In every house there furnitureOf critical importance in the interior premises. Wherever she was, whatever was - a wardrobe, a chair, a table, a couch, she stands in front of everybody. Besides the main purpose in furniture It should be a pleasant view, and it can serve as a decoration of the room.

Metamorphosis in white - a great way to extend the life of old subjects of an interior.
Unfortunately, there is no way to favorite subject furniture long he remained so, as if he was brought out of the store. When the time any thing lost their attraction, is aging. Must be regularly repaired and reconstructed furniture. Wardrobe made of chipboard turned into junk, it can not become an excuse to take the dump. It can be easily updated, should only paint. With good care old furniture It will last for many, many years, because it is much stronger than modern.

And the budget will not be affected, since spending will be minor, if you were buying a new wardrobe.
- 1 How to choose the right paint
- 2 Materials and tools
- 3 mend
- 4 Create a rough surface
- 5 Remove grease and dirt
- 6 Primer - the protagonist
- 7 paint application technology and varnish on the furniture
- 8 How to paint artistic wardrobe and make a gradation of colors
- 9 VIDEO: Give new life to the old cupboard.
- 10 Options for updating old cabinets - 50 photo-ideas:
How to choose the right paint
Whoever I decided to paint furniture on their own, probably wondered how to do it. Objects of the interior made of chipboard, absorb less moisture than wood. That they dried up, it will take a long time.

On the DSP will need fewer coats than wood.
So what color the cabinet? What kind of paint to use? The best option is to use an alkyd or acrylic water-based paints. It has many advantages - has a juicy shade, odorless, which is important when you are working indoors, easily diluted with water. Its easy enough to wash away, to correct inaccuracies in the painting. Work with it - a pleasure. Once the paint is dry, it will become stronger. Keep this in mind when you apply layers. Also suitable conventional paint on wood or aerosol.

There is a wide variety of acrylic paint with the effect of "metallic" or mother of pearl.
To make a thorough painting, use paints. They give furniture aged effect. It will look great. Plane be painted in several layers, previously allowed to dry each layer. It is not only their property.

Lucky help fix the color and protect from minor defects.
You can paint the cabinet in different colors, such as light base and colorful details. For the desired color in the white paint, add tone. When making a child's room, use all fiction. Determine what shade is needed, apply the paint on a small plot furnitureSo you'll see the color of the paint is required, what will be its brightness.

Each manufacturer produces for its appropriate primer paint, and use the best precisely this ground.
Materials and tools
Before you start painting, you need to stock the necessary materials: Construction scotch tape; napkins or rags, or sponges; sandpaper different grits to remove the old paint layer; means for degreasing; primer; putty (quite suitable car); solvent or mineral spirits - will remove remnants of the old paint; glue; paint; lacquer; gloves, painting is better to take the rubber.

Materials and tools for the job.
Of the tools you will need: carpenter's office and knives; hair dryer building to dry the painted surface; flat brush - on the brush better not to save, buy quality, not to remain on the surface of the villi; roller; putty knife; screwdriver; hammer; nails; drill.

With the need to remove furniture fittings, remove shelves, lift the door. Then get to work.
Cracks on subjects furniture of chipboard is usually facilitates the ingress of moisture, as they are formed due to exposure to heat or frequent opening and closing of doors without them sticking, slamming doors. You are free to remove the defect, without resorting to outside help.

To work required a syringe with a needle clamp, PVA glue.
Fill the syringe with white glue, put on igloo. The entire span of the cracks fill with adhesive. We attach clamp on the plane on the side where there was a crack, and tightens. Remove the excess glue with a napkin. We leave for a day or two. After time we continue restoration work.

Get rid of the cracks, you can use putty.
Apply the mixture on the spatula plane in two layers. The first layer equally distribute evenly on the surface. Send, when dry, causes the second layer of putty, also give dry.
Create a rough surface
Before painting, you must remove the old paint. Shall we do with the help of sandpaperPre-wiping the surface with a cloth or sponge. Sanded wide circular movements. first clean sandpaper large grain. Work is carried out thoroughly cleaned to remove old coating. Take care not to erase the veneer layer.

Following the procedure flat brush to remove dust from dust cloths completely deleted, and can be hammered into the surface or slits. This may affect the paint.
Re-Clean, but sandpaper fine grain. Remove the dust in the same manner. Upon completion of this phase of the restoration is necessary to conduct a thorough cleaning of the room.

It is necessary to further any dirt on the surface to be painted.
Remove grease and dirt
Furniture made of particle board before painting must be cleaned of dirt and grease. For this procedure, use the means that dissolve fat.

Wash with a sponge or soft cloth, rinse, let dry, wipe with a cloth.
Primer - the protagonist
Primer - an important part in the process of restoration of furniture, with its help, you will generate high-quality cabinet painting. It will also contribute to the rapid drying of the paint, as does not allow moisture to soak into the surface. A positive aspect is the fact that after the primer paint color saturation will remain the same as when painting.

If you choose to color acrylic paint, the primer and must be taken on the basis of acrylic.
Staining will be of very good quality, because the material elements of the painting are perfectly combined with each other. Before priming is important to read the instruction manual, learn how long it takes to dry the primer, since only need to paint, dry surface.

Apply its roll a very thin layer, leaving the time specified in the memo.
paint application technology and varnish on the furniture
After the above preparations proceed directly to paint. Should be several layers, so the plane of the structure will not be visible. First paint to a tone lighter than the selected color.

Paint from time to time need to be diluted with water, otherwise it can thicken.
Then we are working the main color, leading a brush in one direction, so the paint falls evenly.

The number of layers is determined visually, to achieve the desired effect.
If you are painting multiple colors, use masking tape on the edges, so that colors are not mixed. You need some time to dry completely furnished - about 2-3 days. After the cover surface of a transparent varnish, it protects it from external influences.

When the work is done, collect the cabinet elements.
Apply paint or varnish is necessary not only for beauty, but also to prevent the release of hazardous substances, such as formaldehyde. If the home and children is very important for you to finishing materials are odorless, use acrylic water-based paints.

After staining your furniture will not only change the appearance, she will be a highlight of the interior.
Another viable option - NC lacquer. Instantly dry, dusty plaque on it is not noticeable. To put it better in two layers. If you already have on certain furniture coatingIdeally be applied oil varnish PF-283.

Lining will be strong and of good, it will stay a very long time.
You want to coating it was with a touch, use alkyd paint with toning, especially because the color palette is varied. To make the use of gloss Yachting lacquer furniture will look just perfect.

A good tool for protection and decorative surface finishing of wood is Yachting varnish.
Of course, work on the preparation of furniture for painting time consuming. If you ignore them, the desired effect may not be as well coatingApplied to the furniture, to quickly fall off. all according to the rules you need to do. Update the outdated furniture is not difficult as it may seem.

A little imagination and patience, and the house will be a luxurious piece of furniture.
How to paint artistic wardrobe and make a gradation of colors
The painting is widespread nowadays. People want their apartment or house was unique, without uniformity. And many furniture manufacturers are trying to release products specifically without any embellishment, so that everyone can decorate yourself. Many different approaches to the process - use the original style and is decorated with copies of famous paintings.

Give a unique absolutely any furniture, whether it is a chest of drawers, bedside table, wardrobe, desk, chair, armchair, change the look of the room so that no one will know the new interior of the old furniture.
Art painting - a fascinating case furniture will play in a new way. You love and know how to draw, it is not difficult to make out of the ordinary cabinet work of art, using all their imagination. For creative work necessary to apply acrylic paints. The image should be applied to the base. The main thing that the picture topic completely in harmony with the interior. It will look unique flora and a variety of patterns. It looks very unusual furniture, Painted way of craquelure.

Cracks will give piece of furniture is very old look.
If the cabinet a lot of boxes, more suitable gradation. Shifts between shades of the same color or you can use different colors. For example, you make a gradual transition from green to yellow, or from purple to pink or blue. The transition to be without sharp boundaries, each time should be added to the paint color pigment. You can draw a rainbow or something else, as you wish.

Especially original gradation will look in the children's room.
Now many ways to the alternating colors, they are sufficiently noteworthy. You can use any of them you like. Do not be afraid to create! Is wanted, and everything will turn out.
VIDEO: Give new life to the old cupboard.
Options for updating old cabinets - 50 photo-ideas: