sofa with his hands?
The most significant item in this paper - the acquisition of the required number of cloth. As necessary, can be roughly calculated by folding the length and width of the sofa and multiply the resulting sum by two. For example, the sofa has a size of 2 x 1.8, then it is necessary to buy 7.6m tissue. To find out exactly picture the layout of the necessary elements, taking into account the longitudinal direction. Maximum care must calculate for the couch, because they have a complicated shape.

When choosing fabric, you should avoid synthetic and very coarse varieties.
It must be remembered that the material having a large picture or striped, must be cut out in one direction, respectively, fabric cost increase. It is important to take into account the seam allowance. You can not go wrong if you purchase upholstery the cloth with a margin of one meter. It is worth considering the fact that the need to change the filler. It is quite suitable as a compacted layer and foam padding polyester.

It is recommended instead of foam 50 mm thick sheet to use 2 to 20 mm, lay batt layer therebetween.
The structure of some pieces of furniture are allowed part, filled with a thick foam. This causes certain difficulties. To avoid this, the foam is wrapped in a thin padding polyester, is then attached and wrapped upholstery fabric.

A quality foam has in its structure a very fine pores. After compression arm he immediately straightens up and takes the old forms.
How to win a sofa with his hands correctly and avoid mistakes when sewing parts? It would be better if you are familiar with the master classes, watch the video and photo tutorials, read the information on the Internet.

This will contribute in the short term and carefully carry out the necessary work and collect details correctly.
The final stage - decoration
Sofa - the most important piece of furniture. In it, we are going as a family, relax after work, watch TV, sometimes just great lie, to close a cozy blanket. Its color palette is significant in the design of the room.

How to make the old sofa began to play with new colors?
For starters, you can change the zone around the furniture, for example, change the wallpaper paste or wallpapers. scenic prints will look original. They are decorated with pillows - choose any image and applied to the case. This is best done in the workshop.

You can yourself, using different colors of fabric, sew strips or squares, or to combine them.
The most ideal option - it is the replacement of the cover. You do not want to sew yourself, buy in the store. Who it is represented by a very large selection of different colors and patterns. They have different features, including water-repellent, and even those which transcend the sharp claws of your pets. Well, the easiest option - to cover the sofa blanket or two.

This will create a cozy atmosphere, adjusts to rest.
Flavor will give the sofa cushions with new covers other colors. Saturated colors better positioned in the center, neutral -predpochtitelnee the edges. If you like this style as eclectic, there safely engage all of your imagination - to combine incompatible. Cushions can be both square and round or triangular, large and small, different colors, different clothEven fur.

Color cushions can be chosen to match to the curtains, lampshades, chair.
Padding Furniture - an exciting experience, does not pose particular difficulties. The main thing - to do everything by the rules, and your home will be the original old furniture, which will serve for many years.
VIDEO: How to change the upholstery of the sofa with his hands.
Sofas in a modern interior - 50 photo-ideas: