How to make the mattress with his hands or reconstruct old

To increase efficiency, general state of health the body needs quality rest. The most important aspect of a good holiday is a healthy sleep. That will help to improve the quality of sleep? First of all, comfortable bed.

A comfortable mattress for a perfect sleep

Comfortable mattress gives a good night's sleep and good health. Therefore it is necessary to pay special attention to your mattress.

Properly chosen mattress will provide a sound sleep. Manufacturers offer a wide selection of all kinds of materials with different fillings. Models range from the budget segment to premium. To take account of all individual needs, will have to pay a large sum.

Mattresses from the manufacturer are expensive

Find a comfortable, high-quality mattress at a reasonable price can be difficult. Sometimes it is easier to make the mattress with his hands.

If the amount is too high for you, there is a solution - make the mattress with his hands. This solution will save, create for themselves an ideal sleeping place, thus ensuring a healthy, sound sleep.

Mattress with his hands instead of purchased

Mattress made with their own hands, can be no worse than analogue from producer.

There are several types of mattresses that really make your own. These include:

  • foam;
  • orthopedic;
  • of pillows.
Mattresses by their own hands

With their hands, you can create any mattress to your taste: even out of the ordinary foam, though from pillows.

If you have an old worn-out mattress - just be engaged in its reconstruction, it is even cheaper!

Reconstruction of the old mattress with a cover

Old mattress can easily be turned into a new - one has only to qualitatively repair it and replace the cover!


  • 1 How to make a mattress of foam own hands
  • 2 How to make a mattress with orthopedic properties
  • 3 Mattress pads with their hands
  • 4 How to reconstruct stationary mattress with his hands
  • 5 sewing cases
  • 6 How to reduce the mattress at home
  • 7 conclusion
  • 8 Video: Mattress "Do It Yourself" - the hands of the so-mattress

How to make a mattress of foam own hands

Foam (polyurethane foam, polyurethane foam) is perfect as a filler, characterized cheapness and durability. There are many varieties of foam. They differ in their qualitative characteristics: density, elasticity, rigidity.

How to choose a foam mattress

The easiest way to make a mattress of foam rubber. It is possible to choose the material of any suitable thickness.

The filler is ideal for soft, elastic foam that can quickly recover its original shape after use. The quality of foam is determined by its density. The filler should have a density in the range of 25 to 40 kg / m3. For manufacturing the carcass requires a higher density foam.

Foam mattress with his hands on the instructions

Foam mattress - the most simple and easy to manufacture. To make it, you do not need any special knowledge.

In the selection of foam is necessary to consider labeling the product, choose the product with the notation EL (high rigidity, load up to 100 kg inclusive, low price; the service life of 5 years), the HR or VE (highly breathable, elastic, soft enough, the service life of 10 years).

Foam mattress with different densities

It is important to choose the right thickness and density of the foam mattress for the future, as well as pay attention to the markings.

Before you immediately get to work, keep in mind that the mattress you need permanent use as a spring assembly for portable - only foam.

To make foam mattress with your hands, you will need:

  • glue - a special need for gluing foam (not recommended to save on adhesive composition, cheaper brands may be harmful to health);
  • dense foam - the basis of the framework inside which the soft foam (EL, HR and VE);
  • fabric for sewing of the cover.

To make it, fit a standard set of tools: a tape measure, ruler (for measuring), knife, scissors. Case quickest way to make a sewing machine, but you can do with a needle and thread in its absence.

Instructions on how to make a mattress of foam

Prepare the necessary tools to make their own hands a mattress of foam rubber.

To understand how to make the mattress with your hands, use the step by step directions.

  1. Decide on the size.
  2. Assemble the frame. His goal - giving the product the desired shape. Use of high density polyurethane (average width of 7-8 cm). Cut bars the right size, place them on a flat surface, plentifully grease with special glue in places of connections.
  3. In the ready position the frame filler (use of foam rubber sheet piece of 15 cm in thickness), pre-cut piece of suitable size. If it can not find thick polyurethane foam, take the thin sheets (<5 cm) and glue them together.

How to make a mattress with orthopedic properties

In order to maintain the tone of the musculoskeletal system needs an orthopedic mattress. The decision to make an ordinary foam pillow add multiple actions at laying filler.

Orthopedic mattress with his hands

Pillow Top Mattress, you too can make your own hands. This will require different layers of filler.

In the inner part of the finished frame is placed alternately layers of foam and other materials to make better use of struttofayber or Coir (Controlled by the rigidity of the product, the lower layer - the softer), the layers must be carefully connected using adhesive, spread it on surface.

Another way - to use foam instead of spring units to increase the strength, but it is more time-consuming and expensive.

Mattress with springs with their hands

A more sophisticated variant - to make their own hands with a mattress spring units. It will require more time and cost.

Mattress pads with their hands

The fastest, easiest way to create a budget, and bed - mattress cushion. Ideal for children to play, mobile and compact, you can put on the floor, used as a chair or a comfortable bedding.

Mattress pads with their hands

Mattress pads - great for decorating a child's room. Make such mattresses are simple.

Necessary materials:

  • Several pillows (number, size, choose at their own discretion);
  • Cloth or pillowcases;
  • Scissors;
  • Needle and thread (sewing machine).
How to sew mattress pads

On the creation of the mattress pads leaves very little time. We just need to find a suitable material and prepare a few cushions of the same size.

Creating products is carried out in two ways:

  1. Lay out the required number of pads in a row, measure the total length. The resulting number, multiply by 2.2 (cushion completely fit into the fabric). Fold the fabric in half the cut, Stitch (sew) departments for pillows. Place the pillows in the finished sections, and then sew the edges (to cushion falling out), the excess tissue cut.
  2. Take pillowcases, locate them so that the holes are on the one hand, sew together, then put into bags (if desired pillowcases holes can be sewn).
How to make a pad mattress

Pillow mattresses not only fit perfectly into the interior, but also suitable for compact storage in the closet.

How to reconstruct stationary mattress with his hands

Over time, any thing loses their original properties, wear out. The dents appear mattresses, spring burst, torn sheath.

Restoration of the mattress alone

What to do with the worn out mattress if to throw it a pity? You can give professionals or repair it yourself.

To get rid of these problems can be buying a new one (which is quite expensive), or remodel the old one.

Reconstruction of the old mattress

Even the mattress with springs can be restored without assistance, although this activity is rather time-consuming

You will need:

  • Filler.
  • The cloth.
  • Thread the needle.
  • Scissors, a knife.
  • If required the rack, springs, cords.
  • Hammer large nails, stapler, staples.
Repair Instructions mattress

Prepare the necessary tools for the reconstruction of the mattress and use instructions.

What happens next depends on the degree of deterioration.

  1. Lightweight. Opening the upholstery, springs vote integrity. Some of them replace another pull string. Replace the filler (if desired - Case).
  2. Labour intensive. It needs an independent spring block size. Lay blocks vertically, paying attention to the level of springs (should be the same). The lower part of the fix on the same size rack. hammer nails (stick spring level rows) at the end face bed.
Repair spring mattress with his hands

With spring mattress have to tinker a lot longer. But these mattresses can also be repaired by yourself.

When finished, durable spring tie twine. Start with a transverse row, continue along and finish provyazkoy diagonally. Cover the top of dense tissue, it - the desired filler (padding polyester, polyurethane foam, etc..). The last stage - upholstery, fix a stapler for furniture.

How to restore your own mattress

Follow the simple instructions and you'll be able to easily repair a mattress without the experts!

sewing cases

A mandatory attribute of any mattress is the case. Sewing mattress cover did not take long, the technology is simple and straightforward.

Cover the mattress with his hands

Sew a mattress pad with your hands is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Choose the right material, and simply follow the instructions.

Materials for the work:

  • Any dense fabric.
  • Rubber.
  • Secure pin (English).
  • Tape measure, a pencil, a ruler.
  • Sewing machine.

Measure the length and width of the mattress, the height of the rim. You can draw a pattern on a piece of paper. for cover material should completely cover the top and side faces. Do not forget to postpone by 15 cm on each side.

Instructions on how to sew mattress

Carefully measure the mattress, not forgetting the need to retreat and the height of the mattress. This will depend on how well the bag will sit on the mattress.

Place the fabric on the mattress, neatly wrapped corners, attach a safety pin. Carefully remove the fabric, sew the corners on a typewriter. On the underside of the tuck pending fabric prostrochite hem (sufficient width for threading gum). The suture thread gum. Case ready.

How to sew mattress

Sewing cover on the mattress requires a little time, and a mattress pad looks no worse than the store!

How to reduce the mattress at home

In some cases, you may need to rework the mattress, for example, its size can not come to bed, it may be too high.

How to reduce foam mattress

When the old foam mattress is not the right size for a new bed, it is easiest to trim

If the product is not spring, the task is very simple - cut seams and remove unnecessary filler material. Work is carried out as carefully as possible. After removing excess sew seams.

How to reduce your own mattress

Reduce the size of the mattress you will easily be able to own. The main thing - then carefully sew the product.

If the springs are present, to reduce the height would have to remove the excess box spring.


Creating a mattress with his hands - quite a simple activity, like for manual labor lovers. All required materials are widely available, inexpensive, and manufacturing technology is not difficult.

Homemade Foam Mattress

Having at hand step by step instructions, you can make your own mattress of any complexity and for any budget.

As a result, you get the "ideal" bed, fully meets your requirements and wishes, save money, provide yourself with a healthy, sound sleep.

Video: Mattress "Do It Yourself" - the hands of the so-mattress