How to drill a hole in the mirror at home

There are times when you need to outweigh an old mirror or hang new. To do this, make a hole in it. It must be done so that it is not cracked, not exhausted, in one word, it remains intact.


In some cases it is necessary to make a hole in the mirror to hang it on the wall or for other purposes.

In essence, the mirror - the same thing that glassOnly one side coated special composition. To the house to make a hole in it, the master used the same methods, if they have worked with glass.

drilled glass

This material is very fragile, so you must be very careful and attentive, so as not to damage when drilling the mirror at home.

Of course, at home such drilling is performed infrequently. But if the need arises, most people come to the confusion and do not know how to properly do it, because the material is quite fragile.

mirror drilling

In fact, the mirror - this glass, which is coated on one side with a special compound.

In fact, everything is quite primitive, handle any master. It is necessary to follow the rules and carefully carry out the work.


Therefore, to make a hole in it, you can use the same techniques as when working with glass.

Mirror in the hallway

Glass (as indeed, the mirror) is very fragile material, so drilling skills on concrete or metal are not applicable.


  • 1 A method of drilling holes in the glass and tile mounting
  • 2 Materials and tools
  • 3 The drilling process: step by step guide
  • 4 VIDEO: Boring holes in the mirror.
  • 5 The mirrors in the interior - 50 photo-ideas:

A method of drilling holes in the glass and tile mounting

Let's see what the drill is necessary for the procedure. Tools designed for wood or metal, will not work, glass may burst. To drill or mirror glassThere are special drills.


One of them has an arrow shape and a special coating that does not break, and slowly scraping layers of material.

Drill mirror

If drilling glass or mirrors used drill down, the first at a very low speed at the center of future openings make small indentation and stop.

Round, too, can make holes, but will need a special machine. Drill brass has a diamond coating. Using it, you must be cooled glass turpentine or water. Tubular drill is pretty simple drill mirror, glass, Tile. On its edges containing diamond deposition. It is used in cases when you need a big hole, also need cooling.

drill for glass

According to the drill with proper treatment, you can drill up to 100 linear mm.

bit for drilling glass

Core drills are inexpensive, sold in any hardware store, besides they have a wide range of diameters.

There are some equally effective techniques that will help to make holes in the glass or mirror;

  • As vinegar to dissolve alum, aluminum or a mixture of camphor and turpentine.
drilled glass

This mixture to process the material and can be drilled.

  • The drill can replace copper wire. At the place where the hole will be, put the weight of the powder emery, camphor and turpentine. The powder is better to take coarse.
drilling copper wire

Glass is not difficult to drill a piece of copper wire with a drill or mounted on a lathe.

  • Steklorezom you make significant armhole or specific type of hole.

Marking up a marker and work gently, without too much pressure.

opening glass cutter

Pointed edge trimmed with a file or sandpaper under running water.

If you use a drill, you need this, which has high-speed modes can be adjusted. This condition is necessary because piercing held at low speeds.

mirror drilling

Remember that the drill tempered glass in any case it is impossible, it is bound to burst.

drilling holes

Tempered glass is processed edges, small defects, dents on the surface of the remaining trees in the oven.

If you are not satisfied with the above methods using conventional sand. The surface is degreased with petrol. Right place sprinkled with wet sand and doing a funnel in it. The resulting hole is poured tin or lead, but first they must be heated. After some time, the sand can be removed and remove the frozen mass.

hole in the mirror

The glass appears rovnenkoe through hole.

Materials and tools

Before you get started, you need to prepare all that you may need. Materials need turpentine, clay, acetone or benzene. From the Tools Prepare drill, screwdriver can, drill with diamond coating, gloves and eye protection.

drill for glass

Drills for glass with a diamond coating.

drill points

Drill and goggles.

The drilling process: step by step guide

It is important to remember that tempered glass or reinforced better attributed to the workshop. not recommended for those working in the home!

drilling on the machine

As a diamond drill and glass are afraid of overheating itself, so from time to time necessary to cool water drilling location.

drilled glass

No need to pour a lot, enough that there was a puddle on the surface of the material, which covers the future opening.

You can work on a piece of glassThat you do not need. Before you start to drill, put on protective equipment. The first step is preparing a material - treat the surface with alcohol, acetone or turpentine. We give dry thoroughly. Put a mirror or glass a wooden flat surface. Select a location, make a layout, draw a square, pour a little turpentine - this procedure helps to avoid the appearance of cracks.

glass drilling

At work do not press hard on the instrument, keep the average speed, and every few seconds, lift the drill to the water cooled and moistened edge of the hole and the drill itself.

Not allowed pressure on the drill, let you think that it is idle. When drilling save pause 5-10 seconds. At such moments, the cooling surface - enough water watering. Make this a must!

photo glass drilling

Can of putty or plasticine ring blind, fasten around the hole and pour water.

for the literate drilling hold the tool vertically to form a right angle. The drill does not slip, if you take a piece of wood or plastic, have done it in the hole and attach to the surface. At the final stage of the mirror to rotate and complete the drilling from the other side - will not crack.

mirror drilling

The interval from the edge to the hole should be equal to 2-2.5 cm.

Then treat the hole sandpaper to avoid cuts. This description is suitable for drilling ceramic tiles.

hole in the glass

Drill a mirror at home can practically everyone, but it is likely that it will crack during operation.

tile drilling

In one hand should be held drill, and in another - heavily dampened cloth. Once drilled hole, immediately wet the wall.

seen from the instructions that drill mirror or glass in the home can any man. But if you do not believe in themselves and overcome doubts about you, then it is better to turn to professionals.

VIDEO: Boring holes in the mirror.

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