I can not imagine our home without a mirror. It is in almost every room. We do not pay attention to how it is fixed until there is a need to hang it on their own after the repair, or for some other place. Here is where the difficulties arise because the walls are not the same everywhere, and the mass of the mirror is always different. It is very difficult to be the work, when you mount the mirror in the bathroom, as well as on a plaster wall.

Can not imagine our home without a mirror
- 1 What are Wall construction
- 2 Sticking or drill?
- 3 Necessary materials
- 4 Required tools
- 5 The final stage - decoration
- 6 VIDEO: How to hang a mirror
- 7 50 photo ideas how to hang a mirror in the bathroom
What are Wall construction
If your intention is to repair the bathroom, you must first decide what you will decorate the walls. Today, there are a wide variety of finishing materials. Of course, you need to remember about such qualities as the quality factor, hygiene, resistance to moisture, basic care, as well as resistance to various cleaning agents and temperature extremes.

Here is where the difficulties arise because the walls are not the same everywhere, and the mass of the mirror is always different.

The main thing that you create a cozy and unique interior in the bathroom.
What materials can be used as a decoration
Material | application |
Ceramic tiles | The most common material. This finish can be seen almost in every bathroom. Rich colors, variety of sizes, moisture resistance and reliability. Even if one tile is deformed, it can be replaced easily. The material has a smooth surface, so dirt washed off easily enough. |
Mosaic | It has almost the same properties as the tile. It has the most diverse and interesting shape, a variety of textures and colors. Only one drawback - a considerable price equivalent. |
Painting | The most accessible and cost-effective option. Paint, of course, must be water-resistant. |
finishing stucco | It will create a unique interior, ease of use. |
Wallpaper | Most people never would have agreed to trim the walls in the bathroom wallpaper. Of course, not all wallpaper are suitable here, only water-resistant. Of the positive aspects of this type of finish is possible to note a unique interior, a large choice of colors, the lowest cash cost and time savings. Them at any time you can change to a different material. It is best to use a glass fiber, liquid wallpaper, in addition, suitable acrylic and vinyl. |
gypsum plasterboard | Not a very popular option, but great help to hide irregularities. With GCR you can re-create a new decoration in the bathroom. The advantages include low cost, low weight, excellent heat and sound insulation. It is necessary to use a water-resistant gypsum board - it is usually green. |
plastic panel | They are also used for decoration in the bathroom. They have several advantages: low price, variety of choices, easy to install, they can be used to mask tube and communication are quite a long time, can withstand temperature changes, moisture-proof, easy for them care. |
natural stone | Very expensive, very safe material. Its structure allows the walls to "breathe." Of the minuses can mention its large mass. For him to look carefully, it has a low degree of resistance to agents containing acid. |
artificial stones | Different from the natural advantages: a large selection of material, different colors, size and texture, reliability, ease of maintenance and installation. Is not subject to mechanical stress and the appearance of mold and mildew, hygienic, many times more economical than natural stone. |
Self-adhesive film | The cheapest and the original version. A variety of colors, it is easy to put on the wall, do not miss the water, just to look. |

decorating methods may be different.
Attention! Whichever option you choose, remember that the material met all the necessary requirements for bathrooms.
Sticking or drill?
How to hang a mirror in the bathroom? To date, there are several ways to mount the mirror coating on the wall. Any one of them has its advantages and any deficiencies.

The adhesive should be used for greater reliability.
On the tape glue only small mirrors, covering an area of one square meter at the most. This mounting system is very unreliable - the mirror after some time may fall. But the most simple. Cope with it absolutely anyone.

On the wall to mark the best water marker.
If mounted on a special adhesive, the mirror will be very firmly attached. But when you want to remove it, then this would be extremely problematic. Need to use adhesive for bonding of mirrors, for example, polyurethane «Soudal», Silicone, Hybrid - for all kinds of mirrors. A very careful approach to the choice of glue, as little use could spoil the amalgam.

If your intention is to repair the bathroom, you must first decide what you will decorate the walls.
Using the screws and special fasteners, in the future, if your intention is to make repairs, or simply outweigh, change the mirror, it would be easy enough to remove and hang back. Time-consuming aspect of this embodiment, mounting holes will be drilled in the mirror and the wall.

Apply the tape must be waterproof, capable of withstanding high humidity and temperature fluctuations.
Which option to select - it's up to you.

Today, there are a wide variety of finishing materials.
Necessary materials
Of materials for the work we need: a mirror, "liquid nails" glue for fixing the tiles, mirrors, degreasing agent for the treatment of tiles, U-shaped galvanized profile, moisture resistant plasterboard (if decided to mount the mirror surface on the GCR), screws, screws, dowels, adjustable mount for a mirror, rubber gaskets, Scotch.

To date, there are several ways to mount the mirror coating on the wall.
Required tools
Of the tools you will need: a drill or a hammer, a screwdriver or a screwdriver, parts mortgage, construction level diamond drill, a drill in concrete, for fixing the mirror device - clamp, hammer, emery paper.

On the tape glue only small mirrors, covering an area of one square meter at the most.
The first method: the use of adhesive
Let's look at some options for how to hang a mirror in the bathroom. To cope with this work, you must have a certain skill. Such a case is to approach responsibly. First you need to choose the right place to have enough light, the mirror should hang at a certain distance from the floor.

Needed U-shaped profile and moisture resistant galvanized plasterboard.
This option would lower costs. It is enough to thoroughly attached to the plane. Today in the shops sold a lot of different adhesives. Choose the glue should be thoroughly that it is right for the job. Before use, read the instructions.

If mounted on a special adhesive, the mirror will be very firmly attached.
The adhesive applied to the back side of the mirror strips, arranged parallel to each other through the same distance. Tile before work is processed degreaser. The mirror is pressed against the wall, fix until dry. This method is suitable for small mirrors.

For more "prominent" size is necessary to apply an auxiliary mount, for example, "liquid nails" and drywall.
For more "prominent" size is necessary to apply an auxiliary mount, for example, "liquid nails" and drywall. Needed U-shaped profile and moisture resistant galvanized plasterboard. He is usually green. The first thing you want to attach to the wall profile at four dowels. Carefully drill the tile with a diamond drill. Then, the sheet of plasterboard to fasten screws, more than them, the stronger will be the structure. Apply the "liquid nails" to mirror and sticking to the GCR.

A very careful approach to the choice of glue, as little use could spoil the amalgam.
The second method: using double-sided tape
This method does not take much time. Apply the tape must be waterproof, capable of withstanding high humidity and temperature fluctuations. As in the first method, wash and clean the tiles with a degreasing agent, and also clean the back side of the mirror, give dry. On the wall to mark the best water marker. On the mirror surface through glue tape uniform distance, causing the strips parallel to each other. With adhesive tape to remove the protective cover and fix on the wall. The adhesive should be used for greater reliability.

Using the screws and special fasteners, in the future, if your intention is to make repairs, or simply outweigh, change the mirror, it would be easy enough to remove and hang back.
The third way: the use of hardware or other fasteners
This method is used when the design already has holes. Now we prepare them in the wall, insert the dowels and fasten the screws. To avoid distortion mirrors need rubber gaskets. They have both sides of the glass. In order not to accumulate moisture between the wall and the mirror is necessary to put a rubber or plastic.

The method is suitable for small mirrors.
If you purchased the mirror, but did not include an attachment, it can buy in a shop. This metal braces, they are fixed to the wall and hang the mirror on them.

Which option to select - it's up to you.
Typically, the mirror coating is sold ready without holes. Then they need to drill their own. To do this, use a drill specifically designed for tile and glass. In conventional drilling drills surface may crack. The first step is scheduled to place with a glass cutter. Then, the clay are building a side, around the anchoring site of the future opening to pour water, cooled to a plane at the time of drilling.

Tile before work is processed degreaser.
Work begins diamond drill. Speed should be the smallest, to avoid overheating, and do not need to press on the mirror plane. The finished handle opening with shallow grit sandpaper. Then, make a hole in the wall, fasten fasteners and hang the mirror.

The mirror is pressed against the wall, fix until dry.
This method, perhaps, time-consuming, but will stay thoroughly. If you want to change the mirror, there will not arise any difficulty, it is necessary to unscrew the screws and remove the mirror.

To cope with this work, you must have a certain skill.
The final stage - decoration
Bathroom - the place where we wash ourselves every morning to brush up, erase. A place that performs certain functions that have to be attractive. To date, designers have come up with various elements of the decor, but it is especially fashionable decoration, made independently. All the beauty can be improvised. This can save the budget. Only need to remember that the decorations were water-resistant.

First you need to choose the right place to have enough light, the mirror should hang at a certain distance from the floor.
Decorating - work is quite time-consuming. From you will need patience, concentration, diligence. When you are finished, you will become the owner of the original interior.

Today in the shops sold a lot of different adhesives.
If you have a mirror without a frame, it can buy or make your own hands. It may be circular, rectangular, square or any unusual shape. Decorate it can be different - paint, covered with water-resistant cloth, put beads, glass beads, shells or other materials, even pasta. Upon completion of all the work surface should be covered with varnish - it will protect from moisture. Attach decorative elements can be as "liquid nails" and any water-resistant glue.

Before use, read the instructions.
decorating methods may be different. To do this, you can use a cloth to apply decoupage, perform painting, lay the mosaic. What are you going to decorate - it's up to you. The main thing that you create a cozy and unique interior in the bathroom.

The adhesive applied to the back side of the mirror strips, arranged parallel to each other through the same distance.
VIDEO: How to hang a mirror
50 photo ideas how to hang a mirror in the bathroom