How to easily get rid of the smell of urine on the couch at home

How important it is to keep your home clean and tidy, but often unpleasant smells can spoil everything. Perhaps the most favorite place for the whole family is the sofa, and that it is subjected to the greatest pollution. Upholstered furniture is able to quickly absorb surrounding odors.

Cleaning the sofa the smell of

The most difficult to get rid of the urine spots and its peculiar smell, but it is difficult - not to say impossible.

To bring such a foul odor from the couch, not necessarily send it to the dry cleaners. There are many tools you can find in the house of each family. The question arises: "How to get rid of the smell of urine on the couch at home? "This will be our article.

furniture sofa

Upholstered furniture, which is in each apartment must be cleaned regularly.


  • 1 How to display the children's urine smell
  • 2 The smell of adult human urine
  • 3 Getting rid of the odor of animal urine
  • 4 Getting rid of the stale smell of urine
  • 5 VIDEO: How to get rid of the smell of urine on the couch.
  • 6 VIDEO: How to get rid of the smell of cat urine.

How to display the children's urine smell

Every mother faced with the question: "How to get rid of the smell of urine on the couch?ยป If a wet spot left behind a baby, you should use a weak solution of potassium permanganate (light pink). It is important to remember that such a tool will approach a sofa with dark upholstery.

clean sofa

To get rid of the smell of the children's urine from the couch, you can use several tools that are at your fingertips.

Simple cleanser is also nice. Add it to the bowl with water and a sponge need to walk around the site.

how to flush the stain with furniture

The remaining foam remove with a dry cloth and let dry couch.

Great solution is soda. Small quantity can bring the stain and remove the strong smell. Soda also able to kill all the germs are on the couch, which is important because it creeps on a small child.

soda water

Dilute soda water to form a slurry and applied to the desired surface of the sofa, then vacuumed this place.

Older children can cause your couch somewhere more damage. Their urine has a peculiar smell, get rid of which it is difficult. Best of all this will help vinegar solution. You need to blend the vinegar with water (1: 5) and the resulting mixture moisten the cloth.

cleaning with vinegar

Thoroughly wring the excess solution and cover with dirt.

Should not wait longer than one hour, after which the surface should be wiped with water and dry hair dryer or iron (with tissue).

clean sofa

To completely get rid of the smell of children's selections, the procedure should be repeated 2-3 times.

The smell of adult human urine

Urination difficult to control, not only young children but also the elderly or seriously ill people. It is known that the older the person, the stronger the smell of his urine and, therefore, to deduce it is much more difficult than, say, baby.

bring stain from the sofa

You can also use modern means. Not all of them can help in the fight with the smell of urine, but some are still coping.

There are several ways:

  1. The use of chlorine;
  2. Laundry soap;
  3. Lemon juice.

Chlorine - a universal means by which it is possible not only to bring the smell, but also to remove a variety of bacteria that has accumulated on the couch for a long time.

furniture cleaning with bleach

Chlorine eliminates all kinds of unpleasant smells by killing the source of the spread - bacteria.

On the spot, apply bleach solution prepared in advance, carefully rub it (you can use a brush or sponge) and wait 25-30 minutes. Then wash the area with water and wait for it to dry, and to ensure that the process was faster, pat this part of the paper towels.

domestic cleaning methods sofa

For disinfection and treatment couch is prepared 0.5% bleach solution.

Important! This method is suitable only for a monochromatic fabric.

Using soap is the easiest and most effective way to eliminate odor. To do this, carefully lather pollution place. You can use a sponge or moistened with water and rub the part you want his soap. Leave lather appears at 10-15 minutes, then wash it and dry it is a place with a hair dryer.

laundry soap

If the smell of urine of children's long-standing and long-lasting, the lather soap sofa without using a sponge.

Many argue that in the fight against the bad smell on the furniture excels lemon juice. You will need one lemon, a bottle and a little patience.

to clean stains from the couch

Lemon juice, pour into a bottle and sprinkle the stain several times.

Wait 30 minutes, then thoroughly rinse the area with water and leave to dry. Pleasant lemon scent will last a few days, but if you or your family is allergic to citrus, this remedy should not immediately give up.

sofa cleaning

Lemon juice will not only help remove the smell, but also gives the material the sofa pleasant citrus scent.

Getting rid of the odor of animal urine

Living in the house pets - it is certainly true happiness, but if they are not accustomed to going to the tray, it can deliver a bunch of trouble to its owner.

how to take the smell of cat urine from the sofa

If you have a cat at home - the animal can go to the "toilet" on the sofa.

Many pet owners are interested in the question "As withdraw urine odor from the sofa? "It does not take much, if at all wet even little kittens or puppies.

cat urine output

It is much more of a hassle to the owner brought the animals are adults.

For removing animal urine odor typically use specialized tools. They can be purchased at a pet store or store household chemicals.

cleaning of urine

The use of improvised means does not always give an excellent result, but they are able to cope with it.

Initially, you need to remove the resulting spot and then get rid of the smell. It can help neutralize the hydrogen peroxide.

soda and peroxide

The mixture was let stand for an hour, and then brushed clean, wipe with a wet cloth, if necessary. Sofa completely clean and the smell of cat urine eliminated.

  1. A surface impregnated odor sprinkle soda.
  2. Mix hydrogen peroxide with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and to this solution add some liquid soap.
  3. Using a sponge, apply evenly received agent to the desired site.
  4. Leave for an hour and a half.
  5. Wash with water and wait for tissue desiccation.
sofa cleaning

In retail you can find a lot of money to remove the smell of urine.

If your pet has appeared from the cat family, then to remove the smell of urine is perfect lemon juice. In addition, cats can not tolerate the smell of citrus that will prevent new stains on your favorite couch.

lemon juice

Lay a couple of citrus peels in the inner surface of the sofa - the animal will never spoil your furniture.

Getting rid of the stale smell of urine

Of course, seeing the raw spot of urine on the couch, you need to act quickly. The smell of fresh spot to neutralize the easiest. Here fit all that well absorbs moisture and does not give it to penetrate deeper. But what if the stain is not detected immediately?

how to clean a sofa

How to remove the smell of urine from the couch? It will have to tinker.

Help to cope with the smell can:

  1. Alcohol;
  2. Cleaning agent;
  3. Iodine;
  4. Dry Cleaning.

First, you need to soak dried in stains. Impregnated with the smell of space to soak a small amount of alcohol, wait 1-2 hours and dried using an iron.

cleaning alcohol

Important: Never leave a wet spot on the couch (used for drying towels, iron or hair dryer), otherwise will be persistent smell of mold.

Now shops can provide a large range of cleaning products, which is composed of chlorine.

bleach for sofa

Made at home bleach solution may also come up.

A solution of iodine (per liter of water requires about 15 drops) copes with a pungent odor.

clean sofa iodine

Apply it only on the dark upholstery.

The last resort is the dry cleaning, but if it does not work, you should consider buying a new sofa.


If you are afraid to spoil the upholstery of the couch, then just give it to the dry cleaner furniture - experts know how to display a variety of spots and will be able to quickly carry out all the necessary work.

In order to avoid such situations in the future, it is better to use removable covers.

evrochehol for sofa

This not only will protect your furniture from pollution, but also saves you time!

VIDEO: How to get rid of the smell of urine on the couch.

VIDEO: How to get rid of the smell of cat urine.