Chair-bed with orthopedic mattress: universal furniture

versatile piece furniture - Chair-bed health-improving effect - useful for both adults and children alike. Benefit from it, along with ergonomics can be quite large, especially if you have back problems and difficulty falling asleep.

contemporary armchair bed

One of the popular types of convertible furniture is a chair-bed with orthopedic mattress.

modelIntended for the organization berthUsually acquire small rooms where one can hardly arrange of larger furniture. thanks orthopedic armchair beds not only performed for scoliosis and degenerative disc disease prevention, but also frees up space room.

Art Nouveau

The design represents a large seat, which if necessary can be easily transformed into a full bed, equipped with orthopedic mattress.


  • 1 Chair-bed with orthopedic mattress: what it is and how to work?
  • 2 Forms-bed seats with orthopedic mattress
  • 3 Advantages and disadvantages of chairs, beds with orthopedic mattress
  • 4 It corresponds to a chair-bed for daily use?
  • 5 How to choose a chair bed?
  • 6 The specifics of the choice of orthopedic mattress
  • 7 Care of orthopedic mattresses
  • 8 VIDEO: Armchair bed with orthopedic mattress.
  • 9 Chair-bed with orthopedic mattress - 50 photo-ideas:

Chair-bed with orthopedic mattress: what it is and how to work?

diverse model such specialties necessarily equipped orthopedic mattressWhich makes them a preventive measure for the proper position of the spine during sleep.

red chair bed

Orthopedic chair-bed is most often used in children's rooms, which can sleep an adult, as well as an option for "guest" sleeping place.

it product folding or withdrawable type, is no different from a conventional chair-beds except the coating and filling bed upholstery.Used equipment berth in small rooms, for example, children. The bedrooms saves space.

chair bed IKEA

To use such seats are not recommended adult daily.

model chairs endowed mechanism of transformation, characteristic folding and withdrawable furniture. to this product longer maintain their health-restoring properties, uses special materials and filler, do not lose a certain degree of elasticity for the entire period of operation.

chair bed in the interior

Often, chair-bed is used by people who live in one-bedroom apartments and studio apartments.

Forms-bed seats with orthopedic mattress

All modelThat are on the market can be divided into 4 types. It:

  • evroknizhka;
  • Click-clack;
  • Accordion;
  • withdrawable;
  • Cot;
  • Dolphin.
chair bed in the bag

Each product is characterized by its own type of transformation mechanism.

The most common type - "accordion." This is the most easy-to-manage model. Withdrawable bed has a number of options with an easy mechanism and medium complexity system. "Evroknizhka" - very compact sample chair, there may be decomposed rather widely (depending on the specific design).

chair bed white

Convertible design allows to turn a comfortable rest for the day in a comfortable chair bed.

In model "Click-clack" box immediately given to the original position with little effort. Chair cot fairly easy to deploy, but because of the shaky poles may be unstable and daily use quickly fails. "Dolphin" is compact in assembled form, but requires a lot of space for the bed. Thus, due to the increased number of parts is not very useful because of the slits.

chair bed unfolded

Due to the properties of orthopedic mattress sleep quality is not inferior to rest on the classic stationary berths.

There are other types of seats that are gaining popularity. In like "Smile" samples are often found too thin mattresses, so they are not always suitable for children or adults. In addition, these models usually do not happen armrests.

chair bed with a print

Modern model-bed seats will be able to decorate and diversify the interior of any home.

For increase berth in other models, the armrests can not be provided. On the one hand, it increases the space for sleeping, the other - could be the cause of a fall from the bed. Or that product has a base upholstered, in which the manufacturer is seeking a certain degree of elasticity.

armchair bed blue

Equipped with an orthopedic mattress, chair bed becomes good preventive agent for various disorders of the spinal column.

prosthetic options furniture are selected on the basis of floor space, the parameters of the human (weight, height), as well as his age.

Advantages and disadvantages of chairs, beds with orthopedic mattress

Folding or withdrawable product conveniently orthopedic mattress useful in any home. Today, back problems has 2/3 of the population, so a special coating berth true for many.

bed beige chair

When buying a chair-bed, note that in the unfolded form, it takes a lot of space, so the plan is necessary to think in advance.

pros orthopedic model:

  • Convenience during sleep;
  • Promoting the correct position of the spinal column and neck.
armchair baby bed

Available in both adult and child models, differing in size and height.

Experts recommend purchasing such a furniture for the child until they reach 10-12 years. It dictated by the fact that up to a certain age musculoskeletal system is not very well formed, and should be preferred over a soft base for the early years.

armchair baby bed

In addition, the product at the expense of compactness takes up little space in the room.

The disadvantages include the impossibility of seats during the holiday travel without danger of falling. Therefore, for children to acquire better product with armrests, which are restricted during sleep.

lilac armchair bed

Do not buy a child Rollaway bed with a complex mechanism of transformation - it may not have enough strength in order to expand it into the desired position, or roll back.

Option for adults may be any of those listed.

It corresponds to a chair-bed for daily use?

Sometimes those who want to buy a chair-bed, not sure, and if appropriate modelequipped with orthopedic mattressFor continuous operation. Given that berth It is not always sufficient for the free position of the body, we can talk about an irregular rest on such a bed, even with good back support.

chair bed in the interior

this product not suitable for people with a great physique - they will not unfold as standard model have a width of 60 cm. When furniture provides orthopedic and pillows, it is ideal prophylactic bed.

bed beige chair

Violations of the spine may be specific, in this case, the orthopedic chair bed should be chosen only after consulting your doctor.

How to choose a chair bed?

If you are going to buy a specialized withdrawable or folding product, We recommend you to consult an expert. He will tell you what model They are more suitable for certain disorders of the spine.

chair bed gray

If this is a slight curve, or you just want to take a passive prevention, choose the standard chair with orthopedic mattress.

For the child, fit specially made model with low pillars, with quality safety materials, always with side limiters and easy to drive the transformation of the system. Well, if such a furniture It will be a section for clothes - it will solve the problem, and with the extra pieces of furniture. Child seats are smaller and have their own standards of orthopedic coverage.

chair bed for children

Here increasingly found no spring, and foam rubber base for bed.

Adults samples are selected based on how the model is compact, durable and meets the standards for the manufacture of specialized products. The goods must have a certificate.

chair bed peach

The documents thereto shall indicate the name of the materials and how to care for them.

It is not recommended to choose a chair-bed width of a standard - all the convenience of orthopedic coverage will be reduced to naught narrow bed. The usual material for this type of mattresses - polyurethane or spring (standard), as well as coconut coir, at least - a dense foam and other softer base (do not meet the standards). If you need to has an extra air circulation, it is best to choose a chair with slats.

folding chair bed photo

The design of the chair should be stable and durable as any misalignment will affect the position of the mattress, and means - and on the spine.

The specifics of the choice of orthopedic mattress

It so happens that the construction itself is ideal, and the mattress is not suitable due to the individual characteristics of a spine pain. Therefore, the recommendation of a doctor in this case - is a must. folding product It should be moderately soft. In the store you need to check the quality of the coating, lie down on it, turning from time to time. A good supplement will be a special pillow, cushion for the neck area.

chair bed pillow cushion

But it is better to use not always, only when discomfort arises as a result of hard work, such as a computer.

Chair-beds orthopedic mattress should ideally be tailored along the seams, to avoid awkward mounds, preventing sleep. Smooth coating, a moderate softness contribute to good rest for the back and do not allow the spine to bend properly. When choosing a mattress is guided by its polyurethane or latex-based, with a strong insertion cover.

armchair bed with orthopedic mattress

The spring complex also makes it resilient enough to support your back during the night's rest.

The mattress should be high - not less than 8 cm, otherwise its medicinal properties are not sufficiently useful. The chosen chair should have a long-term guarantee. During this period, the mattress does not lose its workability, since the material is tested according to state standards and meets all requirements.

chair bed gray

Mattress with a basis combines beautifully maintained properties and affordable price.

Chair with orthopedic mattresses cost more than normal, so it is necessary to allocate more funds for purchase. Option, saving the budget, - the acquisition of specialized foundations separate from the traditional chair. Before buying, check the reliability of joints and how well they are treated.

chair bed yellow

When choosing a mattress should choose a removable structure, to be able to better clean it.

Care of orthopedic mattresses

Special coatings, fixed or removable, must be continuously cleaned. Caring for them is a periodic cleaning with a slightly damp cloth. Removable items every six months is recommended to punch out and ventilate, to put in the sun to ultraviolet light in a natural way to disinfect a surface. Spring mattresses are not recommended to clean a variety of aggressive compounds - it can cause corrosion of the metal.

chair bed from IKEA

Polyurethane and latex mattresses are more resistant to cleaning agents, but do not get too carried away by this. Suffice it to dust.

VIDEO: Armchair bed with orthopedic mattress.

Chair-bed with orthopedic mattress - 50 photo-ideas:

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