Repair of the couch with his hands in the classic style
At home, wear is inevitable furniture. One solution could be the restoration of the sofa with his hands. In most cases, require the replacement of external elements independently of the type and quality of material. Fabric fade in the sun, wipe, foam rubber loses its elasticity and sags.

Hauling and repair of small corner sofa with his hands
Advantages of the restoration with their own hands:
- purchase of material is many times cheaper than new furniture;
- preservation of antiques;
- choice of colors and designs to your personal tastes and the interior of the room;
- independent choice of material for quality, environmental friendliness, cost;
- the possibility of taking into account the weaknesses of the old sofa, strengthening them.

Broken mechanism of addition of the sofa
In addition to the outer wear, internal breakdowns occur over time. Somewhere there is the creaking, foldout mechanism fails, the spring break.

Repair of the internal filling of the sofa - replacement of springs

Lubricates the creaking parts of a folding mechanism
A wooden base may crack, break. To the restoration of the old couch with his hands was a high-quality, you need to know the approximate structure and methods of repair.

Cracked bar - part of the base

Base bed, requiring replacement
- 1 restoration Methods
- 2 Materials and tools
- 3 The restoration process: step by step guide
- 4 The final stage - decoration
- 5 Video: repair the couch with the change of design. sofa restoration. timelapse
restoration Methods

Restoration of the Soviet sofa - new life for old furniture
Conventionally, the sofa can be divided into four parts. This wooden support and the array of chipboard, steel springs and unfolding mechanism, filler (Wadding or foam) and the padding (fabric, leather, leatherette), decorative items (wooden laths, buttons).

Process steps constriction soft sofa
There are several ways the restoration of the sofa with his hands, depending on the complexity:
- minor repair of upholstery and decoration;
- complete replacement of the upholstery (constriction);
- replacement upholstery and filler;
- replacement upholstery filler, repair mechanisms;
- complete renovation of all the details.

Repair of the spring mechanism, replacement of filler and soft percussion-couch couch
It is not necessary to take up the matter if it comes to antiques, or the old sofa sophisticated design elements. Work with the cranky materials such as leather, is also best left to professionals or to change the material to the fabric.

Transformation leather sofa after restoration specialists
Materials and tools

Tools and materials required for the repair of upholstered furniture
Restoration of the old sofa will take time. It is a creative process that requires desire, tools and good material. Everything you need for the repair of a standard sofa 180 * 90 indicated in the table. Purchase of filler and the fabric for upholstery to do better with the stock.
Name | appointment | amount |
tapestry, velor or suede | fabric for upholstery | 210 * 120 cm |
A simple one-color fabric | fastening cover | 210 * 120 cm |
custom furniture foam | filler | 200 * 110 cm |
Dense fabric, such as carpet | Protection of the spring assembly with two sides | 370 * 190 cm |

Materials and components for the repair of the sofa with his hands
May require the following tools:
- construction glue;
- stapler for furniture;
- durable Nylon thread and needle to it;
- spanner, pliers, screwdriver;
- jigsaws, in extreme cases, the usual drink (if you need replacing DSP).

A variety of tools for the repair of furniture
Fabric pre-cut into cover. Sew tight elements is difficult, so the production of the material can be ordered seamstress. Not to be mistaken with the size, use the old fabric as a pattern. When a cut is required to leave 5-10 cm, for mounting, take into account the height of the seat (backrest width).
The restoration process: step by step guide

Check the frame and the base of the sofa, make replacement in case of damage
Before you restore the couch with your hands, you need to check the status of the main frame. If you have cracked or sagging bars, they should be replaced. Array repair wood is rarely necessary, but often broken chipboard. Repair it is not necessary, here you need to replace a broken part.

Overtighten the lower base of the sofa as a template take old upholstery
back Repair, seat and armrests is slightly different, but in general, the restoration scheme of the different parts around one.

Replacing trim on the inside of the armrests, replace filler and sew a new cover
The first thing to make demolition work:
- remove the side armrests (typically bolts to make them on the inside, there may need hexagonal spanner or pliers);
- remove the seat and back with fasteners to the lower frame;
- remove the old upholstery, remove staples, too;
- carefully carry out the dismantling of old filler, to check the suitability of reuse;
- pull spring check their status, clean, lubricated, replaced wholly or partly, if necessary;
- check the status of DSP, change the sheets, if necessary.

We are replacing the outer portion of the armrests and connect the two pieces together
All the fine details of the analysis is better to combine in a single container, so as not to lose.

Fasten trim at the bottom, use a hammer and a stapler if required
In the second stage replacing old items. For fastening parts are best used and glue, and stapler. But you can do henchmen means if necessary. For example, instead of a stapler to use small studs:
- on both sides of the spring unit to lay a thick cloth, with each side edge to bend inward and sew nylon thread;
- spring pack frame to a wooden support, to fix the spring through the stapled tissue. If the tool is not present, you can make a bow-shaped brackets made of steel wire or thin nails, scoring the "hat" to the side;
- put a new, old or a suitable filler;
- pull the entire structure fastening web, in the manner of upholstery, fix it;
- put on a new cover, secured with glue and staples.

Now we turn back our Divna - has the job on the same principle
The final stage - decoration

Anchoring the outer part of the sofa, we decorate with beautiful legs and decorate buttons - get great new sofa
Restoration of the sofas with their hands an interesting exercise, as well as its decoration. You can just put a beautiful pillow, or make coach tie.

Karetnaya tie back to New Diana with his own hands
Typically, in such a way they decorate the back, leaving a solid seat. Elements ties are simple, you need to prepare the buttons, or metal studs. Cross diagonally can emphasize tape. To foam lying flat, it is necessary to replace the stage cut filler in small circles - places for future buttons. Then, obtyanut cloth and sew the selected elements. For tightening of buttons, you can use a stapler or strong thread, tightening them to the other side.

Repair of upholstered furniture with their hands
If the design has elements of wood, on the front part of the armrests can be glued shaped wooden array of color. Then all the parts of furniture going back. It is important to check all the fasteners, so that nothing is moved away during operation. That's all, the restoration of the old sofa finished!

Restoration of an old couch - photos before and after the constriction

Vintage sofa with wooden elements after restoration